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Sat 03/11/01 at 09:26
Posts: 787
Just Use this topic like a narmol chat room. and keep it livin'

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Fri 21/10/05 at 21:05
Posts: 5,857
JFH wrote:
> every lesson feels like an oral exam. It's so painful.

That can go one of two ways. I'll assume the clean way.
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:57
Posts: 5,953
Oswaldo²4 wrote:
> I wasn't bad at French at all; I just didn't like it.

I'm not too bad at it, got myself an A for GCSE. I hate it though, my teacher is so over enthusiastic that it's painful. The lesson moves so fast and it can be hard to keep up, and every lesson feels like an oral exam. It's so painful.
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:55
Posts: 5,857
JFH wrote:
> And what's RSPE?

RPSE = Religious, Personal and Social Education

Basically, RE, with a little bit of education about sex, drugs and life.
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:52
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
Heh, I felt the exact same way after my exams too! :D

I also remember feeling this great relief from my head, almost like steam was whistling out of my ears to release the pressure, after completing the oral exam - of all the exams I sat that year, that was probably the one I was dreading the most!

I wasn't bad at French at all; I just didn't like it.

It was always better than German anyway, I hated that like Drama and Music lessons in Year 8!! I was so glad we had the option to drop them, in the end. :)

My German teacher was the worst though - Herr "Trim", I kid you not!! Such a miserable old sod, always reaking of fags when he came near you. He always seemed to pick on me as well - me, the quiet one!! He didn't like me. Kinda like my Art teacher... One minute, he'd be showing my work off to the rest of the class. The next, he'd come around and moan about the sightest little thing on the very same piece of work, 10 minutes later. :P
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:52
Posts: 5,953
Ompulsory! You're so unlucky.

And what's RSPE?
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:50
Posts: 5,857
Count yourself lucky - us golden oldies had french as a ompulsory subject. And RPSE.
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:44
Posts: 5,953
RastaBillySkank wrote:
> You know what you're going to do for AS yet or are you gonna decide
> at the last minute? :-)

Last minute, of course. All I know is that there's no way on this Earth that I'll ever continue with French.
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:32
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Twain wrote:
> RastaBillySkank wrote:
> 1:4 boy:girl ratio at my college
> When I started at college last year, there were only two girls in my
> group. Real shame.
> Now there are none!

Heh. My Psychology class is me + 3 other blokes + 13 girls. Tutor group is about 1:3 in favour of girls. Tis a wee bit awkward when we do those crappy tutorial excercises and the issue of women's rights comes up.
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:29
"You've upset me"
Posts: 21,152
Woo. More exams at the end of this year. Then more the year after that! Fan-friggin-tastic. Still, at least college is a laff... ish. You know what you're going to do for AS yet or are you gonna decide at the last minute? :-)
Fri 21/10/05 at 20:28
Posts: 5,857
RastaBillySkank wrote:
> 1:4 boy:girl ratio at my college

When I started at college last year, there were only two girls in my group. Real shame.

Now there are none!

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