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Sun 21/07/02 at 20:56
Posts: 787
The other forums are doing why not? Only do the people you know if you want...

1 davyboy
2 AfroJoe
3 Tiltawhirl
4 Hercules!
5 Na†ßu©
6 cookie monster
7 Cyclone
8 Insane Bartender
9 Edgy
10 Sibs
11 WòókieeMøn§†€®
12 RM18
13 er-no
14 Ant
15 KR
16 fido dido
17 Lord H
18 SolidSnakeXXI
19 Goatboy
20 Fuzzy
21 Major Chip Hazar...
22 CDouch
23 Or†ega
24 Mattyboy
25 Monkey_With_Atti...
26 ShadowDragon
27 cipro
28 Stryke
29 Flanders
30 Vottanator
31 RastaBillySkank
32 Mystique
33 allardini
34 gamezfreak
35 Mandatare
36 Cartel Thug
37 Solskjær
38 savatt1668
39 Mr Gynaecologist
40 Grix Thraves
41 ¥Snail Male¥
42 MoJoJoJo
43 Lawless Fever
44 Rosalind
45 Grandprix
46 phi11ip
47 ps2_proud
48 **Kerrang!**
49 Foreman
50 DeltaJava
51 El Swandre
52 Asher D
53 garbe123
54 Microchips
55 ===SONICRAV--->
57 J Savo -
58 Figo
59 Jericho15
60 Ultima Weapon
61 Sir Auron
62 Snipe®
63 Posh Kid
64 Fog
65 Tóm
66 Time_Warp
68 Craw
69 Jez13
70 Dark Mark
71 Ronaldo
72 Jetster
74 P@st@ M@st@
75 Mr. Happy
76 beanz
77 ®eDdY²°°2
78 Nomad_Soul
79 Microgarlicbread
80 El Numpty De Buy...
81 mikelar10
82 Jive
83 Twain
84 smoking guns
85 mXtheared
86 Thegerrid
87 Strafex
88 Armatige Shanks
89 Gabbo
90 Your Honour
91 Longster
92 Indian-DudeY2K
93 Totoro
94 Turbonutter
95 locky1133
96 Starlight
97 AliBoy
98 Quinty
99 Doglatto
100 Pointless Babble
Mon 22/07/02 at 11:15
"!..!, (¬_¬) !..!,"
Posts: 163
only 80 *bah*
Mon 22/07/02 at 11:13
"previously phuzzy."
Posts: 3,487
Yay! I was *waves* noticed!

Mon 22/07/02 at 11:10
"Uzi Lover"
Posts: 7,403
Ok, I'll do it now, I've just woke up and am REALLY bored. Before I was jsut bored, as said before. If I think you're one of ym favourites I'll put FAVOURITE next to your name ok? Cool.

> 1 davyboy - Maybe his name is Dave? If it is, I'm a genius.

> 2 AfroJoe - He seems cool, Hercules keeps going on about him. I think it's his crush.

> 3 Tiltawhirl - Now, I think this dude rocks. He actually makes me crack up at times when I read his replies to stuff. He's one of those people who just say what they think and that rules. FAVOURITE.

> 4 Hercules! - He builds me houses and listens to me talk about sick stuff from my past. I didn't think much of him at first, that's because I never really took the time to talk to him etc. But now he's definetly a -FAVOURITE. (see how I tied that in there?)

> 5 Na†ßu© - Everyone seems to be liking him recently, I see him getting alot of votes in the election too. Though I don't think he should be a notable, yet.

> 6 cookie monster - I see him around sometimes and I like what i read. Keep coming back dude.

> 7 Cyclone - I like his name. Ermmmmmm he use to be around more? Am I right in saying that?

> 8 Insane Bartender - Ha, this guys actually pretty funny. I think I've seen him have alot of arguements with people over certain stuff and he always seems to win. I think he may be older or something. Nice knowledge of stuff.

> 9 Edgy - He'll get a fair few votes in the notable election I'm sure. He's been here alot more recently posting alot of good topics and replys to. All seems to be in aid of the election methinks. But he'll do pretty well in it.

> 10 Sibs - He's a punk. 'Nuff said. I talk about music with him even though he's a Punk but he's given me some of his stuff and I like some of it. Anti-Flag for instance, 911 For Peace rules. FAVOURITE.

> 11 WòókieeMøn§†€® - I seen him talk alot about PS2 games, that's probably because he has a PS2, right? Well, he's got a good view on them and that's good.

> 12 RM18 - Has alot of backing from people, will also get some votes in the election. Where do all these people get backing from? Maybe I should start up a party or something seeing as I haven't recieved one vote ever :-D This guy also wins GAD with the same style thing, but he does it pretty good. Only been here a while too, so he's got a good future.

> 13 er-no - He reminds me of the babe. FAVOURITE.

> 14 Ant - Is he still in the WWF forum? Oh sorry, WWE :-D. He's been here since the day i have, third day of GAD. ROCK!

> 15 KR - He makes loads of posts but I never see him. weird that.

> 16 fido dido - She's gone, everyone butt sucked her when she left. :-D She's ok though.

> 17 Lord H - From what I can remember he's ok. I remember the name makign me laugh once.

> 18 SolidSnakeXXI - I never knew a games character would be crowned king.

> 19 Goatboy - Will read all of his posts as he add's meaning and humor at the same time. He really is something this forum has got to keep, his Train Simulator review makes me laugh everytime I look at it. FAVOURITE.

> 20 Fuzzy - He's pretty upset lately because no-one notice's his. Well Fuzzy, I never noticed you before but I have now ;-)

> 21 Major Chip Hazar... - That film sucked man.

> 22 CDouch - Good edition to the Movie/Music forum. Like it.

> 23 Or†ega - Use to be a late night chatter in MIST and seemed quite a good guy.

> 24 Mattyboy - Maybe his name is Matt? I'm just guessing...

> 25 Monkey_With_Atti... - Yeah Man!

> 26 ShadowDragon - New guy and doing well. Keep it up.

> 27 cipro - Tony Hawks Skateboarding rip off?

> 28 Stryke - Likes some good music and for this I like him. He needs to stay around, he does some good stuff in the Movie/Music forum. FAVOURITE.

> 29 Flanders - That you Ned?

> 30 Vottanator - Use to be around more I'm sure.

> 31 RastaBillySkank - He rules, he thinks I'm Jesus. But don't tell him I'm not ;-) Likes the Crows too and I think they are 'OK' :-D FAVOURITE.

> 32 Mystique - Hmmmmm her website is cool.

> 33 allardini - Dude.

> 34 gamezfreak - "He's a freeeeeeeak, for gamez"

> 35 Mandatare - Sounds like a Spanish guy.

> 36 Cartel Thug - GTA 3 guy. p.s the Cartel suck :-D

> 37 Solskjær - He's a good poster. I like it.

> 38 savatt1668 - He use to be around more, shame. Be around more.

> 39 Mr Gynaecologist - Mr what?!!?

> 40 Grix Thraves - Tom Cruise wannabe and great guy. I think he'll go far in life with his writing/animating. FAVOURITE.

> 41 ¥Snail Male¥ - A Snail that is a Male. What I ask though can you tell?

> 42 MoJoJoJo - He think's he's rock hard but I could beat him with a spoon. (Not really, have mercy man)

> 43 Lawless Fever - He's pretty wicked. Stay around.

> 44 Rosalind - Goatboy lover.

> 45 Grandprix - The Grand Prix got boring.

> 46 phi11ip - He should stay around too, good poster.

> 47 ps2_proud - It's crap.

> 48 **Kerrang!** - Kerrang sucks, not the user, the channel :-D He wins for alot of cheats/hints whatever. Get's him free games so thats alright isn't it.

I'm becoming even more bored so I'll only do a selection of the next.

> 56 SHEEPY - Like his Tux. HA

> 66 Time_Warp - Nice to see him back. Stay.

> 75 Mr. Happy - Makes really good posts with and has heart. This guys sending me a free CD for some reason?!? Anyway, he likes some good music too. Would like to see him around more and will get some votes int he election. FAVOURITE.

> 77 ®eDdY²°°2 - Jap-Eye?

> 88 Armatige Shanks - A Toilet. Stay around.

> 90 Your Honour - When he comes he's cool. Got a good head on him. Trancy guy.

> 92 Indian-DudeY2K - American or Indian, Indian?

> 94 Turbonutter - Evetyone calls him a geek and he likes it,

> 97 AliBoy - Ws surprised to see me aroun the other day. What he didn't notice was that I was 25th on the lsit, higher then I've ever been. Now, he should stay, he does good posts.
Mon 22/07/02 at 10:59
Posts: 23,695
I can't be bothered to write something about someone, so I'll do ratings instead. Don't be offended if you don't get a high score, because it's only because I don't know you. Or actually, you can be offended if you want, I don't care. :D

1 davyboy - 6/10
2 AfroJoe - 13/10
3 Tiltawhirl - 7/10
4 Hercules! - 10/10 - Likes moths. :D
5 Na†ßu© - 7/10
6 cookie monster - 7/10
7 Cyclone - 6/10
8 Insane Bartender - 6/10
9 Edgy - 8/10
10 Sibs - 8/10
11 WòókieeMøn§†€® - 8/10
12 RM18 - 8/10
13 er-no - 8/10
14 Ant - 9/10
15 KR - 8/10
16 fido dido 7/10
17 Lord H - 6/10
18 SolidSnakeXXI - 8/10
19 Goatboy - - 8/10
20 Fuzzy - 6/10
21 Major Chip Hazard - 8/10
22 CDouch - 6/10
23 Or†ega - 8/10
24 Mattyboy - 7/10
25 Monkey_With_Attitude - 7/10
26 ShadowDragon - 8/10
27 cipro - 6/10
28 Stryke - 10/10 - Stryke rules. :D
29 Flanders - 6/10
30 Vottanator - 7/10
31 RastaBillySkank - 10/10 - Rasta rules. :D
32 Mystique - 7/10
33 allardini - 7/10
34 gamezfreak - 6/10
35 Mandatare - 6/10
36 Cartel Thug - 7/10
37 Solskjær - 8/10
38 savatt1668 - 7/10
39 Mr Gynaecologist - 8/10
40 Grix Thraves - 8/10
41 ¥Snail Male¥ -Ife he's Sly Weasel then it's 0/10, if he's someone else then 6/10
42 MoJoJoJo - 9/10
43 Lawless Fever - 7/10
44 Rosalind - 7/10
45 Grandprix - 8/10
46 phi11ip - 7/10
47 ps2_proud - 6/10
48 **Kerrang!** - 6/10
49 Foreman - 6/10
50 DeltaJava - 6/10
51 El Swandre - 6/10
52 Asher D - 7/10
53 garbe123 - 5/10
54 Microchips - 8/10
55 ===SONICRAV---> - 7/10
56 SHEEPY - 8/10
57 J Savo - 0/10
58 Figo - 7/10
59 Jericho15 - 6/10
60 Ultima Weapon - 5/10
61 Sir Auron - 7/10
62 Snipe® - 7/10
63 Posh Kid - 6/10
64 Fog - 6/10
65 Tóm - 6/10
66 Time_Warp - 7/10
68 Craw - 6/10
69 Jez13 - 5/10
70 Dark Mark - 7/10
71 Ronaldo - 5/10
72 Jetster - 7/10
74 P@st@ M@st@ - 6/10
75 Mr. Happy - 8/10
76 beanz - 5/10
77 ®eDdY²°°2 - 6/10
78 Nomad_Soul - 6/10
79 Microgarlicbread - 5/10
80 El Numpty De Buy... - 5/10
81 mikelar10 - 5/10
82 Jive - 5/10
83 Twain - 6/10
84 smoking guns - 0/10
85 mXtheared - 7/10
86 Thegerrid - 5/10
87 Strafex - 7/10
88 Armatige Shanks -7/10
89 Gabbo - 6/10
90 Your Honour - 8/10
91 Longster - 7/10
92 Indian-DudeY2K - 6/10
93 Totoro - 7/10
94 Turbonutter - 6/10
95 locky1133 - 5/10
96 Starlight - 9/10
97 AliBoy - 9/10
98 Quinty - 7/10
99 Doglatto - 5/10
100 Pointless Babble - 6/10

Booger. I'm done.

Mon 22/07/02 at 10:34
"I h8 ron atkinson"
Posts: 413
AfroJoe wrote:
> ¥± MAD ©aT ±¥ wrote:
> Why did you do this?
> ---
> Errrr... because we did.
> Why are you alive?

Well ... Mummy and Daddy ... *starts going on* ... and they had a luvely time!

btw im very proud to be 39th , 1 above the infamous Grix! Muahahah , must be my medicinal knowledge that got me there!

Also i see Fido is 16th *sniff , sob* dont remind me ... WAAAAA!
Mon 22/07/02 at 10:25
Posts: 23,695
¥± MAD ©aT ±¥ wrote:
> Why did you do this?


Errrr... because we did.

Why are you alive?
Mon 22/07/02 at 07:39
Posts: 125
Why did you do this?
Mon 22/07/02 at 00:54
Posts: 21,800
Snipe® wrote:
> cant believe u have time to fill it all in.

Can't beleive you don't have the time to type normally.
Mon 22/07/02 at 00:38
Posts: 16,558
cant believe u have time to fill it all in.
Mon 22/07/02 at 00:26
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
Yeah but i dont have the heart to tell people like that. A number is more ambiguous, and therefore better.

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