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"Did you have any weirdos at school?"

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Sat 21/09/02 at 19:58
Posts: 787
I had a German boy in my Music class who was into the Sex Pistols and what not. He then claimed he could perform white magic, open locks with his mind, predict the future and read minds.
Then, we had this discussion:

Me = "
Him (Sebastian, or Sebby) = [

"I'm thinking of a number between one or ten"

[No your not]

"Yes I am"

[No, you are thinking of 69] (Sick old me)

And guess which number I was thinking of...?

Mon 23/09/02 at 22:41
"~a Libertine~"
Posts: 215
This weird guy in my school, known henceforth as 'Fitton'. He has this terrible Welsh accent which makes people accuse him of being Welsh, even though he's from Belfast. He's tall and thin and blond but he carries this ridiculous retarded grin on him the whole time. When playing football everyone else abandons the game in favour of tripping him up repeatedly. When he gets into fights, he feints punches at people and then gives a satisfied over-grin and blurts "Coulda knocked you out there!!".
When he fights he says stuff like "I am invincable" like Boris in Goldeneye.
His catchphrases are: "You're dead tomorrow!!" as he runs away from various bullies.. "Come on den!!" as he taunts various bullies,
and finally his picture in the school magazine (which has him on two rocks with his legs spread out and one foot on each rock) has the caption:(and i quote directly) 'Wot a pringle!!' attached.
I wish I was lying about all of this but it's 100% truth.

Poor guy...
Mon 23/09/02 at 18:28
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
Starlight wrote:
> Well while half my school wasn't playing truent or taking field trips
> to the police station most of them were pretty "normal"
> Thing is they were all the worst for fighting/bullying/smashing
> windows/making teachers lives hell/drug abusing and general young
> criminals you're ever likely to meet. Some of them were ok though,
> when 6th form hit it cleared out all of them which left about hmmmmm
> 15-20 of us max.

Wow, thats a really small sixth year. Ours was about 50-60 people.
Sun 22/09/02 at 21:47
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Oh yes, I knew some really weird people.

A bunch of them would stick strange patterned shirts on, roll around in the mud chanting at each other, while trying to lob spherical objects into specially made nets. The school was fairly good about it though and put them all together in a group to keep them out of everyone else's way.

Another lot kept thinking they were some sort of heroes if they beat up the smallest kids in the school, apparently this was catching and had been going on for a long time. It seems it was a rare disease or something, because the teachers didn't want to touch them very often.

Yet another lot actually went really mad and found these packets of sticks that you could set fire to and then inhale the smoke, really mad that was, they were puffing away on these things and would go completely loopy if they couldn't get any.

It's all in the perspective.
Sat 21/09/02 at 22:23
Posts: 0
I dont really have any wierd peopel at my school scince most of them are neds and are thicker than **** (including a good number of girls).

I dunno if this is wierd but one of the guys im my class thinks hes a geinus/can beat anyone up and generaly thinks he is the most superior thing on the planet.

Even thought hes a complete idoit

Sat 21/09/02 at 21:59
"I'm not Orgazmo"
Posts: 9,159
Well while half my school wasn't playing truent or taking field trips to the police station most of them were pretty "normal"

Thing is they were all the worst for fighting/bullying/smashing windows/making teachers lives hell/drug abusing and general young criminals you're ever likely to meet. Some of them were ok though, when 6th form hit it cleared out all of them which left about hmmmmm 15-20 of us max.
Sat 21/09/02 at 21:55
Posts: 23,284
I know what you mean about some of the neds

Some you knew were morons but for some reason I would usually have okay conversations with them if I sat next to them in class etc

Although that's about it and most were gits
Sat 21/09/02 at 21:40
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
The only real weirdo i can think of is this kid who ran EVERYWHERE in school, he was really fast actually, which was useful as everyone wanted to beat him up, he was pretty thin, so got the nickname Starvin' Marvin. I believe he works in the school as a janitor now.

There were these other 2 girls in my CDT class, but they were more retarded than weird, i dont think they had a brain cell to rub between them. They talked really slow and were patrons at the learning support dept.

I got the usual share of NEDs. But i was actually friendly with a few of them, simply because im a nice guy, although i didnt hang around with them, because im like a genius. And i here they do drugs and stuff now. hopefully they will all be in jail soon enough.
Sat 21/09/02 at 21:28
"Gamertag Star Fury"
Posts: 2,710
SHEEPY wrote:
> Most left after few years... boys worked in McDonalds or got send to
> prison whikst girls are all pregant

Hmmm, obviously psychic, how else could you have known what a good 90% of my school year went on to do/become ?

It does have it's advantages though, for instance at my part time job I know the names of quite a few persistent shoplifters..., plus its bizarely satisfying seeing all the dossers in dead end jobs or pushing screaming kids around in knackered push chairs.

Moral of the story; it's okay to laugh at the swots at school, 'cause you only get about 5 years to do it, the swots get the rest of your lifetime to laugh back....

~~Belldandy~~ (Might have been a bit of a swot, maybe :) )
Sat 21/09/02 at 21:04
Posts: 3,110
Well, I can't really think of any weirdos in my school. Really says something, doesn't it.

However, there is a very weird teacher who left my school a few years ago, called Mr. Wise. He was the teacher who people picked on like the nerdy kid - he couldn't control any class, people would swear at him and supposedly lock him in cupboards. He was constantly accused of dropping pens on the ground then picking them up and looking up girls skirts, and he always without fail, would go get somebody else to shout at the class.

Very strange. Apparently he works as a clown in a circus now (no joke).
Sat 21/09/02 at 20:50
Posts: 23,284
I think I'm crossing into weirdo terrority at school... but a kind of cool one which is good.

My school was full of hard nutcases really

Apparently I was in the worst class my school has ever had since it opened in 1954... every teacher said so, at parents evening they said

" Craig's class is the worst I ever taught in my career... Craig is a pleasure to teach and I feel sorry for him "

Most left after few years... boys worked in McDonalds or got send to prison whikst girls are all pregant

And one who I had my first kiss with when I was 11 joined the army... eurgh.. although she was pretty hot and had a crush on me but wouldn't go out with me because I wasn't a ned or something.

Oh and one guy would go to reg every morning then you'd see him running home in the distance... funny bloke.

Oh Oh and Mousey who was in my class... great bloke... people threw him in bins and stuff but he got out and did a little dance and also sung Bohemian Rhapsody at school karoke... I was only one applauding him like a madman at end.

Many more etc

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