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> Nah, Launcher's for the Right Hand. Or is it Left Hand? I forget.
> Right sounds right ...
I usually kill him with normal weapons while he's frozen. Easy-peasy.
> Indeed, although those two funking troll-like things (you put one in a
> lava-pit) are a beyatch to kill. Usually use a Rocket Launcher on the
> other one.
I actually quite enjoyed fighting them. Once I'd disposed of one in the lava pit, I'd just toy with the other one. Stun him with some 'nades then jump up and slice the hell out of that little git on his back.
Right sounds right ...
It's the lava pit for one troll, grenades for the other, all done.
And don't say it doesn't work because it does.
There's no invincible enemies in the whole game.
And keep that tip for later - if it ain't dead, shoot it until it is.
> I want to get 2, 3 and CV (and Zero again) and play them all through.
Hmm, completely forgot about Zero... Might look into that at some point too.