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"Imagine a World !"

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Tue 20/03/01 at 00:17
Posts: 787
Imagine going to your local games shop and being able to choose any game in the store.

Imagine a world where games magazines cover just one machine and no-one is arguing in the letters page over which format is best !

Imagine not having to check the "Technical Specification" before buying a game.

Imagine a world with only one Gaming System.

Strange world huh ! One which I'm sure we probably won't ever see, well providing XBox doesn't become as world dominating as Windows at any rate ;)

But what would the implications of a one format games arena be ?

The initial thought is that the quality of games would improve at a huge rate. No time would be wasted getting software to run quickly on every Gfx Card under the sun, ensuring Operating System compatibilty, fixing input code to cope with any controller. No need to rush ports of code to every console as quickly possible in order that your rivals don't steal your new market idea.

However I am sure that a certain element of the games which makes a game "feel right" would not be present in this new single platform world. For example take Tony Hawks 2, a superb game (IMHO), however the bulk of the time I spent playing the game was on a DreamCast, a quick play of the PC version left me feeling un-interested. The "feel of the game" was not quite right on a PC, maybe this can be put down to controllers, gfx resolutions whatever, but something made the game feel (for me at least) much more at home on a console.

However If I was buying a FPS shooter my immediate format choice would be for a PC compatible game, usually influenced by the fact the PC gets FPS games first and secondary that the PC's flexibility to allow plugins, mods etc. would ensure a games longevity.

Without new platforms for games some of the greats would not even exsist, Populous was only invented when Mr Molyneux was sent Amigas by mistake - "That got us into computer games.","if we hadn't had these Amigas, we would have never made the leap". - Edge 98.

Every format seems to have its killer title, Sonic made Sega, Mario made Nintendo, Ridge Racer made PSX1 etc. These titles for a lot of people were enough reason to buy a console to play them on, reinforcing the individual strengths of each game.

So to sum up I feel a one format may well be a negative influence on games innovation !

Does anybody else have views on my bizarre idea ?
Tue 20/03/01 at 08:56
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
Although the X-Box is a PC underneath, it may not be successful. People nowadays wasnt a games console, maybe a DVD player as well, but if it doesn't play games properly then the company is screwed!

Games always will be the deciding factor of the outcome and seeing as Nintendo are a game only company and they seem to have quite a bit of support where SR fans are conserned, I think they will beat Microsoft.

The thing is, I still think that Sony are in with a BIG chance of doing VERY well. The PS2 is out and the games are flooding in like illegal immigrants from France! So I don't think you can count them out.
Tue 20/03/01 at 08:04
Posts: 0
Perhaps we should start a thread investigating how many games players are insomniacs as well

I think if one console were to take over completely, then it may well be Bill's new box of tricks due to the fact its a PC underneath and therefore suited to so much more, best of both worlds if you like.

But imagine that, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft in Car CD Player, Microsoft T-Shirt. What else would they have left to make, perhaps they'd invent a rival console under a new name just to get a competitor back, lets be honest the US courts aren't too happy they cornered the IE Browser market, what would be said if they took over Gaming as well !! ;)
Tue 20/03/01 at 01:10
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
I was going to write a sure gameaday winner but this will have to do...

I couldn't see the gaming world in any other way. I can't imagine the Dreamcast being PSX successful. It would be too strange. I only tend to imagine extremes like Sonic on a Ninty console and Bill Gates getting so greedy he makes a console.....zzzzzzZZZ

It is too late, I really am knackered, I hate college really makes you....zzzzZzz

The Gamzzzzzzzzzzzz
Tue 20/03/01 at 00:17
Posts: 0
Imagine going to your local games shop and being able to choose any game in the store.

Imagine a world where games magazines cover just one machine and no-one is arguing in the letters page over which format is best !

Imagine not having to check the "Technical Specification" before buying a game.

Imagine a world with only one Gaming System.

Strange world huh ! One which I'm sure we probably won't ever see, well providing XBox doesn't become as world dominating as Windows at any rate ;)

But what would the implications of a one format games arena be ?

The initial thought is that the quality of games would improve at a huge rate. No time would be wasted getting software to run quickly on every Gfx Card under the sun, ensuring Operating System compatibilty, fixing input code to cope with any controller. No need to rush ports of code to every console as quickly possible in order that your rivals don't steal your new market idea.

However I am sure that a certain element of the games which makes a game "feel right" would not be present in this new single platform world. For example take Tony Hawks 2, a superb game (IMHO), however the bulk of the time I spent playing the game was on a DreamCast, a quick play of the PC version left me feeling un-interested. The "feel of the game" was not quite right on a PC, maybe this can be put down to controllers, gfx resolutions whatever, but something made the game feel (for me at least) much more at home on a console.

However If I was buying a FPS shooter my immediate format choice would be for a PC compatible game, usually influenced by the fact the PC gets FPS games first and secondary that the PC's flexibility to allow plugins, mods etc. would ensure a games longevity.

Without new platforms for games some of the greats would not even exsist, Populous was only invented when Mr Molyneux was sent Amigas by mistake - "That got us into computer games.","if we hadn't had these Amigas, we would have never made the leap". - Edge 98.

Every format seems to have its killer title, Sonic made Sega, Mario made Nintendo, Ridge Racer made PSX1 etc. These titles for a lot of people were enough reason to buy a console to play them on, reinforcing the individual strengths of each game.

So to sum up I feel a one format may well be a negative influence on games innovation !

Does anybody else have views on my bizarre idea ?

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