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Sat 09/02/02 at 14:28
Posts: 787
With my campaign carrying the momentum of a runaway freight train, many of you have had questions that need answering, so I have decided to allow you troglodites a piece of my busy god like schedule to help you see the light.

1. What will be the pro's of me voting for you ? Why the
hell should I do it ??

A. ::fingertips together:: Well there are many pro's to
voting for me - You get to see your family again, I
don't throw a paddy and take the whole forum with me to
hell and of course it puts me in a position where
everyone has always wanted me.

2. No really, why should I vote for you ?

A. I dunno, I play games a lot. More importantly I can
crush you like a paper cup ! ::struggles crushing the
paper cup but finally does it:: Hehe.

3. I am very stupid and blind in my choice of voting and am
thinking of voting for an alternative unworthy and
stupid individual, what are the repucussions for such
a stupid decision ?

A. Let me point out that all the rumours of people doing
such a move and being victimised, name called, beaten
with large sticks, property damaged and burnt to the
ground are not strictly true.......::glare:: Although
they're not strictly fiction either !

4. When you are elected as Notable, what will happen ?

A. All people who vote for me will recieve gameaday prizes
everyday, Army Men games will be abolished off the face
of the earth, prices on games will come down
considerably, there will be new reddie gifts at SR such
as a new sports car and there will never be bad line
connections ruining online game sessions ever again !
............What are you looking at me like that for ?
You believed the others pony and trap stories !

5. Will I ever be able to compare with your god like status
around the world ?

A. No.

6. Can I have your autograph ?

A. Yes.

::fingertips together:: Excellent...
Sun 17/02/02 at 15:12
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
savatt1668 wrote:
> Fish-e wrote:
> nah you've never beat me

you can't beat me

As i can
> see you are very
> stupid indeed, because obviously i am not a fish because
> if i was the i'
> wouldn't be able to type on here.

Some people are so
> naive

Nooooooooooo and there was me thinking you were actually a mutant
> fish from outer space. Sure your fingers aren't bio-mechanical attachments or
> something ?

Well what a disappointment :-( The mutant "one click
> of my fingers and your dead" Fish turns out to be a punk on a keyboard
> :-(

It was as predicable as an A-Team script really.
Sun 17/02/02 at 13:16
"ATAT Supremo"
Posts: 6,238
Fish-e wrote:
> nah you've never beat me

you can't beat me

As i can see you are very
> stupid indeed, because obviously i am not a fish because if i was the i'
> wouldn't be able to type on here.

Some people are so naive

Nooooooooooo and there was me thinking you were actually a mutant fish from outer space. Sure your fingers aren't bio-mechanical attachments or something ?

Well what a disappointment :-( The mutant "one click of my fingers and your dead" Fish turns out to be a punk on a keyboard :-(
Sun 17/02/02 at 03:12
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
Fish-e wrote:
> nah you've never beat me

you can't beat me

As i can see you are very
> stupid indeed, because obviously i am not a fish because if i was the i'
> wouldn't be able to type on here.

Some people are so naive

Damn why you still here?
Sun 17/02/02 at 00:19
Posts: 0
nah you've never beat me

you can't beat me

As i can see you are very stupid indeed, because obviously i am not a fish because if i was the i' wouldn't be able to type on here.

Some people are so naive
Sat 16/02/02 at 16:57
"ATAT Supremo"
Posts: 6,238
You lightweight ;-)) Your thumbs should be immune to sore thumb by now ;-)
Sat 16/02/02 at 14:42
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
i hate it when i get in the mood of not doing anything, i want to play GTA3 again but i just can't be bothered :(

anyway got capcom vs SNK 2 today for £32.99 :) bargin but now my thumb is saw damn fireball moves Grrrrrr.

so at the mo i'm giving my poor thumb a break, i aint the hardcore gamer i once was :(
Sat 16/02/02 at 03:46
"ATAT Supremo"
Posts: 6,238
Ever had a day / night where you look at your games and just don't wanna play them cause your in the mood to play a game thats not out for awhile ? Its like I want to play Halo right now but I've gotta wait and thats just really put me in a crappy mood :-|

Whats worse is I sat down and put on Wipeout Fusion which just frustrated me and made me feel worse..... Mind you saying that I did earn some stuff on it like extra weapons. Oh well, I'm off to bed..
Fri 15/02/02 at 04:13
"Ninty's best friend"
Posts: 831
cover your tackle lads that fish is back and it's biting
Fri 15/02/02 at 03:30
"ATAT Supremo"
Posts: 6,238
::snore:: Oh look whos back........Bored with beating you everynight, just go back to the Tesco's frozen section like a good little cod.....
Fri 15/02/02 at 01:08
Posts: 0
I'll show you nuts, *shoots savatt*

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha

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