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Wed 13/02/02 at 16:38
Posts: 787
SR's blurb on the Notables and why there elected (found at states that:

"One new "Notable" is elected every three months, in respect of their contribution to making the Future of Gaming forum (in the Open Forums) a very special place."

Okay, I know it's only a bit of fun and basically means nothing, but let's take that statement at face value for a moment (albeit in the usual light-hearted spirit of the elections).

Without naming any names, I think that some of those campaigning are having a laugh if they think they deserve it.

So - if you are currently campaigning for votes, please take the time in this thread to explain what you think you have brought to the forums, what sets you apart from all the other run-of-the-mill Regulars, and why the hell we should vote for you.

C'mon - you want the votes... bloody work for them! :-)
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:34
Posts: 16,548
That'll swell Ross's head a bit. Remind me not to chat to him later.
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:33
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Stryke wrote:
> So who are the deserving candidates, in you opinion, Wookiee?

Not sure I can think of them all, but...

In my opinion, these people would make good Notable's, regardless of whether they're campaigning or not...

(In no order)

Obvious choices:
ssxpro, Your Honour, Mr. Nice Guy, adrian, Mattyboy, VenomByte, The_Vottanator, Bonus, SonicRav, DeltaJava.

Stryke, Strafex, Turbonutter, Armatige Shanks, Tyla, Reaper, TomUK, savatt1668.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:31
Posts: 23,216
Sorry, I've got to do some animation stuff. Have to. Must.
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:23
Posts: 16,548
Yh wrote:

I'll also lead the Welsh football team to World Cup victory.


Done, I'll vote for you.
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:23
"poo poo for you!"
Posts: 2,161
i wouldn't mind a game 'o' chess
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:23
Posts: 14,117
Stryke wrote:
Grix Thraves wrote:

Nah, you're the only damn one so far that's told the truth about what you'll do.
Bah, since when have I said I'll change?
- - - - - - - - -

I believe Grix's statement was ain reference to my post.
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:22
Posts: 16,548
Saying that, fancy a game o' chess?
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:22
Posts: 14,117
Grix Thraves wrote:
"Nah, you're the only damn one so far that's told the truth about what you'll do."

I suppose so. Perhaps I should do a "nu-reg" style of Notable Campaign:

Ahem. Hello, friends, people, and... er, posters. When I'm made notable I promise to erase third world debt. Stop newbies spamming. Get railtrack to clear up it's act. Sort out the Post Office/Consignia.

I will also teach President Bush stuff, like where exactly Afghanistan is. The location of France - helpful facts like that which he doesn't seem to know at the moment.

I'll also lead the Welsh football team to World Cup victory.

Teach Victoria Beckham to sing.

Punch Will "Pop Idiot" in the face.

I will win GAD every day and give them away to people. Even though SR gives games away at the moment anyway.

I'll also sort out the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, and stop newbies spamming.

I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to do all this. So I won't bother. I'll go and look for porn on the 'net instead.
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:21
Posts: 16,548
Grix Thraves wrote:

Nah, you're the only damn one so far that's told the
> truth about what you'll do.


Bah, since when have I said I'll change? I might lose to you at chess though...Yeah, and you'll manage lip synch. And TBN will buy a Gamecube, and I'll write C++.
Wed 13/02/02 at 17:18
Posts: 23,216
Stryke wrote:

"Yes it does. Peasant."

If I'm a peasant, higher up in the table, then what the hell does that make you?

A rat, obviously. Smelly little rats.

And the newbies are fleas.

And JATS are flea smegma.

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