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"The World Wrestling Federation really does suck...(Congy's Rant)"

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Sat 23/03/02 at 09:54
Posts: 787
It's true, it does. Seven years ago, I admit I got bored of the WWF and probably would have lost interest in wrestling completely, but for one thing. I watched ECW. ECW re-ignited my interest in wrestling here was, in my humble opinion the greatest collection of wrestlers to never make the big time all together under one roof. ECW's lower card featured really talented cruiserweights who would put their body's on te line in the name of entertainment with real, breathtaking dare-devil mpoves and when I say dare-devil I mean real life and death manweuvers, not The Hardyz safe 'daredevil' style. WCW realised this and signed almost every cruiserweight that ECW ever had.
The rest of the card was filled with wrestlers who culd avctually wrestle and they got to the very top of this company by wrestling in matches. Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino, Shane Douglas, Justin Credible, Tazz people who the WWF wouldn't put to the very top, either because they don't fit the 'ideal' of being 6'2" 245 pounds or because we all know to main event the WWF you have to be a brawler with no more than four moves.
Even those who weren't great wrestlers, the likes of Raven, The Sandman, Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and New Jack, brought something different to the table, true hardcore wrestling, thats not being hit over the head woth a tin-foil thin trashcan or sprayed in the face with a fire-extinguisher, but wrestling with barbed wire, singapore canes and the like.
Paul Heyman knew how to run his company properly, npot only did he find the cream of the worlds rejected talent, Rhyno, Sabu, Rob Van Dam he would pit these young up and comers with travelled journeymen like Tracey Smothers, Wildfire Tommy Rich, pre-mankind Mick Foley and of course Terry Funk, because he knew the only way his young wrestlers would improve was by learning off these veterans in the ring. Not by fighting some equally inexperienced try-out in front of a couple of hundred people on Metal.
Fact is the WWF does suck because all the real talent seems to end up in the Intercontinetal divison and by the time the WWF title contenders have finally retired making room for these guys to step into the limelight they are too tired and burnt out to be at their best.
I used to love my weeks worth of wrestling. Seeing WCW's cruiserweights on a Thursday and ECW on a Sunday Night night broke the monotony of the same old regurgitated WWF shows ever week. Now all I have to watch is the WWF and I'm quite frankly getting bored of all wrestling as a result. The WWF needs a contending comapny, not just to keep itself on it's toes, but to keep people like me interested...
Thu 28/03/02 at 00:56
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
I agree.

It was a lot more interesting when there was three companies all on at once battling it out.

I suppose it's a hell of a lot more profitable now though it just seems a bit too 'samey' I suppose, still that won't stop me from tuning in now and again.

On a slightly different note, I'm not so sure about this Roster Split thing, I just don't see it working out in the long run. I mean do you? Unless the WWF plan on some sort of huge interaction between the companies or this 'Draft' idea is done once a year after Wrestlemaia to keep fueds fresh with wrestlemain being where the fueds come to a head and ultimately end.

(What a good idea by me)


As for the people who stand by WWF are sad comment, errr don't think so, I will stick by the WWF, always have, always will. I find it the most interesting as a while, nothing wrong with that and it dosn't mean to say that I'm as biased as hell and dismiss any other promotion that comes about and am I sad? Far from it.
Wed 27/03/02 at 22:56
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
$h@ne0 wrote:
> Jetster wrote:
Mass Transit was
> this fat teenager you asked for a match
> in an ECW house show, he had no
> wrestling skills but ECW said ok, anyway
> he was in a match with Dvon Dudley (his
> partner) and he was against New
> Jack and some other gangster, New Jack got
> p*ssed off, he grabed a knife
> and cut the kid in his forehead (The kid agreed to
> be bladed) but New Jack
> went really deep and really wide, the cut went all the
> way from one side
> of his forehead to the other, he needed so many stiches, every
> time his
> heart beated more blood poored out his head. Then New Jack got on the
> mike
> and said things like "I did not come all the way here to face some
> fat
> kid" etc, ECW was taken to court but I think
> they won,
> thats why I hate New Jack, he is sick.

Oh dear god! I must
> get a video clip of that! :0) Anyway, New Jack's injured for life now, so his
> offbeat shinanegans are laid to rest for another generation to go and dig them
> up again. New Jack is sick though, at Hardcore Heaven 2000 (I got it last week
> on DVD, rules by the way :D), he grabbed a fecking staple gun and stapled Tony
> Devito's head! Blood was everywhere! :0)

The staples are fake, at November To Remember 2000 it was New Jack Vs Rhyno and Jack staples the ref but on the reply you can see that the staple just flies away and it does not hit him, you can also see the ref blade himself.
Wed 27/03/02 at 20:21
Posts: 0
Jetster wrote:
Mass Transit was
> this fat teenager you asked for a match in an ECW house show, he had no
> wrestling skills but ECW said ok, anyway he was in a match with Dvon Dudley (his
> partner) and he was against New Jack and some other gangster, New Jack got
> p*ssed off, he grabed a knife and cut the kid in his forehead (The kid agreed to
> be bladed) but New Jack went really deep and really wide, the cut went all the
> way from one side of his forehead to the other, he needed so many stiches, every
> time his heart beated more blood poored out his head. Then New Jack got on the
> mike and said things like "I did not come all the way here to face some fat
> kid" etc, ECW was taken to court but I think they won,
> thats why I hate New Jack, he is sick.

Oh dear god! I must get a video clip of that! :0) Anyway, New Jack's injured for life now, so his offbeat shinanegans are laid to rest for another generation to go and dig them up again. New Jack is sick though, at Hardcore Heaven 2000 (I got it last week on DVD, rules by the way :D), he grabbed a fecking staple gun and stapled Tony Devito's head! Blood was everywhere! :0)
Wed 27/03/02 at 20:09
"Where's SR?"
Posts: 1,310
The WWF will go on being the dominant wrestling company until someone else comes up with the right package of wrestling, spectacle and marketing. However with the wealth of the WWF and economic state of the world this will not happen soon.
Wed 27/03/02 at 18:36
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
†hë_Çøñg_Mðñ wrote:
> Well, my original post has apparently caused offence. Good. Those of you who
> stick blindly by the WWF are just as sad as those who are arguing on other
> forums here as to wether Playstation of Gamecube are better.

Hey, I do a lot of that! :D

PS2 rulez.
Wed 27/03/02 at 16:42
"One More Chance"
Posts: 6,887
$h@ne0 wrote:
> Mouldy Cheese wrote:
ECW was a bloodsport, like
> foxhunting. People paid
> to watch people mutilate thier bodies.

Remember Mass
> Transit.

> that where New Jack nearly got killed by that big guy? They were on some
> scaffolding or something and the big guy lost his balance, falling onto New
> Jack, sending them both to the floor, crushing all the weight onto New Jack,
> namely his head. I heard that, is it right? And do you know anywhere where I can
> see a video or a picture of it? Cheers.

Nope that happened but it aint Mass Transit, Mass Transit was this fat teenager you asked for a match in an ECW house show, he had no wrestling skills but ECW said ok, anyway he was in a match with Dvon Dudley (his partner) and he was against New Jack and some other gangster, New Jack got p*ssed off, he grabed a knife and cut the kid in his forehead (The kid agreed to be bladed) but New Jack went really deep and really wide, the cut went all the way from one side of his forehead to the other, he needed so many stiches, every time his heart beated more blood poored out his head. Then New Jack got on the mike and said things like "I did not come all the way here to face some fat kid" etc, ECW was taken to court but I think they won, thats why I hate New Jack, he is sick.
Wed 27/03/02 at 15:39
"Guess who..."
Posts: 1,134
$h@ne0 wrote:
> "There is new owner of BottieWrestling right now because of match at Close
> or True (PPV)."

If it's on pay-per-view, then they must have quite a bit
> of recognition, or it's likely that no television company would uy the rights to
> them. Are you sure they're pay-per-views or just events? There is a
> difference:

Event = Shown on TV
Pay-per-view = Shown on TV, but you have to
> pay extra for it


Same thing. And they are show on TV, but you have to have a special box sorta thing to get the channel. You can only buy these on the street though...not really illegally but...anyway. Yes, you don't really pay for the events so it's not a Pay-Per-View, my mistake.

I'm Tazz.

PS. In BottieWrestling PPV stands for something else, don't ask me what.
Wed 27/03/02 at 11:29
Posts: 0
"There is new owner of BottieWrestling right now because of match at Close or True (PPV)."

If it's on pay-per-view, then they must have quite a bit of recognition, or it's likely that no television company would uy the rights to them. Are you sure they're pay-per-views or just events? There is a difference:

Event = Shown on TV
Pay-per-view = Shown on TV, but you have to pay extra for it

Wed 27/03/02 at 11:12
"Guess who..."
Posts: 1,134
BottieWrestling could give it some competition...except they steel most of their storylines and twist them round. Eg/ There is new owner of BottieWrestling right now because of match at Close or True (PPV). AND they're definately the smallest wrestling company in the world...and nobody's heard of them. You can't look the up on the internet because you wont find I guess tis post was awaste of time.
Wed 27/03/02 at 09:30
Posts: 9,808
Well, my original post has apparently caused offence. Good. Those of you who stick blindly by the WWF are just as sad as those who are arguing on other forums here as to wether Playstation of Gamecube are better.

Who cares. My main point seems to have been lost so I will re-iterate it. The variety that ECW, WCW and WWF offered between them was what kept me interested. Now this has gone, the WWF is boring me. Particularly in it's insitence to stick by the same tired old main eventers. Those who know ECW will remember that it's financial state was what kept it interesting, it's headliners were usually signed by someone else shortly after they made it to the top, so the top of the card was kept fresh with talents coming in to take their place.

Be thankful, most of the current WWF roster made their names in ECW. and remember, a monopoly is no good for anyone. The WWF urgently needs some top draw competition.

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