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Mon 03/03/03 at 09:46
Posts: 787

Don't groan, it's the start of a new week and more Middle-Eastern based hilarity (Belldandy, unless you can post under 80 words without using the words "justified" "Evil Hitler" "Stupid leftie peaceniks" and "Sept 11" then you are forbidden from replying purely on the basis that you lack the humour gene and will turn this into another dull "I like Bush" "I dont" thread and we've got plenty of those) shall ensue.

To be honest, I've stopped giving a hoot what happens between Iraq & America because let's face it - the notion that Iraq poses any threat to any nation that has access to more than pointy sticks is laughable (your "terrorist scum" mantra not withstanding, because I'd like to point out that 7 of the Sept 11th hijackers hailed from Saudi Arabia, not Afghanistan or Iraq).
If you take a step back from the hyperbole, media-brainwashing and bulldog rhetoric that has grown men, leaders of countries, calling each other names like playground tyrants - then you'll see the utter idiocy of the situation.
So I shall post, with no thought to politics or who's right and wrong (because there *anybody* willing to send people to their death over a territory dispute is retarded and evil) what I've seen since Bush Jr and his little oil-company puppet-masters suddenly thought "Hey, let's start some trouble with a country that's never acted aggressively towards us and poses absolutely no threat whatsoever if we kick our ball over their fence"

Remember, if you disagree or think I've got the facts wrong?

Bush decides to hunt down and kill Bin Laden and Al Queda for retaliation of one of the stupidest, most pointless acts of barbarism seen in the Western World.
Except he can't find him.
Because he hides in caves.
So the US sends in Seal Teams & Delta Force hardnuts. And they say "Ooo, it's a bit cold and they might have guns. We'd best just shout 'Coo-ee, Bin Laden, we've got some nice burkhas for you' and see if he comes out to play".
Nothing happens and the Seal Teams are so well-trained they dont realise it's winter.
So a well-trained, well-armed lethal killing wing of the armed forces fail to flush out and destroy a poorly armed rag-tag bunch of terrorists hiding in caves.
Saddam laughs and carries on his Evil-Hitler stuff (as he has done since he was installed with help from MI5 and The CIA in an attempt to stave off hardline Muslim rule in an already anti-western region).

Bush promises this will be "the very definition of swift justice, any country and has links to or contains cells of Al Queda will be considered an enemy of ours".
England, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, The Sudan and Egypt panic because they realise they actually harbour Al Queda sympathisers, activists and receipts for weapons sold to the Bin Laden family.
Bush's advisors point out that his 1st company was set-up with the Bin Laden family back in the early 80s and that Bush Sr hosted several meetings at his Texan ranch where the Bin Ladens were documented and photographed as attending.
Bush almost chokes on pretzel and declares war on Salty-Snack, a believed terrorist sympathising conglomerate posing as food company.

This definition of swift justice is renamed "Operation Guiding Light".
Bush's bosses decide that sounds too churchy and rename it "Operation Come-Out Come-Out Wherever You Are".
This is rejected in favour of "Operation Gonna-Smash-Your-Ass" and several billions dollars is allocated to the "Massive goddamn weapons" section of The Pentagon.
This definition of swift-justice goes on for another year with zero results and a year of Colin Powell saying "No he's dead. I know it. I can feel it in ma bones", before Al Jezeer releasing tapes of Bin Laden in a cave sticking his fingers up and blowing raspberries at the camera, with several lackeys behind him on pogo-sticks and Stars and Stripes flags jammed up their butts.

Bush finally loses his temper and declares war.
On Iraq.
Saddam Hussein spits his tea out and phones his clone-a-like ministers
"What the fu-?"
"No idea boss. Perhaps it's a joke? Phone him and ask"
Hussein phones Bush "George, baby, what's the deal here? We had an agreement, I'll not invade anyone at all and you continue to bomb my country in a no-fly zone for 11 years without it even making headlines anymore. What the hell is this about?"
"Saddy, I've got to attack someone dude. I need to justify tripling the defence budget expenditure since Clinton's days."
"...bring it on Dopey"

Bush announces Evil Hitler 2 is a threat to the entire planet and is also thinking about attacking The Moon.
Slobodan Milsovec sues America, claiming he was originally Evil Hitler and that waving dude with the moustache is infringing his copyright.
Bush frequently appears in press-conferences pointing at a picture of Saddam Hussein and going "Whoooooo-oooooo" like a 3rd-rate circus ghost-train in an attempt to whip up fear and hatred for a guy that's been quietly doing his dictator thing since we last went over and killed 175,000 Iraqis before promptly buggering off and leaving the peasants to be massacred having promised to support them in an uprising.

Bush decides to launch 11,000 "newk-lee-ar" missiles at Hussein, but is wrestled to the ground by Colin Powell who sits on his chest and says "Wait, just wait. We'll get The UK to help us."
Bush sulks and refuses to come out of his bunker for a week.
Blair announces the UK will support the United States in their "war against terrorism. Except Iraq has no links to he's evil. Look at his eyes! Woooooo-ooooooo"
Saddam Hussein's miltary advisors point out that if war is inevitable, perhaps it's not wise to dispose of their weapons? Besides, they dont have an air-force and have to rely on old US weapons like The Scud.
The world's worst missile that lacks any steering capability and can be shot down by a Mujhadeen with a catapult and some grain.

The rest of the world says "Nope" when Bush tries to whip up support against "The goat-eyed dude".
The UK has the largest peaceful protest march in recorded history, despite tanks at airports (swiftly removed after the demo) and a man arrested with a hand-grenade (from Venezuala. Where 2 days previously a US spy plane had "crashed", conveniently right next to a guerilla camp).

The media would have you believe we are teetering on the brink of war, when it actual fact we are teetering on the brink of the only two English speaking nations of rich white men demanding their old ally Saddam Hussein removes all his weapons so they wont get hurt when they move in and throw him out.


A massive post, sorry and I dont expect anyone to read this far.
It's just for my sake, I've been holding back on any Iraq/Al Queda/Howdy Doody President stuff for ages and I just blew my war-wad in one massive jetting stream of electric confetti.

I'm spent.
Mon 03/03/03 at 20:43
Posts: 9,494
I've just got lost in a sea of big words and small insults.

I tried to post something to add to the topic at hand, honest.
Mon 03/03/03 at 19:27
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Star Fury wrote:
> Do I really care if people don't like what I say ? Nope, and unless I
> do anything where I get banned - unlikely - then there is nothing you
> can do about it, so live with it.

Nobody is saying they dont like what you say.
I'm saying I find the manner in which you belittle the posts that do not match your ideals of this world to be lazy and boring.
It's not what you say, for I dont agree with Insane Bartender on a lot of thing either, but your patronising tone in which you cast-off the opinions of others as "pointless".

Who appointed you as the decider of who is right and wrong?
Your beliefs are just that, yours. Doesn't make them right.
Just as mine are mind, doesn't make them right.

And again, because it's really not sinking in is it?
I post my feelings on things and make no attempt to cast aspersions on what other people have written.
Except for you.

Because I find you amusing. For all your talk, for all your tubthumping rhetoric about standing for what you believe in etc etc, you do nothing.
Sure, you offer excuses for why you dont, but you do nothing to support your views outside of tedious attacks on those that differ from you.

And that, my friend, is the action of a blowhard and a pompous, beligerent person that is unwilling to even try and see an issue from the other person's viewpoint.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - you are a fundamentalist and that mindset of "No, I am right. You are stupid" is exactly the reason this planet is in the stupid state we are.

Now I *really* have to get going. I'll leave you to have the last word (and you will), because I'm off out to get laid, laugh and talk to real people about things that matter.
Mon 03/03/03 at 19:26
Posts: 11,024
Is it allowed to post without joining the new argument?

If so, I'd like to add that for months there was a war on Afghanistan, with the main aim of capturing the "criminal mastermind" behind it all - Osama bin Laden. Now they capture someone completely different and say "Hey, we got the guy behind September 11th!". Strange, no?
Mon 03/03/03 at 19:21
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
I thought you quit this forum?
You've said it enough times.

And I notice you steered clear of the resigning of the
(a)US Ambassador and
(b)Michael Moore subjects.
Would that be because
(a) The Ambassador has made valid points that do not match your views and therefore you cannot sneer and call his views "useless" and "a waste of time"
(b) You havent read Michael Moore at all, as you haven't read Noam Chomsky, yet put a "I thought it was very anti-american" without offering reason, then promptly disappeared from the discussion?

You only take to tasks the posts and views that you feel you can lord it over. If there is a subject you cannot apply your superior proclaimed "my word is bond" attitude, then you just avoid until someone does post something that you can Portillo all over it and feel like you fought us nasty old peaceniks that attempt to bring you down for your fearless views?
Mon 03/03/03 at 19:14
"Gamertag Star Fury"
Posts: 2,710
Goatboy wrote:
> Star Fury wrote:
> And the peace march, this largest ever one, was a
> waste of time, and as far as I believe anyone who thinks it wasn't
> is
> short sighted. Yes, loads of people tramped around London and
> elsewhere, waved placards, shouted about a variety of causes vaguely
> linked to the issue (since when did freedom for palestine link with
> Iraq ?? or the CND ?? )
> ---
> And that is why your views are held with the respect they deserve.
> Your rabid insistence on belittling any viewpoint that differs from
> your own. If it doesn't fit with Belldandy's version of events then
> it's "pointless" or "stupid" or
> "irrelevant".
> Your, frankly lazy, habit of getting confused with
> "Anti-war" and "Pro-Saddam" - which are not the
> same thing, no matter what your groupthink mind tells you.
> And your complete inability to stay away from a topic where you feel
> you are not King Everything of All Knowledge.
> If there's a topic, and you have your opinion, you will put post after
> post after post after post after post trying to prove how you are
> correct and we're all stupid and short-sighted.
> A complete failing to grasp something called "humour". It's
> a subjective thing mate, doesn't work for everyone. But instead of,
> and here's a radical concept, not posting in that thread, you feel the
> need to drone on and on about your beliefs and how we must all listen
> otherwise we're stupid.
> There's a world of difference between being intelligent and reading a
> couple of books in your costed 1st year Uni lifestyle and thinking you
> have any kind of grasp on anything.
> Come back when you are able to understand that somebody may think
> differently to you and yet still have views that are valid.
> And anyway, how many times have you told us you're "leaving this
> forum" because we're all trying to shoot down your lone voice of
> sanity and reason?

And again, I ask what makes you know you are right ? Popular opinion ? It's not faultless, far from it. When I post you get what I believe, not anything else. If some people take that the wrong way then that is there problem, and yours, not mine. If i disagree with someone then I'm not going to lie and say I think it is a valid point of view, thats the kind of PC attitude that's infected country and cripples so much.

Besides, my Uni course has little if anything to do with anything on here in most cases, and I've never claimed it has.

Do I really care if people don't like what I say ? Nope, and unless I do anything where I get banned - unlikely - then there is nothing you can do about it, so live with it.
Mon 03/03/03 at 19:06
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Star Fury wrote:
And the peace march, this largest ever one, was a
> waste of time, and as far as I believe anyone who thinks it wasn't is
> short sighted. Yes, loads of people tramped around London and
> elsewhere, waved placards, shouted about a variety of causes vaguely
> linked to the issue (since when did freedom for palestine link with
> Iraq ?? or the CND ?? )

And that is why your views are held with the respect they deserve.

Your rabid insistence on belittling any viewpoint that differs from your own. If it doesn't fit with Belldandy's version of events then it's "pointless" or "stupid" or "irrelevant".
Your, frankly lazy, habit of getting confused with "Anti-war" and "Pro-Saddam" - which are not the same thing, no matter what your groupthink mind tells you.

And your complete inability to stay away from a topic where you feel you are not King Everything of All Knowledge.
If there's a topic, and you have your opinion, you will put post after post after post after post after post trying to prove how you are correct and we're all stupid and short-sighted.

A complete failing to grasp something called "humour". It's a subjective thing mate, doesn't work for everyone. But instead of, and here's a radical concept, not posting in that thread, you feel the need to drone on and on about your beliefs and how we must all listen otherwise we're stupid.

There's a world of difference between being intelligent and reading a couple of books in your costed 1st year Uni lifestyle and thinking you have any kind of grasp on anything.
Come back when you are able to understand that somebody may think differently to you and yet still have views that are valid.

And anyway, how many times have you told us you're "leaving this forum" because we're all trying to shoot down your lone voice of sanity and reason?

*throws Belldandy a clue*

Run along kid.
Mon 03/03/03 at 17:04
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Waaaaaah Waaaaaaaaah Waaaaaaaah

*throws Belldandy a dummy*

Grow a funny bone pointdexter
Mon 03/03/03 at 15:42
"Gamertag Star Fury"
Posts: 2,710
*yawns* Heard it all before really. You obviously care about it Goatboy or you wouldn't even mention it otherwise, and saying you don't giveashit if any of your facts are wrong is pretty lame. Still, if it keeps you happy there's nothing like insulating yourself from what you don't want to hear. I'm pretty sure Kuwaiti's would argue about Iraq being no threat to would 400 POWs if anyone ever finds them.... And the peace march, this largest ever one, was a waste of time, and as far as I believe anyone who thinks it wasn't is short sighted. Yes, loads of people tramped around London and elsewhere, waved placards, shouted about a variety of causes vaguely linked to the issue (since when did freedom for palestine link with Iraq ?? or the CND ?? ) , tied up a load of the country's police forces, made cynical comments about increased secuirty to give people the impression they were some all knowing force on government policy and tactics, and then went home and carried on as normal.

And if this reply is over 80 words, well you know which website to go to.....
Mon 03/03/03 at 12:30
"Brownium Motion"
Posts: 4,100
They should have a fight, akin to that Frankie Goes To Hollywood music vid.

That would be the most defining moment of my life...
Mon 03/03/03 at 10:45
Posts: 5,630
Good read.

Hear about Saddam challenging Bush to a debate? The possibilities for humour in that would be endless.

Bush: "I will not have a mass debate, live in front of millions of people, with Saddam"

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