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"My teacher - a pervert?"

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Fri 01/04/05 at 18:40
": ("
Posts: 5,614
Okay, today at school my teacher went out of the classroom and leaving his mobile phone on his desk so this girl nicks it and starts to mess about and prank call people, but then when she checked his pictures there was a picture of him naked holding on to his penis...smiling.

The girl actually took the phone and it was reported lost etc etc and apparently later on in the day the girl looked at some more pictures and found 5 pictures of girls from our year group and (this is the bit I don't beleive) a girl (from our school) playing with her bits.

Now, it only happened today so not al.ot of people have seen it so I don't think he or any other teachers know about it but on Monday when everyone sends the picture of our teacher naked to their mates (like you do...) i'm sure some teacher will find out and he will get sacked.

But do you think he can get done by the police seeing as he has 5 pictures of 14/15 year old girls, a picture of himself naked and a picture of a 14/15 year old girl playing with her bits?
Tue 12/04/05 at 00:27
Posts: 6,801
oops already mentioned!
Tue 12/04/05 at 00:11
Posts: 15,443
I'd ask my lawyer if I had one. But no doubt there'll be a charge.
Tue 12/04/05 at 00:08
Posts: 11,038
Yeah, I'm supposed to get books now to read before I start, so I should be able to tell you soon.

Oh, and only a retard would admit they murdered somebody to show who a drug dealer is.

However, you could probably get a few years off your sentence if you did.
(This is all hypothetical "Iseen this on the TV" stuff though that I'm spouting".

You could probably get a good slice of a sentence chopped off if you say, gave them information about a serial killer.

But yeah, this is all "CSI" and "Law And Order" rubbish, so it's probably got grains of truth mixed in with loads of crap.

Light used to be a lawyer, right?
He should know.
Tue 12/04/05 at 00:03
Posts: 15,443
Even if the crime was more serious than the initial one e.g. a murder to reveal the identity of a drug dealer?

If you mean TV programmes, they regularly spout rubbish they don't understand. Never trust actors. You're studying law for uni, right? You can tell me next year.
Mon 11/04/05 at 23:54
Posts: 11,038
lcarus wrote:
> Also, seeing as the girl stole in the first place in order to find
> out that the teacher was keeping the pics in the first place, what
> happens legal-wise when a crime is committed to ureveal another
> crime? Are they both prosecuted?

assuming from all these American law programs, you could be granted immunity from the crime commited if you testify against them.

Or some malark like that.
I should really read up on all this stuff.
Mon 11/04/05 at 23:46
Posts: 15,443
Stridman wrote:

> But do you think he can get done by the police seeing as he has 5
> pictures of 14/15 year old girls, a picture of himself naked and a
> picture of a 14/15 year old girl playing with her bits?

Well, yeah. It's an act of voyeurism, where using pics that are usually taken secretly to sexually gratify themselves or others is an offence. Especially in a kiddy environment such as a school. Course, there's an easy possibility that the girls will have taken the offensive pictures themselves, but the timestamps will reveal that.

The pic of himself naked is not illegal; it's a personal phone, and not intended for others. Though strangely enough there was news of a underage girl from Europe who got arrested for posting such pics of herself online. I guess it's not illegal if you're not a minor...

Also, seeing as the girl stole in the first place in order to find out that the teacher was keeping the pics in the first place, what happens legal-wise when a crime is committed to ureveal another crime? Are they both prosecuted?
Mon 11/04/05 at 23:13
"leaf it aaaaht"
Posts: 7,914
munn wrote:
> What's wrong with a 30-40 year old going out with a 17 year old?

Nothing. Tho it is 'frowned upon' if it is a teacher and a pupil.
Mon 11/04/05 at 23:10
Posts: 11,038
Peter .K wrote:
> Memorandum! wrote:
> Stridman wrote:
> or has done it themselves before.
> Yeah, I have a picture of a 17 year old pleasuring herself on my
> phone.
> Problem?
> Not much of a problem with you (unless you're the teacher :P
> It wouldn't be serious if it's your girlfriend and you're her age,
> but a 30-40 year old teacher with a photo like that should be locked
> up!

What's wrong with a 30-40 year old going out with a 17 year old?
Mon 11/04/05 at 21:30
Posts: 640
ok then I'm finished with the smilies
Mon 11/04/05 at 21:30
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
I think it's a football player

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