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"I need to be more talkative damn it!"

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Sat 10/04/04 at 23:19
"They Call Her 1 Eye"
Posts: 2,765
I think I have a great relationship with X. Personally I could just sit and hug X for years just in silence. However I never have anything to say and since I can't always be doing that...and more...there are some awkward silences. I am getting better talking to X but it's still not good enough. I don't understand it myself. I am normally quite a sociable guy. Just last Saturday at my cinema group I talked for hours with this girl and her mate and we ended up going into town after and I am meeting her again later. Why is it I find no trouble talking to her but I do with X? Well actually...I don't care why, I just want to know HOW I can be more sociable. I don't want to ruin our relationship because I barely have anything to say.

I think the main problems are that:
>X is 4 and 3/4 years older than me so we are both at completely different stages in our lives with little in common and little room for overlap
>We have had very few experiences together to talk about because of this. For example I love to hear all these stories X tells me about past jobs and stuff but I haven't even had a job. Other stories outside of work are good to talk about too but i am in none of them and haven't really gone anywhere or done anythign with X before story worth.
>We have no friends in common
>We never really go anywhere with a purpose. Never really go anywhere that'd direct the conversation a certain way or would allow us to do something really memorable that we could talk about later. Ok we went to the cinema today to see Starsky And Hutch before doing the deed which helped a little but normally we are just walking through Edinburgh until we find somewhere to get busy and seriously we have VERY LITTLE to talk about.
>We can't meet up at X's house just to muck about and have a laugh as X's boyfriend is there and it's bloody miles away.

I think the answer is to do more activities with X like going out drinking more often and going places just for a laugh, doing things just for a laugh. Neither of us are exactly rich though, especially not me considering I'm a pennyless student so that could be very hard. Until then though I really need some help becoming a better conversationalist. If you've read the whole post you'll see the problems and be able to help...hopefully. Thanks in advance all!
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:57
Posts: 15,681
Cub!st wrote:
> Edgy wrote:
> Pfft, prude. Was I being a bit too real for you? Can't handle a
> little adult language? *waits for reply "It doeznt' matter Itz
> agianzt da woolz!"* Oh please.
> That's not 'adult' language.
> That's childish language.
> Yes because that's what they say when warning you of swearing in a
> T.V. Show.
> The following presentation features childish language and should
> therefore not be viewed by children.
> errr...right.

How many children over the age of six do you know that don't swear? Eh?

Swearing is down to a lack of ability to think of anything else to say.

You, to be frank (or is that X? :P) are dumb.
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:55
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
Cub!st wrote:
> cookie monster wrote:
> All we have to do is click "report that post"
> Done.
> Pfft, prude. Was I being a bit too real for you? Can't handle a
> little adult language? *waits for reply "It doeznt' matter Itz
> agianzt da woolz!"* Oh please.

When have i ever spoken like that? Dont insult my intelligence pedant. Nobody deserves that kind of abuse. And since youve been banned before i didnt feel like being lenient.
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:55
Posts: 18,775
Cub!st wrote:
> Mystique wrote:
> Oh God I want you.
> Oh God I hope not.
Once you have fat you never go back.
You just think about it hunny bunny.

Kiss kiss
Mwa x
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:55
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
Then you blocked me.. or was that ghey DW..?
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:54
"They Call Her 1 Eye"
Posts: 2,765
Edgy wrote:
> Pfft, prude. Was I being a bit too real for you? Can't handle a
> little adult language? *waits for reply "It doeznt' matter Itz
> agianzt da woolz!"* Oh please.
> That's not 'adult' language.
> That's childish language.

Yes because that's what they say when warning you of swearing in a T.V. Show.

The following presentation features childish language and should therefore not be viewed by children.

Sat 10/04/04 at 23:54
Posts: 939
mattributé wrote:

> It's you, Herc!?
> I've not seen you since the bannings of old...
> Good, old days

Those were the days... or something
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:54
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
Cub!st wrote:
> Thanks E_B. Tell it as it is.

Ok, some of the stuff you have said of late has made you look stupid.
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:54
"tokyo police club"
Posts: 12,540
English_Bloke wrote:
> I’ve pretty much had enough of this ritual having a go at Cubist crap.
> Yes he has said some stuff, which has made him look like a numpty,
> but now you’re just slating everything he says for the sake of it.

That's why I've given it up.

And Cubist is a ho.
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:54
Posts: 13,611
Cub!st wrote:
> Pfft, prude. Was I being a bit too real for you? Can't handle a
> little adult language? *waits for reply "It doeznt' matter Itz
> agianzt da woolz!"* Oh please.

It's what you said, not the way you said it, you fool.
Sat 10/04/04 at 23:53
"£77k - muahahahah"
Posts: 1,312
Cub!st wrote:
> CTUbauer wrote:
> *Walks in*
> *Runs*
> I repeat: I thought Cubist was gay.
> Half the forums THINK I'm gay. It's nothing new.

I'm sure you told me. On MSN.

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