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"The Dark Files (story)"

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Fri 13/02/04 at 15:11
Posts: 15,681
The Dark Files.

Many of you may not realise what goes on in the world around you. How battles against evil are fought every day whilst you sit their playing on your Xboxs, play football, or do other everyday things. Little do you realise that your safety lies in the hands of one man and his amazing powers. The powers of the Albino.

Few men even know he exists, but those who do know that Albino-man is the only person who can keep the balance between light and dark, and if that balance should tip the wrong way, it would mean the end of all things.

Dark Mark didn’t always know of his abilities. He thought himself as just a regular guy doing a regular job at his local supermarket, but things started to change for him.

“Just one Cornettoooooo,” Dark Mark sung as he filled the shelf with ice-cream, “give it to meeeeee.”
He didn’t feel the cold of the freezers. He thought this was unusual but carried on stacking. Taking the tubs of ice-cream off the roller and placing them onto the freezer shelf.

After placing the final tub on the shelf, Dark Mark turned to face the roller, but in the corner of his eye, he could see something flying at a high velocity towards him.
He didn’t have time to duck out of the way, but instead he raised his hand to block the impact, and closed his eyes tightly bracing himself for the impact.

However, the object didn’t make impact.
Dark Mark opened his eyes and saw the object floating in front of his hand. It was a large white box labelled as ‘cola’. He stared at the box for a while, trying to figure out what was going on. In the background, he spotted someone wearing a purple robe disappear rather quickly around the corner, and as he changed his glance, the box dropped to the ground with a large thud.

Dark Mark finished his work then decided to head home. As he was leaving the store, he felt he could sense the robed figure nearby. He stopped and looked around noticing a white van in the car park. He focused on the van and it started to fade! He paused for a moment, realising it couldn’t be chance, and focused harder on the van. The van quickly became invisible, and left in the centre was the robed man.

The robed figure started walking towards Dark Mark, and as he did so, the supermarket car park disappeared in a flash, to be replaced by the interior of a cave. This cave was completely dark, yet Dark Mark could still see the man in the robes.

“I am Creepy Magician. I have been watching you for some time.”
”What do you want?” replied Dark Mark, still rather confused by the events so far.
“I was confident that your powers were growing. Your abilities are increasing every day yet you didn’t know until I threw that box at you.”
Dark Mark raised his hand, pointing at Creepy Magician, “So it was you who threw it. You could have killed me! And what are you talking about, ‘my powers growing’?”
Creepy Magician smiled, “I knew you would stop the box. Attacking you was the only way I could get you to realise your powers effectively.”

Creepy stopped for a moment then revealed a crystal ball. He whispered a spell whilst waving his hand on the ball until it glowed with sheer intensity. When the light faded, Dark Mark could see SR Towers, to which the summit reaches high into the clouds.
Creepy began to speak, “SR Towers is one of the most important structures on the planet. It used to be home to The Great Albino. The keeper of all things white. However, he is old and it wont be long before he passes away and so he has already began the transfer of power. The power to control all things white.”
Dark Mark’s brow raised, “So that is how I stopped that box?”
Creepy answered, “Yes, and I have been assigned to guide you into developing these powers to fight the dark forces of evil. Whenever you are in danger, focus your powers and fight the evil. You shall keep your identity a secret, and to do so, you must give yourself a new name.”
Dark Mark thought for a moment, realising his current name wasn’t really appropriate. “I shall call myself,” he paused, waiting for the perfect name to enter his head, “the…Astonishing Albino-man!”
And with that, Creepy vanished and the cave disappeared in a flash, returning Dark Mark’s surroundings to the car park he disappeared from.

As he walked home, he considered what he had been told by the magician. Have I really got powers like that? Can I really control all that is white?
He looked up at the sky, saw a cloud in the sky and as the thought of rain entered his head, the cloud started to empty its contents.
He turned and saw a white cat, sat on the doorstep of a house he was passing. He thought it would be funny to see the cat stuck up a tree, and in the blink of an eye, the cat was clinging onto a branch with its claws trying not to fall.
“It’s true,” he said out loud, “I really do have powers!”
He began to notice that more and more items contained white, and that he could control them by merely thinking about them. Car number plates, road signs, even the paint on the roads were under his control. The potential in his powers was almost overwhelming.

Meanwhile, Psycho Edgy, who had dropped the title for the preferred Edge-man since his Notable hunting days, was walking through his local park when he saw something suspicious. El Robin, known thief and trouble maker and his gang of JATS had just taken a Game Boy Advance and game off Darwock.
Edgy hid in the shadows and crept towards El Robin, who was laughing at the childs futile efforts to get back his Game Boy.
”With this I can make my own games! Soon I shall be the richest man in the world! Hahaha!”
Edgy grabbed his axe, it was cold through lack of use, and shouted, “Give that back El Robin, or suffer the consequences!”

El Robin turned to face Edgy, his eyes glowed red with rage. “JATS! KILL HIM!” he commanded, and his minions started to approach Edgy.
Edgy instantly recognised one of them. Dean Chambers, general homosexual and spam-meister. He swung his axe in front of him causing Dean Chambers to see his own reflection. He fainted.
Another JAT approached with a large staff. They engaged blows, mainly striking each others weapons until the JAT fell to his knees. Edgy raised his axe high into the air, holding it with both hands, and brought it down onto the JAT’s staff, causing it to split into two pieces. Splinters flew through the air, but this didn’t deter the rest of the JATs.

“ATTACK!” El Robin commanded, and the JATs all advanced at once, surrounding Edgy completely. Edgy held the axe in a vertical position in front of his face, the blade pointing towards the JAT directly in front of him. With his eyes closed, he poured his energy into his weapon. There seemed to be a glow around Edgy, in a perfect circle, the circumference edging at the JATs feet. Despite the unusual goings on, the JATS in their stupidity continued to close in on Edgy.
The axe began to glow with energy, spreading through to Edgy’s hands, then his arms, until it completely engulfed him His appearance changed to that of a man dressed in a long black leather jacket, wearing a black shirt, black trousers and black shoes underneath. The axe had turned to a black metal.
El Robin’s jaw dropped, his eyes flashed with even more rage, and his voice seemed to boom, “Psycho Edgy. You’re back!”
”Edgy swung the axe in a complete circle, knocking the JATs to the ground. “Pleased to see me?” he questioned in a humorous tone. “By the way, it’s Edge-man now.”
”Edge-man, you will pay for this!” El Robin exclaimed as more JATs seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Edgy took out two of the JATs with ease, though had to put up a fight against the third. He punched one in the face with his left hand, however his other hand was struck by a heavy force, knocking the axe to the ground. The JATs carried on attacking, and Edgy wished Dringo could have been around to give some much needed assistance. Edgy’s resistance proved to be ineffective against the swarm, and they soon had him secured.

El Robin approached Edgy, looking down at him with an evil grin upon his face. He picked up Edgy’s axe and started playing with it in his hand, feeling its weight. He gave a couple swings in the air and stated, “Impressive weapon. Perfectly balanced, strong, sharp blade, and not a single dent or mark on the dark metal.”

With his knees to the ground, Edgy considered his options. He needed help. He couldn’t get out of this on his own. Looking to the ground, he noticed a couple ants were going about their normal business, looking a little distressed from all the noise.
Edgy whispered something then replied to El Robin, “You want it gift wrapped?”

“Dark Mark!” Cried the Great Albino, clenching his chest in pain. “Dark Mark!”
Mr. Snuggly rushed to his side trying to calm him. “What is it Great Albino?”
The Great Albino looked confused, staring into Snuggly’s eyes. He appeared to change his attitude when he spoke, to a more calm and knowledgeable status. “He…he’s in trouble.”
Mr. Snuggly frowned, “Dark Mark? Why should he be in trouble. He’s been pretty quiet lately, making the odd comment, but still quieter than most.
“No! No, no, no,” the old man focused his gaze, “Edgy’s in trouble. Dark Mark must save him.”
It was Mr. Snuggly’s turn to look confused. “Save him? How?”
The old albino slowly reached up and grabbed Snuggly’s shoulder, edging him closer. “Inform Dark Mark that Edgy’s in trouble. Promise me you’ll do it now!” Promise me.”

Mr. Snuggly nodded then walked back out to his office on the top floor of the building. He sat at his desk, minimised his game of Solitaire and brought up the SR Operations window. He typed in his password and put on his headset. He used the mouse to select ‘Comms.’ He noticed in the corner of the screen a flashing icon. It was shaped like an Ant. He selected it and a new window popped up flashing “Incomming transmission, play?”
Mr. Snuggly selected ‘Yes’ and watched the screen. It was a video message from Ant.
“Sir, it seems like one of our allies is in danger.”
”Edgy?” replied Snuggly.
“You already know, sir?”
Snuggly quickly requested that he carry on.
”A couple ants have reported that Edgy has been secured by enemy forces. He is in immense danger and isn’t going to last much longer.”
”Where is he?”
“In a park somewhere within south Wales. Sheepy knows the area well, shall I send him?”
“Negative, we don’t want to compromise the project.”
Ant nodded and Snuggly thought for a while.
“I have a feeling that we could use some help from another Welshman. Lets contact Dark Mark.”
Ant again nodded, then cancelled his transmission.

Dark Mark crossed the road, curious to try out his new abilities on anything he could find. As he reached the other side, his mobile began to ring. Picking it out of his pocket, he flipped it open and said, “Dominoes Pizza!”
”No time for humour,” said an unfamiliar voice, “We’ve got trouble!”
”Who’s this?” asked Mark, thinking it more than just coincidence after his encounter with the magician.
“It’s Ant, from SR Towers. I haven’t got much time to explain, but we really need your help.” He sounded panicky.
“What can I do you for?” he asked.
“Your mate Edgy is in trouble. I’m not sure why, but Mr. Snuggly has requested that you help out however you can.”
”Um…ok,” responded Mark, “I’ll see what I can do.”

Dark Mark closed his phone and put it back in his pocket. Unsure what to do next, he carried walking for a bit. Quietly to himself, he asked, “Where’s Creepy when you need him?”
With a flash, Dark Mark was back in the cave.
“Creepy Magician, I need your help. Edgy’s in trouble and…”
He was interrupted by Creepy’s voice, “Take this pill. It will help you find your destiny.”
Mark didn’t question Creepy, just swallowed the pill. Suddenly, he heard what sounded like all the cries in the world all at once. He grabbed his head with both hands and closed his eyes in pain, then it just stopped.
“Focus on Edgy,” Creepy advised, “Focus.”

Within a flash of light, Dark Mark was back on the pavement where he left off. He could hear Edgy making sarcastic comments. Then he heard El Robin saying something else. Then Edgy shouted something back.
Mark concentrated on the voices, closed his eyes, and focused. Without knowing it, he had begun to rise into the air, travelling at an immense speed until he felt the temperature change. He opened his eyes to find he was standing behind El Robin.

“Nice of you to drop in,” Edgy said, confusing the JATs and especially El Robin.
Mark quickly surveyed the situation and noticed that the t-shirts the JATs holding Edgy were wearing were very white.
“Been on the Daz again have we?” he said, “Making your clothes whiter than white?” With a wave of the hand, their T-shirts began to shrink, causing them to choke. “Maybe you shouldn’t have put them on such a high heat?”

Edgy attacked the JATs, still struggling to breathe. They fell to the ground and lay unconscious as Mark focused his attention on the rest of the JATs. Mark ran towards a nearby wall, the JATs followed, closing in tightly. Mark jumped, kicked his leg off the wall, spinning him around, his other foot impacting with the JATs faces. They fell to the ground like dominoes.

“STOP!” commanded El Robin in a booming voice. “I HAVE THE AXE NOW!” And with that he charged at Edgy, slicing the air around him until Edgy gave him a punch in the chest. Despite the blow, El Robin seemed to have plenty of strength left in him, being fed by the rage in his eyes. He struck at Edgy knocking him to the ground. He raised the axe and was about to bring it down when suddenly a bolt of lightning stuck the axe.

“Shocking!” said Dark Mark.
El Robin turned to face him, Edgy got back up onto his feet and backed away out of reach of the axe.
“I don’t believe we have met,” Said El Robin in a questioning tone, “Do I know you?”
Mark smiled, “I am the Astonishing Albino-man!”
”Oh really,” laughed El Robin, “And what do you do?”
”I bring light to darkness.”
Edgy butted in, “Do you really think you can take us both on El Robin?.
No response.
“Just give that boy’s Game Boy back and it’ll all be over.”
No response.
Mark looked up into the sky and saw some heavy clouds were forming. He thought about the weather and the clouds began to drop hail. Heavy, large hail, but only upon El Robin. One ball of ice fell onto his arm causing him to drop the axe. Another hit him on the back of his leg, causing him to fall.
Edgy picked up his axe and hid it under his jacket. Mark reached for the Game Boy, the hail always missing his arm. He took it and gave it back to Darwock, who ran away quickly.

The hail stopped and El Robin stayed to the ground, his eyes normal. Mark told him to go home and to remember this day should he consider doing such a thing again, and the two heroes walked away, leaving El Robin to recover.

Realising the responsibility behind the power, Mark vowed to use his powers only for good. He asked Edgy to keep his powers a secret, and knew that no one would believe El Robin if he should say anything. After all, the boy who cried wolf?

El Robin, got to his feet, the clouds now gone. He found his minions stirring and moaning about the pain but forced them all to their feet. His eyes flashed red again and in a booming voice he said, “If we can’t defeat the two, we shall defeat the many instead. To the towers!”

Now ‘The Astonishing Albino-man’ is bound to have to face more powerful foes than El Robin. He was just a petty criminal trying to make some money. But there are forces who want to disturb the powers that be. And Albino-man may be the only person who can prevent this from happening. Will El Robin strike SR Towers? Will Darwock tell others about his superhero discovery? And what is the project that Mr. Snuggly and Ant are involved in?

To be continued…
Sun 15/02/04 at 23:02
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
Yes, I can...but why would I?

Oh what the hell.

Sun 15/02/04 at 23:00
Posts: 2,150
English_Bloke wrote:
> No English_Bloke?

You can beat me up.
Sun 15/02/04 at 22:59
"Puerile Shagging"
Posts: 15,009
No English_Bloke?
Sun 15/02/04 at 22:57
Posts: 2,150
If its to much trouble or you think it will make the story worse just dont bother its the story that counts anyway.
Sun 15/02/04 at 22:53
Posts: 15,681
Cypher - I can't promise you'll be in the next episode - if you are, it'll just be a mention - as too many characters in a story spoil the story.

You'll probably be in a future one though - and if you really want, you'll get beat up - but that's only where the story fits.
Sun 15/02/04 at 22:48
Posts: 2,150
Azul wrote:
> Shove me in it somewhere and I'll be happy.

Beat me up azul im getting beaten up.

*Looks proud because he is getting beaten up*
Sun 15/02/04 at 22:47
"Which one's pink?"
Posts: 12,152
Shove me in it somewhere and I'll be happy.
Sun 15/02/04 at 22:46
Posts: 2,150
When will it be out please say tonight im really bored.
Sun 15/02/04 at 22:43
Posts: 15,681
You play a bit of a larger role in Episode 3 :D
Sun 15/02/04 at 15:27
"Twenty quid."
Posts: 11,452
Edgy wrote:
> You press a button :D

But, not just any button by the look of it ...

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