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Plus of course you can't swim and stuff in the other two games. Shame they didn't have those faults sorted out from the start. A Florida setting with a big map similar in size to SA woulda been great. ;-)
> Coming this winter: Grand Theft Auto Vice City - Under Ten's version.
> All weapons now shoot water which proves much more effective
> than bullets.
> Two months after release Daily Mail fears new version will
> encourage teens to take water guns to the streets.
lol and so fake.
All weapons now shoot water which proves much more effective than bullets.
Two months after release Daily Mail fears new version will encourage teens to take water guns to the streets.
*Vercetti dies instantly*
Vice City had by far the most character of the three games, and Tommy Vercetti was the epitome of cool. Just a shame that I'll have to avoid water like the plague again.
> GTA3 had that really nice dark gangster/mob feel to it.
San Andreas is great but R* were, I think, a little too ambitious with the size of the playing field. Not that I mind loads of room, but I would like the console to be able to handle it better, without loads of pop-up. Which is why I still reckon GTA3 had the better designed city, and as you say, it did have a really good atmosphere around it, very dark and gritty, just like the criminal underworld.
That said however, San Andreas overshadows both nicely.
Whereas Vice City was the same thing but more boring (in my view). Alas, San Andreas was a vast improvment.
I still want to get my money's worth out of the double pack before I get San Andreas.
Mabye I'll just trade it for the Halo 2 expansion disc.