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"Tomb Raider The Movie"

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Tue 10/04/01 at 22:54
Posts: 787
I've just seen the trailer for the new Tomb Raider movie.

It looks VERY good, surprisingly. Me being a critic of game to film transitions and all, I can't really say anything except

Thu 24/09/09 at 08:45
Posts: 9
Disco125 You know that option 2 is not an option because there is a tree preservation order on the wood land. So how can you put a post on here saying that is what is needed?
I know there is work planned to start thinning the trees out, but this will nor really create the wind tunnel needed to solve the problem, although it may help.
Mon 21/09/09 at 23:15
Posts: 8
Re: Solving the oxygen problem.

There are several ways in which oxygen levels can be increased, unfortunately, only one is considered a quick fix:

1). Create an in-let and an out-let, thus creating a circulation system. This is not possible for the Clinc, due to its location.

2). Remove some of the trees to create a wind tunnel, which in turn would create an air circulation stems withing the water levels, thus increasing the oxygen levels. This is perhaps possible, but very unlikely, due to the tree preservation order in place protecting the older trees, mainly oaks.

3). Airation pump. This is perhaps the only "quick-fix" method available in order to increase the levels of oxygen.

If I was to pick one of the solutions from above, I'd perhaps choose option (2). Before the trees where planted during the mid 80's, the Clinc never showed signs of lish kills due to low oxygen levels. Therefore, I'd put money on the trees being one of the main causes, if not the only cause of the low oxygen levels the Clinc is experiencing.

Environmental Officer
Mon 21/09/09 at 22:59
Posts: 14
yes you seem to be right barley straw creates hydrogen peroxid..which is a form ov bleach..somebody some were has got there wires crossed..
Mon 21/09/09 at 22:59
Posts: 8
I'm still trying to research this issue myself, just to check if there have been any further developments on the issue of barley bails. Please let me know if you happen to discover anything. I'll post any further updates I find via this forum

Environment Officer
Mon 21/09/09 at 22:48
Posts: 14
ref barley bails im going off what the enviroment officer told me he explained all that.. it was his suggestion..if you have been the clink in the last week you will notice its looking more like a putting green than a fishing pond..the match was won on under 5lb of fish sunday..i will look it up..thanks
Mon 21/09/09 at 22:30
Posts: 8
I'd just like to put the record far as I'm aware, barley straw does NOT create oxygen as it breaksdown!

Barley straw is used to combat the problem of increased algae growths, e.g Blue-green algae, within a water course. Although it is not yet fully understood, it is thought that the barley releases bacteria or chemicals that attack or prevent algal growth building up.

If algae is allowed to build up within a "closed" watercourse, it can lead to a severe drop in the oxygen levels, as the algae dies/decomposes it uses up large amounts of oxygen, which in turn leads to fish deaths.

Also, it needs to be pointed out that it takes several weeks for the barley straw to actually start working, therefore it's not a quick fix to the problem experienced down the Clinc.

Environment Officer
Wed 11/04/01 at 09:47
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
I heard that it was because her butt wasn't 'in the condition the fans would expect', as she'd previously put on weight for another role.

Apprently the butt-double is Lisa Bangert, a former Page 3 girl.
Wed 11/04/01 at 00:39
Posts: 0
I know for the Tomb Raider film they had to get an "butt double" as Angelina Jolie had tattoos on at the top or her buttocks and the director didn't want the viewers to see them. She didn't want a double and suggested that they be covered up by make-up.....what a job!!!

Tue 10/04/01 at 23:48
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Your Honour wrote:
> Also, how do you download the
> tomb raider trailer? the only options i can see are to watch it
> streamed over the net.

That's true - you have to be sneaky. :-)

Go for the Quicktime option, and let it download completely. Then look in your PC's "c:\windows\temporary internet files" folder using Windows Explorer; if you click on the 'Size' column once or twice, it should sort files by descending size, which should bring the movie files to the top of the list... I'll be surprised if there's anything else of that size in that folder!

The filename for the main trailer is:

The filename for the 'teaser' trailer is:

They are 26Mb and 23Mb respectively.

If anyone has trouble getting them let me know by e-mail - [email protected] - and I can upload them to a shared online drive from work tomorrow; you should be able to download them from there like a normal file. I could also split them into smaller, self-joining sections for ease of downloading.
Tue 10/04/01 at 23:37
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Mr. Dark wrote:
> 23MB! DO YOU HAVE A T3 OR SOMETHING! That will take about 2 hours to
> download! maybe more (on a 56K longer on anything under)

Took about 90 minutes for me - 56K modem. Wasn't doing anything else, and the NTL calls are free, so I just left it downloading.

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