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Fri 10/08/01 at 20:40
Posts: 787
Right all, EVERY match that we write for the forum wrestling thingy must be posted here.

At first, they will not be in chronological order, but as we get going they should be.

Fri 21/12/01 at 21:17
Posts: 5,135
Ding, Ding the third fall starts and William Regal organiser of the KOTR comes down the rampway with a shopping cart full of weapons, Regal leaves them outside the ring and walks back up the rampway.

Taker (Jetster) is up after the last fall as he got The Ankle Lock. Angle (GP) is still reeling in pain on the canvas clutching his left Ankle. Taker goes to the outside and chucks some off the weapons into the ring, this fall is gonna be brutal with so much at stake, a KOTR title!

Taker now picks up the shopping cart that had all the weapons in and throws it over the top rope. Taker then gets in the ring and picks Angle up by his head and throws him into the corner, Taker starts laying right and left hands into Angles chest. Taker now gets a trashcan and runs at Angle with trash can in hand. Angle reverses it though and kicks the trashcan into Takers face. Angle then runs at Taker and does a bulldog onto the trashcan!

Angle goes for the cover 1, kick out after only a one count. Angle then picks up Taker and grabs his arm, then yanks it towards himself and then does a belly to belly suplex. Angle then picks up a Kendo stick and tries to whack Taker with it, but Taker grabs it and snaps it in half! Taker looks like he is building momentum but Angle stops all that when he starts stomping away at Takers chest. Angle then picks up Taker by his hair and chucks him to the outside.

But Taker holds onto the top rope, and Angle doesn’t see it as he has his back to Taker, not a wise move. Kurt then turns round sensing something is wrong and tries to clothesline Taker to the outside, But Taker grabs Angles arm and monkey tosses him all the way from the ring to the outside, through the announcer’s table! WOAH! Angle lay motionless on top of broken bits of what was the announcer’s table.

Angle is still laying motionless out side the ring and Taker picks up Angle’s weak body and picks up him up above his shoulders in a gorilla press position and tosses him over the ropes into the ring. Taker takes his time in getting into the ring and just laughs at Angle, Taker then goes to the outside of the ring again and this time gets a microphone. Taker gets in the ring and starts speaking “How about I make this a mini I Quit match. If Angle says he wants to give up now, then I win the match and The KOTR Title, if he don’t I will carry on with the match, just a Hardcore match, not I Quit” Taker puts the microphone to Angles mouth. But Taker doesn’t see Angle taking the brass knuckles out of his trunks and on his onto his hand, Angle exclaims “No Way A*shole” and then smacks Taker in the face with the brass knuckles! The ref didn’t see the brass knuckles and carries on with the match, cover by Angle 1, 2, no kick out from Taker.

Angle then picks up a stop sign and whacks it in Takers chest, cover by Angle 1, 2, no another near fall but Taker just gets the shoulder up. Angle then picks up Taker and goes behind him and hits a German Suplex, Angle goes for another, yes he hits it, maybe another one, no Taker reverses it and slams Angles back into the turnbuckle. Taker then puts his boot to Angles throat, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Taker then has to break the hold, but he doesn’t and carries on, Finally Earl Hebner shoves his boot away and Taker starts mouthing off at Earl Hebner, pulling his shirt and trying to be big. Taker doesn’t see Angle from behind though and Angle hits a low blow, ohhh that had to hurt, Angle then does The Olympic Slam! That’s it, it must be over, cover by Angle 1, 2, but no! Taker just gets his shoulder up before the count of three. Angle can’t believe it and starts stomping away at Taker viciously.

Angle picks up Taker and does a beautiful Fisherman’s suplex, cover by Angle 1, 2 no another kick out from the Deadman. Angle is really pis*ed off now and is at the end of his tether. Angle then does a knee to the gut and puts Taker in an armbar, Taker is reaching for the ropes with them massive tree-trunk arms that he has, but just can’t reach. Angle is now trying to pull Taker out of the way of the ropes and he does, Angle has pulled him back to the centre off the ring, Taker looks like he is gonna tap, but no, he grabs a baseball bat and whacks it on Angles arm. Taker is now up and has the upper hand, he grabs the baseball bat again and picks Angle up, and he then mocks Angle and then smacks him round the head! That echo drills through the arena.

Cover by Taker 1, 2 no its another kick out, these two men have been through a tiring match and both still are fighting for there lives, for that KOTR Title. Taker then picks up Angle and sets him up for a vertical suplex onto a trash can! WHAM, the bin is dented loads and Angles body lay on top of the carnage. Cover by Taker, no Taker changes his mind and picks Angle up, he whacks Angle in the gut with a knee and then goes behind and does a Full Nelson slam! Cover this must be it, 1, 2 nooooooo Angle kicked out, unbelievable. Angle now lays motionless in the ring with blood dripping from his face, from that Baseball bat shot from Taker.

Wait what is this! William Regal is coming down to the ring with brass knuckles on hand. Back in the ring Taker picks up Angle and lines him up for another baseball bat shot, but Angle ducks and Taker hits the ref! William Regal gets in the ring and smacks Taker in the face with his fist, which has brass knuckles on it. Angle goes for the cover, but the ref is lying motionless, Regal goes over to the ref and wakes him up, ref slowly starts the count, 1…2, no it can’t end like this, and it doesn’t! Taker just gets the shoulder up and Regal and Angle stare at each other not saying a thing. Angle goes over to Regal and asks him what to next. Taker is up though and has his hand in a Chokeslam position, Angle turns round and, smack! The hand grips on Angles neck, Wait a minute Regal is in and is looking to punch Taker, but Taker grabs Regal by the throat, here we go it’s a DOUBLE CHOKESLAM! Wham! Taker covers Angle, the Ref is dazzled but is back up and makes the count 1, 2, 3 yes its all over we have a winner. Taker becomes the first owner of the KOTR Title. Taker has gone through thick and thin to win this title and he deserves it.



Well done Jetster, you now are the proud owner of the KOTR Title, but who will he have to defend it against first?
Fri 21/12/01 at 13:25
"Too Orangy For Crow"
Posts: 15,844
This match is for a shot at Essa Rios’ (Mouldy Cheese) Light heavyweight title. We should be in for a good match as X-Pac hasn’t really lived up to the expectations and K-Kwik has something to prove as well.

“Getting Rowdy” and here comes K-Kwik (Ice Blaster). He is in for a tough match.

X-Pac’s music hits and out comes X-Pac (Kid Rock) to a ‘X-Pac sucks’ chant. He seems very angry about this.

X-Pac wants at K-Kwik straight away but the ref is restraining him. K-Kwik is taunting X-Pac. The ref calls for the bell. DING DING! This one is underway. X-Pac locks on a side headlock and starts wrenching the hold tighter. K-Kwik neatly reverses with one of his own. X-Pac fights out and pushes K-Kwik towards the ropes. X-Pac bends down, K-Kwik floats over, bounces off the ropes, X-Pac goes for a hip toss, K-Kwik reverses and does a hip toss of his own.

X-Pac (Kid Rock) is back up and they stare down each other. They grapple up and K-Kwik (Ice Blaster) takes the upper hand with an arm wrench. X-Pac tries to roll through it and is successful in reversing the hold. K-Kwik tries everything to try and escape. K-Kwik can’t escape! K-Kwik is still trying and the shoulder is definitely causing K-Kwik some distress. K-Kwik finally escapes after hitting a good Fireman’s carry.

Both are back on their feet and the crowd seem impressed with what is on show. X-Pac charges at K-Kwik, K-Kwik dodges and a drop toe hold brings X-Pac to the mat once more. At the moment, K-Kwik is outwrestling X-Pac. X-Pac is looking very frustrated at the moment. X-Pac jumps up and starts laying into K-Kwik. X-Pac continues with the constant shots and forces K-Kwik into the corner.

X-Pac (Kid Rock) with the upper hand now. K-Kwik (Ice Blaster) stumbles out of the corner, power slam by X-Pac. First cover of the match. X-Pac is applying pressure to the partial injured shoulder on this cover. 1, KICK OUT! X-Pac didn’t hook the leg and was an easy kick out in the end.

X-Pac picks up K-Kwik and hits a suplex. X-Pac starts kicking out at the injured shoulder. X-Pac is now taunting the crowd. It turns out to be a mistake as K-Kwik nips up and shoves X-Pac to the outside. K-Kwik jumps outside and starts holding his shoulder as he kicks X-Pac on the floor.

K-Kwik (Ice Blaster) picks up X-Pac (Kid Rock) and rams his head into the ring steps. K-Kwik goes to pick up X-Pac, LOW BLOW! That is typical X-Pac! X-Pac rams K-Kwik’s head into the announcer’s table and K-Kwik falls to the floor. X-Pac picks up K-Kwik’s legs, CATAPULT INTO THE RING POST! K-Kwik’s shoulder flew straight into the ring post!

‘X-Pac sucks’ chants ring out throughout the arena. X-Pac is looking even angrier now. X-Pac starts stripping the bits of the announcer’s table. X-Pac picks up K-Kwik and rolls him on the table. The ref is remonstrating with X-Pac. The refs protest are falling on deaf ears, X-Pac picks up K-Kwik, X-FACTOR!!!! THROUGH THE TABLE!!! K-KWIK HAS BEEN BUSTED OPEN!

X-Pac (Kid Rock) picks up K-Kwik (Ice Blaster) and throws him into the ring. Cover. 1, 2…………. KICK OUT!!! IT WAS SO CLOSE! K-Kwik stumbles up and sits in the corner, X-Pac spots this, starts hopping about, runs at K-Kwik, BRONCO BUSTER!!! NO, HE MISSED!!! K-Kwik managed to move out of the way.

K-Kwik could do with getting some offence in. X-Pac stumbles out of the corner holding his groin. K-Kwik climbs the turnbuckle, MISSILE DROPKICK! X-Pac is down and in a perfect position for a 450 splash! K-Kwik climbs the turnbuckle again, the ref is asking X-Pac if he is okay, X-Pac pushes the ref into the ropes. K-Kwik falls onto the turnbuckle. X-Pac jumps up and runs up the turnbuckle, HURRICARANA! OH, K-KWIK JUST REVERSED IT INTO A POWERBOMB PIN! 1, 2, KICK OUT!!!! Almost caught X-Pac out!

Both on their feet, Irish Whip by X-Pac, off the ropes, a huge spinning wheel kick! X-Pac (Kid Rock) picks up K-Kwik (Ice Blaster). X-FACTOR!!!! THIS ONE IS OVER! Cover. 1, 2………………………….. KICK OUT!!!!!!!!! How did K-Kwik do that? X-Pac is hugely frustrated!!! He goes outside the ring and throws in a chair!! X-Pac picks up K-Kwik again. The ref is remonstrating with X-Pac! X-FACTOR ON THE CHAIR!!! THE REF HAS CALLED FOR THE BELL!!

WINNER: K-KWIK (Ice Blaster) BY DQ.

X-Pac storms out of the ring bombarded by ‘X-Pac sucks’ chants. K-Kwik is a mess in the ring and has to be stretchered out. Will he be okay to face Essa Rios? Will there be a punishment for X-Pac (Kid Rock)?
Sun 16/12/01 at 19:31
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
(Music hits) Here we go then, getting set for this big tag team match-up! Making their way to the ring, Chuck Palumbo (Cong Man) and Shawn O’Haire (Big Slow)!! They strut to the ring, ready to face their biggest challenge yet.

“BOOM!!” Everyone jumps in shock, as the big red machine Kane (Starlight) walks to the squared circle! Next week Kane (will challenge) his tag team partner for tonight, the WWF Forum Champion Chris Benoit (Grandprix) for the WWF Forum Championship, so anything could happen tonight. Will they work together well? Or will they try and get themselves an advantage before next week’s huge battle.

(Benoit’s music hits) The arena erupts as the WWF Forum Champion Chris Benoit (Grandprix) emerges from behind the curtain! This man is an undefeated WWF Forum Champion, and is the only man to have ever held the title. He has overcome people such The Rock (Starlight), Mankind (Ice Blaster), Chris Jericho (BBS Scott) and The Undertaker (Jetster), but will Kane be too much for him?

The 2 men stare at each-other for a moment, the tension is amazing. But they’ll have to settle their differences for now, as Palumbo and O’Haire leap over the top rope! Palumbo (Cong Man) sends Benoit to the ground with a Crossbody, but Kane manages to catch O’Haire (Big Slow) and then powerslam him right Palumbo and Benoit! Benoit rolls away holding his stomach from the force, was than an accident? Kane picks O’Haire up by the…hair, and lands a massive uppercut! But he’s then knocked down himself, as Palumbo steams towards him and knocks him down with a Spear! Palumbo delivers the right-hands, and then stands over the fallen Kane, looking very proud of himself. He lifts his arms into the air, not seeing Benoit come from behind! Dragon Suplex! Benoit throws him into the ring and makes the first cover of the match, but Palumbo powers out early.

Benoit whips him into the ropes, and sends his knee straight into the stomach of Palumbo! He bounces off the ropes and drops an elbow, and then locks in a Chickenwing Crossface. But it’s reversed with a Snapmare, and then a hard dropkick to the back of the head! Palumbo grabs his head, impales it on the turnbuckle, and then rolls him up with a Schoolboy, 1..kick-out. Palumbo throws some punches, and then nails a big clothesline. Palumbo (Cong Man) is keeping the WWF Forum Champion down here, which is an amazing feat, and-Ohhh!! Benoit with a Low Blow, and the ref doesn’t seem to mind-I guess he’s seen enough of them in his career. Benoit hits a Snap Suplex, and then holds his hand out to Kane (Starlight) for a tag. Kane seems to hesitate before tagging, and Benoit lifts Palumbo’s arm in the air, leaving Kane to kick him hard in the gut.

Palumbo tries to rush across the ring for a tag, but fails as Kane pulls him back and grabs him by the throat! Palumbo gets out if it with a knee to the stomach, bounces off the ropes AND IS TAKEN DOWN BY A MASSIVE BOOT TO THE FACE!! Palumbo sits up, stunned, and Kane stalks him from behind. Palumbo staggers up, turns, ducks an attempted clothesline, and brings Kane down with a Reverse DDT! O’Haire (Big Slow) is screaming for a tag, and he’s nearly got it…but Kane has Palumbo’s leg, he can’t reach far enough to tag! Palumbo’s had enough-ENZIGURI KICK!! Palumbo tags, and O’Haire rushes into the ring!

Hard clothesline to Kane, and then delivers another one to Benoit (Grandprix). Kane steams towards him, but O’Haire with amazing strength hits a Powerslam! Benoit is up, and he slides between O’Haire’s legs, and looks for a Backdrop Suplex, but Palumbo slides off, and pushes the WWF Forum Champion out of the ring! He whips Kane into the turnbuckle, and Palumbo begins to throw a flurry of right-hands at him. The ref tries to break this up, but he doesn’t seem O’Haire run straight towards the corner, aiming to Dropkick Kane! Oooh!! He nails the ref with it instead, and he falls to canvas holding his head! Who’s that coming down the ramp with a steel chair?? It’s the former Hardcore Champion, Grandmaster Sexay (Ant)!! He is irate that he lost his title earlier in a match he wasn’t even supposed to be in, and he’s going to take out his anger on the participants in this match! WHAM!! Massive chairshot to Benoit (Grandprix) WHAM!! Another to Palumbo!! WHAM!! O’Haire is knocked down!! Grandmaster is about to hit Kane, but the big man turns, grabs the chair and shakes his head! He’s about to hit Grandmas-no, wait, he’s thrown the chair away, He seems pleased that Grandmaster hit Benoit…he’s telling Grandmaster to go to the top rope!

The former hardcore champ does so, and he puts the flying goggles on! Benoit is still motionless! Kane makes the cut-throat signal, and GMS leaps, nailing the WWF Forum Champ right on the neck with the Hip Hop Drop! Grandmaster runs back up the ramp, seemingly pleased at his doings.

Kane (Starlight) is still the legal man, and he picks up the other legal man O’Haire (Big Slow), grabs him by the throat, AND SCORES WITH A MASSIVE CHOKESLAM!! Kane makes the cover, 1…2…3, this one is over!

Palumbo (Cong Man) and O’Haire (Big Slow) are both unconscious, and Kane steps out of the ring victorious. He looks down at Benoit (Grandprix) and then picks him up! He puts him on his shoulders, and WHAM!! Kane with his own version of The Last Ride!! How much damage has this done to the WWF Forum Champion? Will he be able to defend his title next week!?

The winners of this match, Kane (Starlight) and Chris Benoit (Grandprix).

Thanks for reading, Ant.
Sun 16/12/01 at 18:53
Posts: 5,135
Hello and welcome to this Hardcore Rivalry match, Raven and Rhyno have been feuding for months and it is finally gonna come to an end tonight at SR RAW IS WAR!

The crowd waits for Rhyno’s (Jetster) or Raven’s (Starlight) music to start, but the music doesn’t start, have both men for-fitted, what is going on?

Suddenly, we see Raven rushing into Rhyno’s locker room on the titantron and he starts attacking Rhyno, I guess this is the match starting backstage!!!!!!!!

Raven starts laying right and left hands to Rhyno and knocks him down, Raven then gets a ornament and smashes it on Rhyno’s head, cover by Raven using the 24/7 rule 1, 2 no kick out from Rhyno. Raven gets up and gets Rhyno’s head and smashes it on Rhyno’s locker room door. Both men are now in the corridor, and are met by Crash (GP) who hits a double clothesline, but no Raven & Rhyno duck and Rhyno slams his locker room door into Crash’s face.

Rhyno now turns round and hits a Superkick to Raven’s face, cover 1, 2 kick out by Raven. Rhyno gets up and picks both Crash and Raven up and slams their heads together, Ouch! Rhyno now drags Raven into the the APA Office, where Faarooq (Longy) & Bradshaw (Kid Rock) are waiting for them, The APA hit a double clotheslines to Rhyno & Raven and start stomping away on them. The APA then has had enough of them and throw’s them out of their room. Both men get up at the same time and start fightingit out with punches, Rhyno gets the better and goes through the curtains into the arena, where Rhyno slams Raven’s face onto the titantron.

Who’s this coming from the crowd? Its RVD (Seifer), the chants start as he climbs over the barrier with chair in hand and whacks Rhyno with the chair, and then Raven gets the treatment as well! What a fight this is! The whole hardcore division will be down if we keep going on at this rate! RVD now does a rollin thunder to Rhyno, then to Raven…………No, Raven rolls away and RVD splashes the floor! Raven and picks up RVD, no he can’t do this, but having said that Raven throws RVD off the rampway crashing threw a table! But Raven doesn’t see Rhyno and Rhyno GORE, GORE, GORES Raven off the stage crashing on top off RVD, and the Rhyno crashes onto the two men, what a bloody mess, Rhyno and Raven have there faces seeping with blood off the treatment off RVD, Chairs to faces. All three men are down and are doing nothing but recovering.

WWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLL, WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW! (Longy) Big Shows music hits and the big man comes out of the curtains to look at the carnage, Big Show just laughs and out comes The Hardcore Champion Grand Master Sexay (Ant). What’s this Grand Master puts the glasses on Big Show and TURN IT UP! Music starts and The Big Show and Grand Master start dancing! “This is no place for a song and dance you two, but its none the less funny watching Big Show dance,” exclaims The King. Wait a minute Big Show stops dancing and grabs Grand Master by the throat. Those glasses magic seems to have stopped and the magic has weared off as The Big Show hits the SHOW STOPPER to Grand Master. Must be a new hardcore champion 1, 2, 3 yes we have a NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION, THE BIG SHOW. Big Show tries to get away from the arena with his new Hardcore title, but Grand Master is up very suprisingly quickly and picks up that chair RVD had, and smashes it on Big Shows belly, then his Face. Cover by Grand Master, 1, 2, and 3 GRAND MASTER HAS AGAIN RETAINS HIS TITLE! Grand Master runs off through the crowd back to his locker room.

Back to the side of the rampway, Rhyno slowly gets up and staggers about a bit before covering two men RVD & Raven 1, 2, no! Raven just got his arm up before the count off three. RVD hasn’t moved a muscle after that vicious throw of the rampway through a table by Raven. Paramedics come and check on RVD, its looks bad. Back to the match and Rhyno drags Raven by his hair though the curtains at the side off the ring and into The Parking Lot!

When the two get their, there is a massive all out brawl between all the Hardcore Division, Brian Adams (BB Scott) is there and is on top of a car bonnet fighting it out with Justin Credible (Rickoss).
Rhyno and Raven join in the all out brawl and Raven joins in the fight to pin Grand Master for his Title.Viscera (AfroJoe) has just slammed Grand Master onto a car bonnet. Goes for the cover, maybe new Hardcore champion, 1, 2, no Raven breaks it up and drags Viscera onto the car bonnet

Meanwhile Rhyno joins in the fight at getting Big Show (Longy) down on the floor, so far Big Show has fended of Hardcore Holly (Ice Blaster) & Crash (GP) and is running at Rhyno when, Rhyno hits THE GORE! Raven and Grand Master now team up and try and do a double suplex to Viscera, but they can’t do it and Viscera suplex’s two people onto a car bonnet! WOW! Cover by Viscera on Grand Master, no Raven shoves Viscera off Grand Master’s body straight away and goes for the cover himself on Grand Master 1, 2 nope, not today for Raven, Viscera double axe handles Raven’s back

Meanwhile Rhyno comes over to Raven, Viscera & Grand Master and joins in this brawl. This is one hell of a match! Rhyno shoves his shoulder into Ravens chest into the car bonnet 3 times, before trying it Viscera, but he can’t and Viscera lays a right hand onto Rhyno’s back, which knocks him to the floor. Grand Master now trys and gets I the car and drive away with his title, but Viscera pulls him out and stomps him a few times.

Rhyno now goes over to Viscera and smashes his head a few times on the bonnet, then drags Viscera away from Grand Master and Raven, Rhyno then gets near a car and puts him on the bonnet, Rhyno gets on it as well and both men are standing on top of it and RHYNO, HO MY GOD GORES VISCERA THROUGH THE WINDOW! Rhyno and Viscera are cut open and Rhyno lands on top luckily off Viscera and covers him 1, 2, 3 its all over Rhyno has won the match!

But wait Raven has seen Rhyno won the match, but picks up Grand Master and drags him slowly on top of another car, god what is it with these cars! And he RAVEN EFFECTS GRAND MASTER ONTO THE CAR BONNET, cover by Raven on Grand Master 1, 2, 3 yes RAVEN HAS WON THE HARDCORE TITLE, he then starts the engine of the car and drives off with his new title. Grand Master is knocked out and has lost his title! Rhyno and Viscera have glass all over them and lay motionless in the car!!!!!!!!!!!!




What a match, I hope you all enjoy reading that. If this ain’t long, I don’t know what the word Long means then! :D

What did you think to that then?
Sun 16/12/01 at 18:24
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
“DONG! Dead Man Walking…” The crowd erupt with boos as The Undertaker (Jetster) gets set for the following hardcore match! He will be taking on the King of Hardcore RVD (Seifer) and also a surprise entrant in Chris Kanyon (Big Slow).

(RVD’s music hits) A massive pop for Rob Van Dam (Seifer) as he struts to the ring! “Rob…Van…DAM!”

“Who better than Kanyon!?” Not much of a response for Chris Kanyon (Big Slow). I’m not sure how he will cope in this sort of environment.

RVD leaps into the ring and heads towards the Undertaker. He takes the big man down with a dropkick to the legs, and then an insulting kick to the face! Meanwhile, Kanyon is throwing weapons into the ring, and grabs a big STOP sign for himself. He calmly waits on the outside as Taker and RVD continue to battle on. RVD has picked up a trash can lid that Kanyon threw in, and he smashes it over Undertaker’s head! RVD whips him into the turnbuckle and sprints towards him, nailing a hard clothesline. Undertaker slips down, and we know what RVD will do here! He holds the trash can lid in front of him, runs at Taker and OH!! Taker smacks his fist into the chair, causing it to rebound into the face of RVD! But Taker has hurt himself in the process. Big Slow decides to take advantage of the situation, and he quickly covers RVD. 1…2…and Taker breaks it up! Taker throws some hard right hands, whips him into the ropes and delivers a devastating boot to the face! WHAM!! From behind RVD comes with the stop sign that Kanyon dropped earlier.

Jetster as The Undertaker staggers, trying not to fall, but RVD bounces off the ropes, throws the stop sign in the air and with perfect timing and balance hits a dropkick on the falling weapon, which connects with The Undertaker’s head! AMAZING! Seifer celebrates, and the crowd begin the RVD chant. Kanyon tries to use a fire extinguisher on RVD, but RVD ducks and VAN DAMINATOR!!! The force of the kick causes Kanyon to fly out of the ring to the outside. RVD slowly climbs to the top turnbuckle, gulps, and leaps-but no, he’s knocked off by…by Raven (Starlight)!! What the hell is he doing here? Starlight, the first ever hardcore champion…is this some sort of no.1 contender match!? Raven puts a chair on the floor, picks up a groggy Undertaker (Jetster) and hooks him up for a Raven Effect! WHAM!! You could hear that echo through the arena! He covers Undertaker, 1…2…but Big Slow from no where breaks it up!

Kanyon (Big Slow) exchanges right-hands with Raven (Starlight) and gets the upper hand. Kick to the stomach, Gut-Wrench Suplex! Kanyon begins the first real wrestling of the match, hooking him up for an overhead suplex. But Starlight slides off, bounces off the ropes and takes him down with a Bulldog! He climbs to the second rope and lifts his arms in the air to the crowd, not seeing someone else enter into the ring! He jumps down, turns and GORE!!! GORE!! GORE!! Rhyno (also Jetster) nails his big rival Raven (Starlight) with an absolutely massive gore! He hooks the leg, 1…2..and RVD (Seifer) off the second rope with a leg drop breaks it up! Rhyno rolls out of the ring holding his head, and RVD climbs the turnbuckle again, this time to the top. He signals to the crowd, 5-STAR FROG SPLASH!! But somehow Starlight moves out of the way, causing Seifer to smash straight into the unforgiving canvas! All carnage is breaking loose, I mean Raven (Starlight) and Rhyno (Jetster) aren’t even meant to be in this match! But it’s hardcore rules remember-there are no rules! Everyone is down!

“TURN IT UP!” Now what!? It’s the current hardcore champion, Grandmaster Sexay (Ant)! He dances to the ring, the crowd cheering! He heads straight for the top, and he points to The Undertaker, who’s still lying in the ring! He puts the flying goggles on, lifts his arms in the air and WHAM!! HIP HOP DROP!! Grandmaster makes a cover, 1…2…and The Undertaker powers out! Unbelievable! Ant gets to his feet, stunned. Jetster smiles, and delivers a hard clothesline! He whips the hardcore champion into the ropes, and grabs him by the throat! CHOKESLAM!! Grandmaster isn’t moving, is this the end of his title reign!? Jetster pins him,

1…2…and Brian Adams (BBS Scott) breaks it up, by spraying the fire extinguisher everywhere! Undertaker staggers around, wiping his eyes, but Brian Adams kick him in the gut, POWERBOMB!! Rhyno (Jetster) runs towards him, looking for a gore, but BBS hits a kick to the face! Rhyno goes straight down, and Adams makes a cover, 1…2…and Rhyno just gets the shoulder up!

Oh my god…someone big is walking down the ramp…someone very big! I don’t believe it! It’s the Big Show (Longy)!! Raven (Starlight) runs towards him, but the Show grabs him by the neck, HUGE CHOKESLAM!! RVD (Seifer) is on the top turnbuckle again, and leaps, looking for a Flying Crossbody! But he’s caught in midair, and then put across the Big Show’s shoulder! SMASH!! My God!! He was just power-slammed onto the steel steps! But Undertaker (Jetster) off the top rope, knocks him down with a Flying Clothesline! As The Undertaker slowly gets up, Justin Credible (Rickoss) runs from the back, holding a table! He hits Taker in the stomach with it, knocking him to his knees! He tells Chris Kanyon (Big Slow) to pick him up and put him on the table…he does so, while Justin climbs to the top rope! Remember, this is happening on the outside of the ring! Credible lifts his arms in the air, and gets set to jump! But Ant purposefully bounces on the ropes, causing Credible to fall! Taker kicks Kanyon where the sun don’t shine and scrambles off the table, and Rickoss falls straight through it! The crowd go wild at the sight of broken wood!

Ant slowly turns around and WHAM!! Crash (Grandprix) with a steel chair shot to the head! Surely it’s finally over! 1…2…but Hardcore Holly (Ice Blaster) breaks it up! He kicks Crash in the gut, lifts him up, ALABAMA SLAM!! Where have all these people come from!? There was only meant to be 3 people in this match, now it’s basically the whole Hardcore division! Ice Blaster turns to celebrate, but is met by Bradshaw (Kid Rock) who nails a Clothesline from Hell! Standing on the second rope is another new entrant, Shane McMahon (Cong Man)!! He has a Kendo Stick, and he jumps, nailing Kid Rock right between the eyes with it! Shane makes a cover, 1…2…and it’s broken up by Tazz (Mouldy Cheese) who locks in the Tazzmission! And meanwhile, Viscera (AfroJoe) is in the ring, and he hits a Big Splash on Bradshaw (Kid Rock) and then Hardcore Holly (Ice Blaster)!! Both men roll outside the ring and he follows, as do Cheese and Cong Man, who are seemingly looking for more foreign objects!

Everyone’s on the outside, some in the crowd, apart from the 2 big rivals Raven (Starlight) and Rhyno (Jetster)! Raven has him set up for the Raven Effect, but with amazing strength Rhyno reverses, flipping Starlight over and onto the mat! Jetster goes to the corner, waiting for him to get up. The crowd know what’s coming! GORE!! GORE!! GORE!! Rhyno hooks the leg, 1…2…3!!!! Finally!! Finally, this absolutely unbelievable match has come to an end! A match which was supposed to have 3 entrants, ended up with the whole hardcore division in there, including the champ, who has seemingly escaped with his title still intact! But what has this match done for Rhyno (Jetster) and Raven (Starlight)!? These 2 are set to battle it out next week, but it’s Jetster who gets the first laugh!

The winner of this match, Rhyno (Jetster.)
Sun 16/12/01 at 17:29
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
The following is a Hardcore Championship match between the current champion Grandmaster Sexay (Ant) vs. Rhyno (Jetster) vs. Tazz (Mouldy Cheese)

A quiet beat plays, smoke floods the top of the ramp and orange lights scope the arena, BOOM! An explosion and Tazz (Mouldy Cheese) walks out of the mist looking as mean as ever, Tazz from the Red Hook District makes his way to the ring and celebrates to the crowd but not receiving a good reception, and evil grin can be seen on his face.

Next Rhyno (Jetster) music hits and the man beast from Detroit Michigan makes his way to the ring looking more raged than ever, however he doesn’t enter the ring with Tazz instead he paces around outside next to the announce table.

TURN IT UP!! A huge pop erupts for the hardcore champion Grandmaster Sexay!! (Ant) GM dances and poses his way to the ring much to the crowds approval who cheer him on! HE stands on the ring apron with his belt held up high and begins swinging his arms from side to side dancing, the crowd simply love it!!

The bell rings and before GM can enter the ring Tazz bolts across the ring and knocks the Hardcore champion flying to the floor, with this though Rhyno has entered the ring and is behind Tazz, he’s poised ready! What’s this!? Rhyno is setting him up, Tazz turns around and Rhyno charges across the ring going for his signature manoeuvre!! Tazz sidesteps Rhyno who was going for the gore and Rhyno flies through the ropes that was close! GM is to his knees and scampers under the ring and pulls out some foreign objects including steel chairs trash cans!! GM throws all weapons into the ring bar a trash can lid and slides in, Tazz is going for the weapons GM just threw in but this was a carefully plotted distraction and GM smacks the Trash can lid over the back of the head of Tazz!

GM nails another three shots to the head with the trash can lid before it becomes out of shape and unusable and he tosses it out of the ring, GM takes advantage of Tazz’s disorientated state and whips him across the ring and as he bounces off the ropes delivers a beautiful dropkick knocking Tazz down, cover by GM, 1.2……….Kick out by Tazz. The human suplex machine grabs at GM waist, GM is stood up and Tazz is still on his knees, GM repeatedly double axe handles Tazz’s back but to no avail, then miraculously despite the beating Tazz sustained he is able to power himself to his feet with GM hoisted up on his back!! WHAM!!! Tazz slams Grandmaster down driving him down on the back of his neck!! What a whiplash effect!!

Meanwhile Rhyno is to his feet on the outside and he grabs Tazz’s leg and pulls him out and the two exchange blows! Rhyno whips Tazz into the steel stairs hard shoulder first!! You could hear the impact throughout the arena!! GM is still rolling around the ring holding his neck, he took a nasty knock earlier. Rhyno picks Tazz up to his feet when suddenly Raven (Starlight) storms the ring coming out from the crowd and attacks Rhyno!!! These two have a huge problem with one another and both have cost each other the Hardcore Title on numerous occasions here in the WWF Forum Wrestling.

Raven slogs it out with Rhyno and the two ascend up the ramp, Rhyno whips Raven into the metal structure under the titantron and continues to peruse him with an angered look on his face, Raven holding his back from the impact escapes through the curtains into the back with Rhyno in hot pursuit. Back in the ring GM is back up and Tazz slides into the ring shocked at what has happened, GM pounces on him and hammers away at his back, Grandmaster Sexay (Ant) goes and picks up a trash can and as soon as Tazz (Mouldy Cheese) gets to his feet WHACK!! He nails him with it, Tazz falls down but in a rage Grandmaster continues to beat on Tazz with it, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!! Again and again GM smashes the trash can over Tazz until it is completely destroyed and e kicks it from the ring, the crowd give out a big cheer for the brutality and GM covers, 1-2………..Amazing!!! Tazz kicked out, GM is in honest shock!!

Finally camera men have got backstage and Rhyno and Raven can be seen still battling in the back, both men throw each other into nearby debris, battering and bruising their bodies even more! Raven picks up and wooden plank and smacks it over Rhyno’s head forcing it to break in half!!! Rhyno goes down and Raven beats on him! He picks him up and whips him into some conveniently laid metal pipes CRASH!!

Again in the ring the fight for the Hardcore Title continues and GM whips Tazz off the ropes but Tazz reverses and on GM’s return locks him in position around the neck and TAZZPLEX!!! That must have pulled at GM’s neck even more! GM is withering in pain as Tazz makes a lateral press, 1-2……Kick out!! Wow!!! Even the crowd can’t believe that and clap in approval of such spirit! Tazz gets annoyed and picks up the steel chair, oh no he can’t do this, he picks GM up and ties him in between the ropes leaving him unable to move or defend himself. In the back Rhyno and Raven have fought their way to where the WWF lorries are parked and Raven gets his head repeatedly rammed into the truck Rhyno then looks around and notices something off camera, he grabs Ravens head and he can be heard saying “You will NEVER interfere in my business again!” and points at Raven aggressively. Rhyno then takes Raven and charges him by his head and CRASH!!!!!!! Raven is sent SMASHING THROUGH A WINDOW!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! Raven is not moving he’s lying motionless with marks and cuts all over his body, Raven has been cut open brutally!! Rhyno then runs off as the camera turns to look at a battered Raven.

The crowd are going crazy as Tazz lines the Steel chair up with GM and WHAM!!!! Tazz creams Grandmaster Sexay he become untangled from the ropes and staggers out, Tazz stalks him and locks it in TAZZMISSION!! Tazz lock him up, GM is in great pain and won’t last but what’s this!!! Rhyno is coming down the aisle, Tazz hasn’t noticed and is pulling away at GM’s neck, Rhyno slides into the ring Tazz still holding GM turns and BOOM!!! GORE, GORE, GORE!!! Rhyno gored both victims and they both go down, GM falls out of the ring as Rhyno pulls himself back up.

Rhyno makes the cover, this is it, it’s over!! 1-2……Wait a minute Grandmaster Sexay pulled the referee out of the ring!! The title should be around Rhyno’s shoulders right now! Rhyno gets out of the ring and towers above GM, GM is in fear and Rhyno nails him with a right hand knocking him down, the ref gets back in the ring as GM is thrown in. Rhyno follows him in but GM has picked up the Steel chair!! WHAM!!!! He creams Rhyno, WHAM!! Again while he is down he smacks the chair against his head, the cover 1-2……3!!!!!!!!! It’s over somehow again Grandmaster Sexay keeps his belt!!!!! He must be extremely lucky!!

GM quickly escapes down the aisle with his belt and into the back before his opponents recover.

Unlucky Mouldy and Jetster

Thanks for reading Andy, Starlight
Sun 02/12/01 at 16:04
Posts: 23,695
llo and welcome to the first ever forum Cage Match and this important match will be for the Intercontinental Title, currently held by Val Venis (Cong Man). His challenger will be Y2J Chris Jericho (BB Scott). Enjoy!

The countdown begins. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The fireworks go flying up! Break the Wall Down!! Chris Jericho comes out to a mixed reaction from this crowd. He walks around, checking all the Cage walls are stable for this match before climbing in.

Val Venis's music hits. The IC Champion makes his way to the ring wearing his newly-won IC Title belt. Val seems reluctant to get in the ring with Y2J who is taunting him. Finally Jericho seems to have touched a nerve. Val climbs in, the bells rings, the ref locks the door and off we go.

Val starts the match with a run at Jericho but Y2J ducks under what looked to be a very hard clothesline and gets in some punches of his own. He gets to 5 hits on Val's face but Val Venis counters the last punch and gets round the back of Jericho, stretching his arm onto his back. Then Val pushes Jericho into the ropes and on his return, Jericho recieves Val's knee in his gut, causing him to flip over. Venis starts stamping on Y2J's head. Val bounces off the ropes and tries to drop an elbow into Jericho, who rolls out of the way in time. Val gets up and recieves a dropkick to the head. Y2J now is looking to toss Val into the cage. CRASH! Oh that looked like a nasty one. Jericho does it on the opposite side for more effect. It looks like Y2J is going for a LIONSAULT! Oh, but Val got his knees up. Val picks him up and hits a German Suplex. He goes for the cover. 1, 2, and thr - no. Kick out by Jericho.

Val Venis is now slamming Y2J's head into all sides off the cage. 4 huge crashes off metal leave Jericho face down on the mat, clutching his head. Val is now making an attempt at climbing the cage. Jericho is starting to move. He is bleeding hard above his eyes. Val is now on the top rope and reaching out for the top of the cage. Jericho is up on his feet. LOW BLOW! Y2J just used a low blow on Val, who falls back onto the mat, holding his lower extremities, where he was hit. Jericho off the ropes. Lionsault! He hits the Lionsault. Cover - 1, 2 no, Val kicks out. Jericho can't beleive it. Jericho pulls Val up and gets behind his back. It looks as if he is trying to set up the Breakdown. Val counters with an elbow to the face and then turns around and grabs Jericho. FISHERMAN SUPLEX!! Val hits it and crawls into a cover. 1, 2, 3. Yes - oh no. Y2J had a foot on the ropes. The Ref is ordering the match to go on. It was nearly over right there.

Val is now making another attempt to climb the cage. So is Jericho at the other end. He is still pouring with blood and is going a lot slwoer than Val. Val spots him climbing and makes his way round on the inside perimiter of the cell along the top rope. Both men make it to the top. Val gets there first and starts poundind on Jericho, but he manages to hit Val below the belt again, but this time in a more precarious position. On top of the Cage. Jericho is moving Val. He rolls him OH My GOD! Straight off the cage! Onto the mat below. Val lands hard on the mat on his back. He is out cold.

All Y2J needs to do now is climb down and he will be the new IC Champion. But Y2J has other plans. He turns with his back facing the inside of the ring. No Jericho, don't. MOONSAULT OFF THE CAGE!!! He missed Val, who got out of the way at exactly the right time. OH MY GOD! Val is stirring. He need to get the cover. Y2J may have broken ribs. Val doesn't seem to be going for the cover. He is heading up to the top rope. MONEY SHOT! WHAM! He connects the Money Shot. It's over. 1, 2, 3. DING DING DING! Here is your winner and stiiiilll Intercontinental Champion, Val Venis.

Well done Val (Cong Man). Bad luck Jericho (BB Scott)

Thanks 4 reading, Afro.
Fri 30/11/01 at 14:50
"Too Orangy For Crow"
Posts: 15,844
We are into the crucial stages of the King of the Ring tournament. The remaining 4 wrestlers who have made it to this stage, have produced the goods, cheated to get here or are just plain lucky. The question now is will RVD or Taker make it to the King of the Ring final?

RVD (Seifer) heads to the ring first. He’ll be hoping to get his educated feet working and book his place in the KOTR final.

The Undertaker (Jetster) is heading to the ring on his motorbike and he is looking mean. The Undertaker is up for this match.

Taker enters the ring and has his eyes fixed on RVD. They begin exchanging words. RVD starts his hand gestures. R…..V…….Huge punch in the face by Taker! That has stunned RVD and he walks straight into a hard scoop slam by Taker. RVD staggers to his feet and grabs the ropes. Irish Whip by Taker and RVD runs right into a clothesline. RVD needs to come up with some offence or this one will be over quickly.

RVD (Seifer) is on the mat. Taker (Jetster) stands over him, RVD hits a leg sweep and Taker is down. RVD runs off the ropes and hits the wonderful looking Rolling Thunder! Cover by RVD. 1……KICK OUT! Very emphatic kick out by Taker.

Both are on their feet now. RVD with an Irish Whip, Taker bounces off and gets caught by a huge spinning kick! RVD springs up the turnbuckle willing Taker to get up. Taker gets up; RVD jumps off, big superkick in the face of Taker! Another cover by RVD. 1……….2………KICK OUT! Not so emphatic this time.

RVD (Seifer) has full control. He picks up Taker (Jetster), whips him off the ropes, ducks an attempted clothesline but gets caught by a standing superkick by RVD and Taker falls through the ropes and to the outside of the ring. RVD runs, FLYING CROSSBODY! TAKER CAUGHT HIM! Taker runs and RVD’s back hit the ringpost.

Taker wastes no time and whips RVD into the steel steps! RVD is struggling; Taker picks him up, OH NO! HE CAN’T DO THIS! HE IS GOING FOR THE LAST RIDE ON THE STEEL STEPS! Taker sets RVD up, signals the Last Ride, RVD reverses and Taker’s back lands awkwardly on the steps!

RVD (Seifer) slams Taker’s head on the security barrier and Taker (Jetster) hangs on the barrier. RVD springs onto the ring apron, flies off and hits a beautiful spinning kick on the already injured back of Taker! RVD throws Taker into the ring and goes for the cover. 1………..2………….KICK OUT! What a show of resilience by Taker!

RVD grabs Taker and throws him towards the turnbuckle. RVD goes to Taker; Taker grabs RVD by the throat, puts him by the turnbuckle and hits numerous killer body shots. RVD stumbles out from the turnbuckle; Taker grabs the arm and twists it. He twists it again and picks up RVD in an amazing show of strength. Taker drops him but keeps hold of the twisted arm. Taker heads toward the turnbuckle and shouts OLD SCHOOL! WHAM! A HUGE IMPACT BY TAKER! Cover by Taker. 1…………2……KICK OUT!

Taker (Jetster) is clutching his back still. He picks up RVD (Seifer) and whips him off the ropes. RVD reverses, Taker avoids a kick, Taker flies off the ropes and hits a huge diving shoulder block and RVD is down. Taker is stalking RVD with his arm raised. RVD staggers up, stumbles towards Taker, CHOKESLAM!! Taker has this won! Cover. 1………2………..FOOT ON THE ROPES!!! AGONY FOR TAKER! Taker is fuming!

Taker picks up RVD, Taker sets him up for the Tombstone Piledriver! RVD battles out and pushes Taker straight into the ref! The ref is down! Taker runs off the ropes and hits a running DDT. Taker sees the ref is out and heads outside the ring and grabs a chair. Taker smacks the ref with the chair to keep him down. The ref didn’t see who it was, so it is no DQ.

Taker (Jetster) raises the chair but RVD (Seifer) slides through Taker’s legs and grabs the chair off him. Taker turns round, RVD throws the chair at Taker, Taker grabs it, VAN DAMINATOR!! The ref is still out so RVD heads for the turnbuckle. RVD climbs up, 5 STAR FROG SPLASH!!! RVD has got this one won! Cover. THERE IS NO COUNT! RVD goes to check the ref. RVD turns round, Taker kicks RVD in the stomach, THE LAST RIDE!!!! I DON’T BELIEVE IT!! TAKER JUST LAST RIDED RVD ON A CHAIR!!! Cover by Taker! 1……….2………….3!!! TAKER WINS!!! The chair was covered by RVD and the ref didn’t see it! Taker is through to the King of the Ring final!

WINNER: The Undertaker (Jetster)
Thu 29/11/01 at 13:44
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
European title match: Grandmaster Sexay VS William Regal VS Jeff Hardy VS Edge. Special guest referee is Eddie Guerrero.

“Latino Heat”. Eddie Guerrero’s music hits and out he walks in his referee’s top. He announces this match is for the vacant WWF European Championship.

First to enter, representing Ant, Grandmaster Sexay. He enters to huge applause.

Next up, the Alliance Commissioner, for Grandprix- William Regal. He is booed into the arena.

Thirdly, Rawisandy’s man, highflying daredevil: Jeff Hardy.

Finally, Jet’s Edge. He enters to a mixed reaction.

All four men are in the ring at once. Three men will be eliminated; the last man standing will be the new European champion.

“Ding ding ding”.

This match is underway.

Edge and Regal square of as Jeff and Sexay lock up.

Edge throws Regal into the ropes and hits a clothesline sending Regal down. Edge taunts Regal (Grandprix) which gives Regal enough chance to get up. Both men exchange rights and lefts. Edge (Jet) comes out on top. Edge kicks Regal low in the abdomen and strikes a DDT. Regal is down as Edge makes a cover and Eddie makes a count…

…Kick out. Regal (Grandprix) gets the shoulder up. Regal is groggy but makes his way up; he throws Edge into the turnbuckle and hits a running clotheslines. Regal strikes Edge (Jet) a few times before going for another clothesline. Edge flies out of the corner and hits a spear. Both men are down on the floor…

…Meanwhile Grandmaster Sexay (Ant) and Jeff Hardy (Rawisandy) are battling it out. Jeff momentarily has the upper hand and is using his quickness to dominate the Grandmaster. Jeff picks up Grandmaster from the floor and throws him into the ropes. Hurricanrana and a pin.
Kick out. Grandmaster (Ant) kicked out of the pin from, Hardy (Rawisandy). Grandmaster reverses a few of Hardy’s punches and hits a back-breaker. He stomps on Jeff a few times before he picks him up. Sexay hits a Russian leg-sweep and the walks to the corner. He climbs up, pulls on the goggles.

Wham GMS hits. Goes for the cover
… A Kick out, oh my goodness, a kick out, how did Jeff (Rawisandy) have the energy to do that. They tie up once more, Irish whip by Jeff, GMS (ant) ducks, but then walks back into a twist of fate! Wham. GMS is down,

Hardy has his turn to climb the turnbuckle. The crowd are excited. WHAM!! Swanton Bomb. Direct hit, Jeff feels the pain but crawls to Sexay, he puts one arm over GMS. Eddie Guerrero makes the count…


“Ding ding ding”

“The first elimination is Grandmaster Sexay (Ant).

GMS crawls out of the ring and is very frustrated as he walks back to the locker room.

In the ring there is three men left. Regal (Grandprix) Edge (Jet) and Jeff Hardy (Rawisandy). AS Edge and Regal battle it out, Jeff takes some time out in the corner.

Regal ties up with Edge, Edge reverses: Arm-bar take down- Regal holds his arm in pain. Regal makes his way up but is sent straight back down again with a dropkick.

Edge (Jet) looks at Jeff (Rawisandy). He signals that they should work together to eliminate Regal first. Jeff agrees and they both start to lay into Regal. Double suplex. Regal holds his back in pain. Jeff Irish whips Regal into the corner and kneels down. Edge runs up, using Jeff as a boost- hits Regal with a splash. Regal walks groggily towards the middle as both Jeff and Edge hit a double bulldog. Jeff goes to the left corner as Edge goes to the opposite one. They both climb up. Wham! Edge (Jet) and Jeff (Rawisandy) come down on Regal (Grandprix) like a ton of bricks. Edge has made the cover; Eddie Guerrero makes a count…


“Ding ding ding”

“The second elimination: William Regal- Grandprix”

Regal is furious and storms to the back.

This leaves to old enemies left. Jeff Hardy (Rawisandy) and Edge (Jet) in the ring. One of these two will become the new European champion.

So far Eddie Guerrero has called it straight down the middle.

Jeff and Edge make a lock up; Edge over-powers Jeff and sends him to his knees. Edge delivers a knee right into the jaw of Jeff and that knocks him down. Edge (Jet) stomps away at Jeff and picks him up by the hair. Irish whip, Edge runs into the ropes and hit’s a cross-body. He tells Eddie to make a count…

…Kick out, Jeff just kicked out!

Jeff slowly makes his way up, Edge waits for him. He tries to hit a punch but it is reversed. Jeff goes for an Irish-whip but that is reversed as Edge sends Jeff towards the turnbuckle. Eddie Guerrero was standing between Jeff and the ropes and was knocked down, but not for long. As Edge and Jeff were exchanging right hands, Eddie went to the outside and picked up a chair. Wham, right to the back of Jeff’s head. Jeff falls flat on his face. Edge looks at Eddie Guerrero and he points to Jeff (Rawisandy). Eddie makes a fast count

‘Ding ding ding’

Edge stands up as Eddie goes to get the European title.

“Here is your winner, and new WWF European champion…. Edge (Jet)”

Eddie holds the European championship in his hands, Wham! He hits Edge right in the face with it. He throws it on top, then he leaves, smiling.

Edge and Jeff are both down, but Edge is the new European champion.

Well done Jet, commiseration’s to Rawisandy, Ant and Grandprix and thanks for reading (the winner).

Ice Blaster
Thu 29/11/01 at 13:39
"Back in black"
Posts: 5,486
Billy Gunn (Ant-and current champ) Vs Brian Clark (BBS Scott) Vs Val Venis (Cong Man)

Here we are, ready for Billy Gunn’s IC title defense. First opponent in tonight’s triple threat is Brian Clark representing BB Scot.

Next out is Val Venis for Cong man and last, the defending champion, representing ant- The one Billy Gunn.

All three men are in the ring ready to face of as the bell rings.

Billy Gunn is trying to get Val Venis (cong man) to work with him against Clark (BBS). Venis agrees and they double team on Clark. Punches and kicks as Clark tries to defend him self on the floor. The two Irish whip him and throw him to the outside. Val (Cong) and Gunn (ant) are left in the ring. They look at each other, then outside…

…They exchange punches to the delight of the crowd. Gunn (Ant) as the upper hand as Val (Cong) tries to defend himself. Val makes a reversal and has the upper hand. Irish whip into the corner and follows up with a splash. Stunned, Billy walks right into a fisherman suplex of Venis. The ref makes a count:



Clark(BBS), from the outside pulls on Venis’ leg as the two go at it outside. Clark hits Venis head on the announce table and picks him up by the throat. SLAM, down on the table. Venis (Cong) is broken in half. Clark celebrates of Venis’s broken body, but Gunn (Ant) slides out of the ring and takes the fight to Clark.

After punches and throws, Gunn and Clark make their ways back to the ring, leaving Venis (Cong), broken, on the outside.

Clark, using all his strength over-powers Gunn with moves, but Gunn uses his quickness and agility to over-come. Clark throws Gunn (Ant) into the corner and smashes him in the face with an elbow. He walks to the opposite turnbuckle and runs at Gunn, looking for a splash, Gunn moves and beats Clark into the corner. Gunn delivers a splash, then a kick to the stomach. He runs to the side… Fame-aser. Clark hits the canvas hard.

Gunn makes a pin; un-noticed is Val venis climbing the turnbuckle. As Gunn makes a cover Val Venis hits a money splash. The cover is broken and Venis’s chances of becoming IC champion still stand.

All 3 men are down, but Venis is making his way up. Venis is standing, he notices Gunn half up. He makes a roll up pin…

Kick out!! Close, but not quite. Venis is irate with the ref, as he turns round to receive a powerbomb from Clark (BBS). Venis is down; Clark and Gunn (ant) simultaneously make a cover.

The ref brakes up the count; he tells both men that there will be no double champion. Both men get in the ref’s face, then in each other’s. Venis has made his way up, noticing Clark and Gunn arguing, the throws Gunn over the top rope, ducks a punch from Clark and hits a Fisher-man suplex…

The ref counts 1…

‘Ding Ding Ding’

This match is over.

‘Here is your winner and new Inter-continental champion… Val Venis(Cong)!!!

Val Venis stands up and holds up his prize and rolls out the ring. A hard fought match and a true deserving winner, val venis- Cong man: congratulations. Commiseration’s to the other two athletes,

Thanks for reading

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