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Thu 20/09/01 at 21:11
Posts: 787
And I need your help.

Some of you may already know about my little email I got, telling me someone had a crush on me. I still haven't got a clue what it is.

But before I can get all the clues, I need to sign up with something. But it won't let me.

The reason I need to sign up is to get this word, so I can put it in a box thing. I'm sure you've all done something simular.

Anyway, help me.

The sentence is:

"Congrats. You're registered, BLANK"

So I need to find what the blank is. Any ideas?
Fri 21/09/01 at 21:09
Staff Moderator
"Must lose weight"
Posts: 5,778
It could have been Iguana (that sent the message to Grix).

She get's bored you know.
Fri 21/09/01 at 21:03
Posts: 23,216
I would ignore it, but this is more fun. :0)
Fri 21/09/01 at 20:44
Posts: 15,443
Bloody email campaigns. The way to abuse a new piece of technology. Although it's not new anymore now though, of course.
Fri 21/09/01 at 20:24
Staff Moderator
"Must lose weight"
Posts: 5,778
I get these all the time.

Dear Tony

I love you and want to sling my knickers at you etc etc

I'm great looking with firm body etc etc

I've worshipped you since the second I set eyes on you etc etc

When they let me out I'm coming after you etc etc.

Yours truly.

Just ignore 'em.
Fri 21/09/01 at 09:11
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
I got this really weird email a while back from agentsmith@thematrix, saying that i was being watched and stuff like that.

I tried to find out who it was, but they wouldnt reply. About 2 months later i put the address on an email i sent out promoting a gig of my band, and he replied "What is this for, who is this?", and we got chatting.

It turned out that he had the account long before the film, but doesnt use it anymore because since the release of the film he kept getting hacked so people could send out creepy emails under that address.
Thu 20/09/01 at 23:49
Posts: 23,284
He He

Yes I've had one of those.

All this lust from Grix must have pickled his brains.

What it is... someone who likes someone sends them e-mail with crushlink... that person then guesses by entering e-mail addresses of people BUT then those addrees get one... so really it is a small chance it was actually from someone to you personally.

Or maybe you'll get lucky.

Just go up to someone and go

OI! Right go out with me or I'll eat you

Always works.

After I get this thing cut on top of my head I'll move infor the kill.

*Sheepy Co. are not responsible for any incidents that may occur taking Sheepy's amateur advice*

Thu 20/09/01 at 23:09
"Jags is teh l33t"
Posts: 4,074
its a SPAM email. I just deleted it. Junk mail. Chain type letter.

Basisly "CRAP"
Thu 20/09/01 at 23:09
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Its a con to attract more people to their site. I got an e-mail a while ago and to get clues to the person you have to fill out details (including people you suspect it could be) it then e-mails these people saying "Someone has a crush on you" and a circle of people involved gets bigger and bigger. So either someone has put your e-mail in as a suspect for a crush or they have obtained your e-mail from another source.
I would just ignore them. Junk mail.
Thu 20/09/01 at 22:52
Posts: 2,982
Surely any girl that emails you saying they have a crush on you but wont give their name isnt worth trying to pursue anyway......

Unless youre REALLY desperate?
Thu 20/09/01 at 22:45
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
Oh, so you got the email than Grix.... yeah sorry about that....

..I was only mucking around with you as I know that they get very annoying.

:D Joke... nothing to do with me.

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