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"Survival Horrors!"

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Thu 12/07/01 at 12:37
Posts: 787
Should they be allowed...?

I am a Christian, as many of you know and because of this and the morals set by God in the Bible I PERSONALLY don't think that Survival Horrors should be around. I mean, with games like Zelda, Mario, Final Fantasy, Sonic and Shenmue there is enough gameplay elsewhere to have monsters etc in games.

What really gets me about the Survival Horror genre is the intent set in the game. I don't like the idea of monsters jumping out of the wall and little girls screaming. The games companies put these sounds in and they have no idea how many nightmares have spawned from them... Maybe I am biased against it because I think it's wrong but i'm only human.

I suppose you could argue that there were monsters in games beforehand... no doubt there were games that people 'didn't approve of' because of the content. But with graphics becoming more and more realistic you could suggest that the old monsters didn't have the same effect.

What worries me is that a lot of parents buy their kids games because they think...

"Oh it's just another Mario game thingy!"...

but it isn't... Survival horrors are meant for 15/18’S+. Youngsters are still very impressionable and at that age should be playing games like Mario, Crash Bandicoot and SSX.

But we can't blame the Survival Horror genre for the parents' negligence can we?! The genre is very popular and more and more companies are exploring it. From a professional stand-point I think they should be around. They're a great source of revenue for games companies and regardless of the theme multiplayer S.H gaming is very exciting!

What's wrong with them professionally...?

Well for a start they can get boring... Ever since the first Resident Evil the whole genre, regardless of platform seems to have slumped. The ideas and suspense implemented into the games is getting old and boring. Storylines in games, although not identical, are getting more and more similar so people are starting to think...

"If you've played one you've played them all!"

We as gamers know this isn't the case but try telling that to Joe Bloggs!

I think the whole genre needs a big revamp. Mixing genres has always proved quite popular... If only there was a FPS Resident Evil or a Alone in the Dark RPG, people will always be interested in monsters etc, but the only way companies like Capcom and 'SurvivalHorrorCo. #1' are going to capitalise on the popularity of the genre is by exploring new ideas and offering new games!

The last thing games of this genre should be is predictable but the developer’s thing that if it's got better graphics and it worked last time it'll work again... But they're wrong!

Why has the scare factor gone down?!

Maybe because of the similarity in looks or storylines... After minutes or even seconds of watching a film you can tell whether or not you've seen it... but with some survival horror games, especially the multi-game series, you find it quite hard to distinguish between the games. This isn't a very common problem and it's not a major issue, but the principle behind the games is the same.

Suspense and Fear are lost through recognition of events... in other words people have been in a similar situation before and seeing as only one thing can happen at that moment in time... all unknowing is wiped out.

I think the remedy for this 'dying' genre is Hollywood. Most scary movies are unique and they attract millions of people to the cinema each week. Maybe if Capcom were to get someone like Wes Craven (Creator of Nightmare on Elm Street & Scream series) to help them with ideas and projects they'd be able to offer the individuality in their games that most movies do at the cinema.

There is definitely a place in the future for the genre and if companies can just take that step into exploring new ideas we could very well see some great games down the line. Added to which, with the power and capabilities of consoles nowadays we could definitely see some genre defying games come our way...

What are YOUR views on the genre?!


Thu 12/07/01 at 14:49
Posts: 14,117
The Game wrote:

I like you YH, But
> I'm no Frenchman!

Lol! Good to hear you're not a heamerrhoid (sp?) hitman mate!

I still have no idea what your original thing was supposed to mean......
Thu 12/07/01 at 14:39
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
Your Honour wrote:

The Game wrote: lol @ YH and my girlfriend..... :)

Sorry, Game, there's two problems with that:

1. I'm not a girl

2. Even if i was, sorry mate, but you're just not my type.


I think you've misread what I wrote, YH!

I wrote lol @ YH... AND my girlfriend...

Not 'My girlfriends, YH.' or ' YH, My Girlfriend...'

I like you YH, But I'm no Frenchman!
Thu 12/07/01 at 14:34
Posts: 0
Suvival horra's is da daddy of genres.

I just love it when you blow up all those dizease infested zombies.

Yeah! Blow dem back to hell! Yeah! Scum suckers!

I jus' wish I could go out for real with a shotgun, takin' down zombies, cos I know they is out there.

But I is gonna get um!
Thu 12/07/01 at 14:31
Posts: 14,117
The Game wrote:
> lol @ YH and my girlfriend..... :)

Sorry, Game, there's two problems with that:

1. I'm not a girl

2. Even if i was, sorry mate, but you're just not my type.
Thu 12/07/01 at 14:29
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
lol @ YH and my girlfriend..... :)
Thu 12/07/01 at 14:22
Posts: 14,117
Wòókiee Møn§†€R wrote:
Not as such... but a big build-up needs a
> pleasing release...

As with many things in life...

What do you mean?

*looks around innocently...*

Thu 12/07/01 at 14:21
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Your Honour wrote:
> but it doesn't really have any bearing on the atmosphere.

Not as such... but a big build-up needs a pleasing release...

As with many things in life...
Thu 12/07/01 at 14:16
Posts: 14,117
Wòókiee Møn§†€R wrote:
> when that suspense peaks and you have to attack from close range
> witha 12-guage, you want some realistic results. Well, I do.

Yeah, but it's not the blood that causes the 'scariness'. That comes from the suspense, which builds up before you kill anything. So the blood has no bearing on the effect of how scared you get when you play the game.

In fact, if there was too much blood you wouldn't be able to see anything else, as the screen would be all red, so you couldn't get scared at all!

I do agree that when you blow somethings head off you do want a nice Claret fountain, but it doesn't really have any bearing on the atmosphere.
Thu 12/07/01 at 14:12
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
first off horror films today are nothing but the teen slasher movies,some kids running from a legendary man with a hook,knife or whatever. The games are very different with each one haven't a different style and gameplay.

Alone in the dark 1 was amazing when it came out years ago i cant remember exactly when but this game is really dated now and just is not scary,spooky,gross or very good. The monsters are this big purple thing,loads of circles that hum,pirates and some other stupid things. Yes resevil ripped this game off completly but Res evil is fantastic and is everything spooky,run for you life,gothic,jumpy and all the rest.

Talking of horror things i had a dream last night where all these zombies were in the mansion as a matter of fact and me and a mate were trapped and one said are you ready to become the living dead (yes it talked) and my mate jumped out of a window to this stone place with a gate (not in re) and was still alive, The zombie i was talking too said something like well if not,have a look for yourself my friends are hungry!! actual zombies in re exactly

I gave in and he bit my neck and there was something about the exorcist in there too, creepy huh. I think i've been playing these games far too much haha

Like all game types this isn't for everybody but for the people who like it it's complete bliss.
Thu 12/07/01 at 14:10
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Your Honour wrote:
> S.H games are based on suspense, not gore.

> Lots of blood doesn't make something scary. The sound effects, music and timing all add
> together to create an atmosphere which some people may find
> 'scary'.

True, but when that suspense peaks and you have to attack from close range witha 12-guage, you want some realistic results. Well, I do.

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