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Tue 13/05/03 at 12:17
Posts: 787
Microsoft announce the 2 titles from Rare exclusive to the Xbox

Grabbed By The Ghoulies - a fighty game
Conker: Live and Uncut.

Now sit back and await the "rare suc" posts from bitter Nintys. Conker comes to Xbox.
Tue 13/05/03 at 14:06
Posts: 16,558
Goatboy wrote:
> Could that be because Rare make kiddies games?
> Personally I dont see cutesy, fwuffy games surviving on a console that
> gives you Splinter Cell, Rocky, Silent Hill, The Matrix etc etc.
> Rare - cartoon kid fun. That's why they worked on Nintendo.

the cube has splinter cell and rocky and the matrix....
Tue 13/05/03 at 13:47
"Orbiting Uranus"
Posts: 5,665
I like Nintendo Games, and Harry Potter. I'm not stupid.

Nuff Said
Tue 13/05/03 at 13:47
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
Heh. Perhaps a name change is in order.

Tue 13/05/03 at 13:45
Posts: 21,800
Oh dear....
Tue 13/05/03 at 13:42
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
*puts bread away and casts*

Nintendo aren't kiddies that think they're cool because they have a gun? Nope, it's the adult hoovering ghosts up and the X-Rated Pikmin, or the shocking filth of Super Monkey Ball.

Yup, those Microsoft babies.
Face it, Nintendo make games for kids and really stupid adults.
A bit like Harry Potter books.
Tue 13/05/03 at 13:30
Posts: 21,800
More like Rare are used to working on a console that hasn't got a fan base of immature kiddy's who think they're cool because they have games with guns.
Tue 13/05/03 at 13:16
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Goatboy wrote:
> Could that be because Rare make kiddies games?
> Personally I dont see cutesy, fwuffy games surviving on a console that
> gives you Splinter Cell, Rocky, Silent Hill, The Matrix etc etc.
> Rare - cartoon kid fun. That's why they worked on Nintendo.

Er, but aren't all of those games out or on their way to the 'Cube? Apart from Silent Hill.

Anyway, Grabbed by the Ghoulies looks good, but they've taken the platforming out of Conker, and turned it into an FPS. I sucked at those bits of the N64 game.
Tue 13/05/03 at 13:03
Posts: 10,759
Tue 13/05/03 at 12:54
Posts: 10,437
Goatboy wrote:
> Nope.
> *sits on forum-bank and throws more bread in*
> Gamecube dead within 6 months, violated by Microsoft.

Hur Hur.

If the GameCube's dead within 6 Months, the time when most of it's best games are coming out, I will decapitate myself with clothes pegs.

I mean, who cares, console wars are crap. Yeah.
Tue 13/05/03 at 12:46
"Wants Spymate on dv"
Posts: 3,025
Goatboy wrote:
> Could that be because Rare make kiddies games?

Why do you say that?
GoldenEye wasn't kiddie, despite its appearance Conker certainly wasn't kiddie, and Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, again despite cartoony characters, were fairly difficult games to complete so were probably difficult for younger kids.

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