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Fri 01/04/05 at 22:41
"Comfortably Numb"
Posts: 5,591
Sun 03/04/05 at 20:01
"Comfortably Numb"
Posts: 5,591
Yeah, and the Metal Gear Solid games.
Sun 03/04/05 at 19:59
Posts: 33,481
Just got one for the RPGs and Die Hard Trilogy, Doom link-up and GTA were quite fun.

Not much else though.
Sun 03/04/05 at 19:44
"Comfortably Numb"
Posts: 5,591
Let alone the whole idea of a decent game.
Sun 03/04/05 at 19:43
Posts: 33,481
The PS1 couldn't handle the draw distance alone.
Sun 03/04/05 at 19:37
"kill my enemys"
Posts: 504
Zeus wrote:
> The old Ninty 64 Zelda was classy and a joy to play, part of the
> reason I was going to get a Gamecube
> And then the Cube was released, with an overrated cartoon Zelda game.
> I've seen better graphics on the PS1, that's right P-S-1.

Oh no you just didn't.
Sun 03/04/05 at 19:27
"Comfortably Numb"
Posts: 5,591
Take that Zeus!

As Edgy used to say: Boosh checkmate!
Sun 03/04/05 at 19:21
"The mighty GE90-115"
Posts: 5,344
Zeus wrote:
> The old Ninty 64 Zelda was classy and a joy to play, part of the
> reason I was going to get a Gamecube
> And then the Cube was released, with an overrated cartoon Zelda game.
> I've seen better graphics on the PS1, that's right P-S-1.

Oh my gosh... Do you not understand the the power required to drive a cell shaded game?? I would love to see a PS1 even attempt to run a cell shaded game...

tut tut tut

*Waggles finger
Sun 03/04/05 at 19:18
Posts: 11,038
It was all vectors and shioznit.

I'd rather have that style over teh realistic Zelda any day.
Sun 03/04/05 at 19:00
Posts: 33,481
Not PS1 graphics at all.
Sun 03/04/05 at 13:26
"Comfortably Numb"
Posts: 5,591
Zeus wrote:
> The old Ninty 64 Zelda was classy and a joy to play, part of the
> reason I was going to get a Gamecube
> And then the Cube was released, with an overrated cartoon Zelda game.
> I've seen better graphics on the PS1, that's right P-S-1.

The graphics on Windwaker weren't designed to be realistic. Is that not obvious? You therefore can't compare them to those on the PSone which were. I thought the graphics were superb, no jagged edges or flaws.

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