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Thu 25/09/03 at 12:46
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
You know the score. Wake up, go to work/school. Talk about games/tv shows/movies and then went home, played a game/read a book and went to bed.
That used to be me as well, until I started taking an interest in the world around me. Getting involved in protest, civil disobedience, writing to MPs, trying to do something to change what I percieve to be an unjust, corrupt, inherently stupid society.
I've had endless arguments on here with people about war/politics/life and then it hit me.

I realised that there was no point discussing how to change life with people over the internet. Especially arguing moralistic issues with people that do nothing except write messages and preen like self-satisfied peacocks.

And I was just as bad.
I've raged against stupidity/television/illiteracy amongst young users with txt speak/general monginess of most people/lack of interest in the world.
And I went home to read/play video games and that was about it.
Come to work, post crap here about why the world sucks, smoke and tell rubbish jokes.
And then it hit me.
Despite my words here, despite arguing with Bell etc about how to change this planet, despite writing to try and affect change around me, trying to bring immoral and unjust situations to people's attentions, I still come to work, drink my coffee, smoke and stare out of the window.
And then it hit me.
I wasn't actually doing anything to change my world.

So I did. I carefully considered everything around me. My values, what I percieved as an idiot morass of people not interested in anything except their own homes. People stupid enough to read The Daily Mail and actually believe the hateful scaremongering they read inside. People stupid enough to think immigration is actually an issue instead of a smokescreen designed to keep you frightened and locked inside watching Eastenders.

I reached a point in my life, a convergence of emotions that forced me to re-evaluate my life. How I see things, what I believe in, how I feel about the things around me.
And it didn't sit well with me.
Despite my passion, despite my morals, despite my beliefs, I come to a nice boring job, create marketing presentations and sell stuff.
I sell things people don't need to make more money for people to spend on themselves.
That is not the way I wish to live my life, I cannot allow myself to wallow in self-important comfortableness, surrounded with nice shiny things and pontificate about the world around me.

It didn't feel right, I couldn't balance being aware of things wrong around me, yet continue to pursue my nice comfortable life and, ultimately, do nothing to affect change.

So what did I do yesterday?
I quit my job.
Handed my notice in and made choices that will make me feel like a better person.
I quit my boring, stupid marketing job and I'm going to teacher-training college to teach English.
I can't just sit by and watch this world deteriorate into a mindless scrum of tv-obsessed me-monkeys that think Shakespeare is "crap innit", think txt speak is acceptable, have no idea who Keats is, are unaware of the power of words and language.

I want to try, even if just one kid, to get them to realise they have entire worlds of imagination and passion inside them if they want to access it.
I want to get across to people that life is more than television/mortgages/soap operas/pop idol/heat magazine/tony blair.

I may fall on my ass, I may get tired of trying to do something positive but goddamnit, at least I'm going to try to do something.
I don't want a job where I sell useless products to people, I dont want a job that doesn't challenge me in any aspect whatsoever.
I don't want to argue morals with people that are unwilling to put their thoughts into action.

I've quit my nice job after 3 and a half years and, instead, I'm going to be a teacher.
Today is one of the most frightning/exciting days I can remember.
4 weeks left of meaningless work, then 2 years+ of learning/exams before I can tell myself that, finally, I'm doing more than trying to convince other people that there is more out there.

May be the best thing I've ever done, may be the biggest mistake I've ever made.
I'll let you know when I come out the other side. But one thing I do know?
I've had enough of sitting on my ass preaching about trying to change the world instead of actually getting out there and doing it.

There it is.
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:34
"Darkness, always"
Posts: 9,603
Light wrote:
> (IB: Yes, I am having a go at you needlessly. Really; grow a sense of
> humour about it. Or at least try and rebut it in a way that doesn't
> fulfil everything I've said of you)

Why? I don't sense any humour from you, just efforts to attack people randomly when they don't fit into your mould. I have a sense of humour, a healthy one, but you don't give me anything to laugh about, so why should I laugh along with your own contnued derision?
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:32
Posts: 33,481
Goatboy wrote:
> And marketing is what I do/did.
> Not any more though.
> It felt appropriate, because I feel like a weight has been lifted
> from my shoulders now I'm not shilling creativeness for
> ££

Yeah, fair enough. :)
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:31
Posts: 33,481
Light wrote:
> (IB: Yes, I am having a go at you needlessly. Really; grow a sense of
> humour about it. Or at least try and rebut it in a way that doesn't
> fulfil everything I've said of you)

Do us all a favour an stop pre-empting replies you have yet to/may not receive.
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:30
"Darth Vader 3442321"
Posts: 4,031
Goatboy wrote:

> I remember Mrs Martin from my primary school....I have her to thank for, basically, being the person I am today.

Yeah thanks for that luv!

I'm not trying to dissuade you from your course of action; it is however surprising how blooming tough teacher training is. The academic stuff I had to do on the PGCE was easy, I'd spent four years at Uni doing similar work and never had a fear of exams etc. However the sheer grind that is teaching is numbing. I was getting up at four in the morning, doing lesson plans, going to school, teach all day, go to a meeting, or prepare some practicals for the next day, go home, do lesson plans till I dropped...get up at 4am. It really tests your conviction and you soon resent any negative comments about your teaching, especially as you're doing their job for a pittance.

But, you cannot succeed without trying and thus I do wish you all the best. Teachers with enthusiasm are a rare breed.
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:27
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Hedfix wrote:
> I thought that was taking the mick out of adverts though?

And marketing is what I do/did.
Not any more though.
It felt appropriate, because I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders now I'm not shilling creativeness for ££
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:27
"Wanking Mong"
Posts: 4,884
I always liked
"I want something good to die for
To make it beautiful to live"

As a sentiment.

But then, that sort of hopeless idealism makes the likes of IB snort in derision; it can't be held, bought, or sold so it's worthless in their eyes...

(IB: Yes, I am having a go at you needlessly. Really; grow a sense of humour about it. Or at least try and rebut it in a way that doesn't fulfil everything I've said of you)
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:23
Posts: 33,481
Goatboy wrote:
> "Life to you is a dashing bold adventure, so sing and rejoice
> and sing and rejoice" sang Faith No More.
> Damn right.

I thought that was taking the mick out of adverts though?

Still, as a statement it's good.
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:19
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Saggy, a mate of mine did teacher training a few years ago and, having qualified, quit. She just couldn't handle it.

Now I have no idea until I start whether I can or can't do this, I may love it or I may run for cover and want to sit at a desk posting on a message board.

But unless I try, I'll never know. Like I said originally, it may all go horribly wrong.
But it may not.
I remember Mrs Martin from my primary school. She introduced me to books, poetry and imagination. I have her to thank for, basically, being the person I am today.

And if I go through all this upcoming financial hardship/stress/unhappiness/work levels etc, and one - just one - person, as you said, discovers a book they love, or an appreciation of the language, then for me it's worth it.
It's got to be better than sitting here writing presentations and selling fragrances to people I never meet.

"Life to you is a dashing bold adventure, so sing and rejoice and sing and rejoice" sang Faith No More.
Damn right.
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:12
Posts: 33,481
...and the award shall be a bigger supply of glue.
Thu 25/09/03 at 15:11
"Lisan al-Gaib"
Posts: 7,093
Insane Bartender wrote:
> So, after a few years of trying - and ultimately failing - to impose
> your own brand of judgemental misanthropy and heavy handed cynicism
> on a bunch of internet savvy schoolchildren, you've instead decided
> to influence the same children in an environment where they have far
> more control over you than you do over them.

If I can make a small point.

IB, you tend to play the age card quite a bit from what I have read in your posts. We are not all schoolchildren on these boards..............

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