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Sun 29/04/01 at 09:51
Posts: 787
This is my final Gameaday attempt for a a long while so I have decided to write something that will bring peace to the war zone that is The Future Of Gaming .

Why is it we are insistent on saying things like the “Playstation rules and Nintendo suck”? The Nintendo 64 is a system that plays high quality games in gorgeous graphics, it has some of the greatest games the world has ever seen on it such as Zelda, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker and so many more and it is a an absolutely stunning console. The system is cleverly designed so the use of a memory card is rarely needed and it is good fun to play.

The Playstation is no different; it has a great variety of games including some of the best in the world like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Smack down and Resident Evil. As well as being able to play CD’s and manage to create stunning graphics and only being 32 bit shows what a massive feat Sony has over come in order to create such a beauty. The Playstation 2 is the most powerful console on the market at the moment what more do I need to say

The Dreamcast maybe going but it is still one of the greatest systems on the market, a wealth of great games including, House of the dead, Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Code veronica and Dead or Alive 2 (I love that game). It is a small console and is Internet ready from the start unlike other consoles. It is Sega’s last console so it has to be good.

Everyone is judging the X-box before it is even released! Sure it is new and we don’t know what we expect but Sony did it so why cant Microsoft?

What I am trying to say is that all of the consoles make people happy and if something can do that then it can’t be all that bad now can it. I am a die-hard Nintendo fan and when I see someone playing on Playstation, although I wish it were a 64 I know my friend is enjoying his Playstation and that is all that matters.

Here’s to the future

Sun 29/04/01 at 13:44
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
Dringo can't win for this topic.... why? because then he would have won more times then me..

(good point)

.... :P :P good luck Dringo...
Sun 29/04/01 at 13:34
Posts: 18,185
Well it is a Gameaday attempt and i don't want to win cause i'm leaving either. I thoguht i'd give it one alst try.
Sun 29/04/01 at 13:25
Posts: 0
when yu try to win dont put gameaday attempt ;)
Sun 29/04/01 at 12:55
Posts: 15,681
If I was Dringo, I'd prefer to win for having the best post of the day!

I wouldn't feel as good getting a sympathy prize!
Sun 29/04/01 at 11:04
Posts: 0
Sun 29/04/01 at 10:58
Posts: 6,702
Fair enough.
Sun 29/04/01 at 10:57
Posts: 0
ok i get your point (:0
Sun 29/04/01 at 10:55
Posts: 6,702
I am a regular, so are many others. What is to stop us saying that our internet is being cut off, and then returning a week later saying "Its fixed now!".
Sun 29/04/01 at 10:51
Posts: 0
but dringo's a regular and his internet is being cut off.
Sun 29/04/01 at 10:49
Posts: 6,702
Time_Warp wrote:
> im not sure if it should win, but maybe he should get a prize for
> leaving and being such a good member.

Maybe, but if thats the case, then a lot more people are going to leave, and then suddenly reappear.

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