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"More evolution flaws"

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Tue 02/03/04 at 16:45
"RIP: Brian Clough"
Posts: 10,491
To all those who insist in following the Cult that is "evolution" here are yet more of the infinite flaws in the fairy tale. This is the side the evolutionist scientists of course don't tell you.


Doughboy writes the following from

Hi there!

I am very happy to receive your mail.

I believe that this dialogue began with a question of whether evolution is legit. My argument is that I think it deceives students; going directly in opposition to testable science.

1. the laws of nature

The First Law of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics is the law of energy conservation. As you know, this is an empirical or testable law of science. This law states while energy can be converted from one form to another, it can not be created or annihilated. It has been considered the most powerful or most fundamental generalization of the universe that scientists have ever been able to make. This would mean that mass nor energy can appear from nothing. If there were that would be a free lunch. Some have suspected black holes, but I believe that one has not been observed. Today, matter does not spring out of nothing. If I were to tell someone that something appeared or reappeared, they'd say it were a lie, fairy tale, or legend.

The question seems to choke many evolutionists when one tests the theory of evolution with the first law of thermodynamics. There are all sorts of untested hypothesis of how something could come from nothing and that something that people hypothesis about is actually something. If it exists, it is something.

This reminds me of the 19th century concept of spontaneous generation. Flies can't come from rotten meat. At that time, people speculated how flies came about or how some sort of growth came about and it was believed that spoiled foods caused it. We later found out that there was a much different mechanism occurring. Science at one point was clueless, and we now know insects and other living things don't come from dead ones. In the time of Darwin, scientists believed that "simple organisms" came from inanimate objects. Just put millions of years in between and an open system, and you have life beginning on Earth.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

As you know that the law of entropy is this. Without any intelligence acting on a system, entropy is always increasing and order is decreasing. Entropy is that free energy or energy lost.

For example, after I straighten up my room, it is a natural process that it will start becoming chaotic over time. It will not get clean or straight on its own, but I will have to do it. Entropy in the big bang/evolution theory moves from disorder (a soupy primordial slime), to order (man, plants, and animals). Supposedly, there is no intelligent being acting on the young Earth and the world then moves from disorder and chaos, to order and complexity. It is that "blind random chance" that makes it impossible for life to be created in this order. It is amino acids, to amoebas, to apes, and then to astronauts.

This is not true because the energy of the earth flows from hot to cool bodies. Evolution requires constant violations of the second law of thermodynamics. Some evolutions then try to dogmatically defend their position of getting past the second law.

One argument is that it is only speaking of energy relationships of matter, while evolution deals with complex organisms arising from simpler ones. This is false.

Contemporary information theory deals with information entropy and militates against evolution on a genetic level. While in an energy conversion system, entropy dictates that energy will decay. In an informational system, entropy dictates that information will be distorted. It is certain that there is a conceptual connection between information and second law of thermodynamics.

Some evolutionists also say that entropy can't prevent evolution because the Earth was an open system heated by the rays of the sun. This is nonsense.

the sun's raise have never produced an upswing in complexity without teleonomy (ordering principal of life).

Energy from the sun doesn't produce an orderly structure of growth and development without information and an engine.

I may be incorrect in my analogy, but it reminds me of poring gas on a heap of junk that used to be a car. If the junk doesn't know how to use the gas, there is no way it will drive down the street. If the sun beats down on a dead plant, it does not produce growth, but rather speeds up decay!

If the sun beats on a live plant, it produces a temporary increase in complexity in growth.

Evolutionists sometimes also say that entropy did not occur in the past. Well, hey, I wouldn't say that if I was an evolutionist, because that would suggest some supernatural occurrence. *wink*

This is just the first topic on the long list of flaws that the theory of evolution has.

I'm not doubting that evolution is the best theory that scientists can come up with, but biology, anthropology, psychology, chemistry, and other science students are not told of the weaknesses of the theory. (As Phillup Johnson put it, Evolution is a “half-baked theory.” And guess what? Scientists nor students have to accept it.)


The Doughboy

Wed 10/03/04 at 21:02
"RIP: Brian Clough"
Posts: 10,491
gamezfreak wrote:
> Amoeba -Reptile -Dinosaur -Monkey/chimp -Human
> Believe what you like mate, but the world was created in a serious of
> significant scientific events over billions of years.

That really makes sense.... doesn't it, we are evolving?
Wed 10/03/04 at 21:00
"RIP: Brian Clough"
Posts: 10,491
Lindgren wrote:
> Flaws in evolution eh? I can think of a few flaws in religion too.

You and me both.
Wed 10/03/04 at 20:07
Posts: 10,364
Amoeba -> Reptile -> Dinosaur -> Monkey/chimp -> Human

Believe what you like mate, but the world was created in a serious of significant scientific events over billions of years.
Wed 10/03/04 at 19:59
Posts: 9,629
Flaws in evolution eh? I can think of a few flaws in religion too.
Wed 10/03/04 at 19:48
Posts: 8,220
Forest Fan wrote:
> Loquacious Duck wrote:
> Can you ask him where I can buy some cheap aramith 2 and 1/4 inch
> pool balls (american size)?
> The only ones I can find in the UK are £60 8^0
> Why don't you search the Internet?

Pkay, I've prayed to Google, but he didn't help me. So I've decided to lower my expectations and see if God can come up with 'owt :^)
Wed 10/03/04 at 17:56
"Pouch Ape"
Posts: 14,499
Forest Fan wrote:
> Sibs wrote:
> cookie monster wrote:
> Well, quite obviously between the production of the ozone and the
> present day.
> Heh. Classic.
> Yet rather ambigious in the grand scheme of things

You have the nerve to accuse something of being ambiguous, yet you endlessly quote the Bible, the Holy Grail of contradiction? Yet another example of "pot-kettle-black". Nice one.
Wed 10/03/04 at 17:55
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
Anyone seen that Ricky Gervais Live DVD thing...? Think it's called 'Animals' or something similar... Has some pops at the bible and it's damn funny. Had us in hysterics when we watched it at school.

Anyway, Forest Fan, can't you just accept that some people don't believe in God...? I really don't care what evidence there is for or against a God, even if it was proven there was a God I wouldn't worship him/her/it. If a God made me and gave me a will and a mind of my own, why should I worship it? If God wanted a bunch of people constantly worshipping it, he/she/it may as well have created a bunch of mindless life-forms rather than creatures that can think for themselves. And if God is omnipotent (ie. does not obey laws of time and space, and is everywhere at every time) why the sudden change from the "eye for an eye" in old school bible to the "turn the other cheek" in the new school bible? If God really is omnipotent, changing his/her mind at any point would surely result in his/her mind being changed at all points in time/space. Or did God just decide to 'evolve' his/her/it's approach to dealing with sinners...? ;-)
Wed 10/03/04 at 17:48
"RIP: Brian Clough"
Posts: 10,491
Sibs wrote:
> cookie monster wrote:
> Well, quite obviously between the production of the ozone and the
> present day.
> Heh. Classic.

Yet rather ambigious in the grand scheme of things.
Wed 10/03/04 at 17:46
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
cookie monster wrote:
> Well, quite obviously between the production of the ozone and the
> present day.

Heh. Classic.
Wed 10/03/04 at 17:13
"RIP: Brian Clough"
Posts: 10,491
Loquacious Duck wrote:
> Forest Fan wrote:
> Or someone who knows the LORD, while I do not understand everything,
> I can direct you to the source who knows everything; the LORD.
> Can you ask him where I can buy some cheap aramith 2 and 1/4 inch
> pool balls (american size)?
> The only ones I can find in the UK are £60 8^0

Why don't you search the Internet?

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