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"Console Launch Inevitability"

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Sat 04/05/02 at 12:24
Posts: 787
I could take an accurate guess that many of you PS2 and Xbox fans are either avoiding the forums for the next few days or just sticking to the console specific ones. It is inevitable that when a console is launched, it'll be the only subject talked about for a while, and since the GameCube was out yesterday, so it will be too.

I was one of the lucky few. I was actually in when my GameCube was delivered at 8:05 Friday morning, so I didn't get a message saying it would be delivered next day. Only problem was, I had ten minutes to ogle before I had to go to school. No worries though - no games to play. So I unpacked it all, fondled about with the controller and opened and closed the lid. Nice one. Placed it next to my Xbox and had a true laugh out loud moment. The GameCube really is 1/4 the size of the Xbox.

My day went as slowly as you'd expect with the general anticipation of being able to play the machine I'd been waiting a year and a half for. I boasted about actually getting mine so early and realised just how many people were getting a GameCube themselves. I was greeted with many 'I'm getting mine this evening' answers which is more than can be said about the Xbox launch. Seems that, despite the many critics, the GameCube is a very popular console. Its all those diehard fans from the golden SNES age, I tell you.

Eventually the time clunked around to 3:25 - hometime, and the wait on the bus was almost unbearable. I literally ran from my house to get to my GameCube. Fumbling about with the key in the keyhole, I raced inside to find two packages sitting on our dining table, both obviously GameCube games. Wave Race Blue Storm and Super Monkey Ball. Brilliant! The one downer was no memory card, and at the time or writing this my GameCube is still on in my bedroom; I got so far on Super Monkey Ball I'd hate to lose it all.

Its true what they say about Super Monkey Ball. Its incredibly addictive; the controller fits the atmosphere superbly, and all the mini-games are well thought out and are substantial; I was up late into last night playing the grand prix mode in the Monkey Race. Yes, Super Monkey ball is ingenious, and everything from the funny name enter screen thing, to the interactive credits, it is really really great.

Then Wave Race. The first thing I felt when playing this was disappointment. While the water graphics are superb, the scenery, riders and backgrounds are quite poorly drawn with bad textures and no anti-aliasing. But never mind that, the game was fun to play anyway, but I think I'd stick to Super Monkey Ball until I get that memory card.

So overall, the GameCube is a great machine. Its not ugly being a 'cube' it looks just right and cute; the thing is just so small. The discs are diddy as well, and overall it is brilliant in terms of controller, design and overall feel. Well done Nintendo. One thing to comment on, is how Nintendo decided to make the C stick shorter and fatter than the Japanese version, a wise idea in my opinon.

Nintendo have done well up to this point, and the fan base is incredible really. Well done, is all I can say, and I hope that this popularity and high standard of production is maintained in the future.

Post all your comments in here, we don't need endless GameCube topics. You can win Gameaday by replying; you don't have to start a new topic. Sigh... They'll never learn.
Sun 05/05/02 at 19:34
Posts: 3,110
Sun 05/05/02 at 18:54
Posts: 0
Did this get posted in another forum? Any way good post.
Sun 05/05/02 at 15:29
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
½pint wrote:
> I boasted about actually getting mine so early and realised just how
> many people were getting a GameCube themselves. I was greeted with
> many 'I'm getting mine this evening' answers which is more than can be
> said about the Xbox launch. Seems that, despite the many critics, the
> GameCube is a very popular console. Its all those diehard fans from
> the golden SNES age, I tell you.

Well, i'm still gunna be the first person in Year 12 at my school who's actually getting a GameCube soon! :(
And there are 2... maybe 3, other people who MAY get one next year, but they all want an X-box first.

So I can gloat to them! :P
But they'll only critisise.
Sun 05/05/02 at 11:11
"possibly impossible"
Posts: 24,985
Yes, I have indeed bought a Gamecube and even had the day off on Friday to go and get it.

It was worth the wait too, although I had been playing on my mate's import cube for a while (which means that I've seen and played Biohazard, and all I can say is 'wow') This was my most exciting launch console since the SNES days, full of promise and that Nintendo seal of quality.

As per usual with a new console, I took the time to study the box before even attempting to open it. Slowly, I lifted the lid and my eyes fell upon the cute bundle of leads and bags holding the various bits and pieces. I pulled them all out one by one and undid all the cables. The machine itself sat pristinely on the floor, beaming away at me as it sat their looking so cute and Nintendoy.

Next came the turning on of the switch. I never put a disc or cartridge in the machine when I first get them, because I like to witness the pure opening screen and set all the options so the games appear perfect and with the right sounds the first time. I set the date and time and the sound options and then turned off the machine.

The title screen is great, that little Gamecube logo and the way it rolls around still amuses me, especially the sounds that go with it. It's every bit as different as the nice starry PS2 screen.

The next phase of the new console plan is to open a game and insert it. Even having handled a GC game before, I was still overwhelmed by the small size of the disc, it's just soooo small that you wonder how they can fit those games on to the discs. I chose Rogue Leader from my 3 games sitting on the floor next to me and loaded it up. Very quickly the options screen for the game appeared and I soon found myself flying through the Deathstar trench at terrifying speeds. The sounds, graphics and whole ambience just makes this such a fantastic game. I must have played that for an hour or so before going for Lugi's Mansion, then Super Monkey Ball.

Later that evening, a friend came around after stopping off to buy his own Gamecube and, along with my wife, we played Super Monkey Ball until around midnight. He was so impressed with the game that he's off to buy it himself soon. It really is the best multi-player party game I've ever played and even the single player element is fantastic. Monkey Target, one of the mini games, reminds me so much of Pilot Wings and the Monkey Golf has to be seen to be believed! Monkey Fight is also worth a mention and has already caused much laughter and raised voices, I wonder what the neighbours thought?

So, all in all it was a great experience and I'm just glad so many of you are finding this out. It's not too late for any of you who haven't got one yet. Fantastic.
Sat 04/05/02 at 20:11
Posts: 3,110
Or†ega wrote:
> Get yourself a Memory card.
> You need to unlock the 3 mini games :)

I ordered a memory card with my GameCube, but it didn't come on Friday. Luckily, it came today in the post though, and since I'd done loads on Super Monkey Ball I was able to plug it in and quickly save; I hadn't turned the GC off since about 8 that morning.

Also got Luigi's Mansion, which in my opinion is a really great game, with really cool extra bits. What made MGS2 great is the little derivative things you can do, such as shooting seagulls, slipping on their poo, footprints, catching colds etc. Luigi's Mansion has this kind of attention to detail which I think is really great.
Sat 04/05/02 at 19:12
Posts: 2,929
Or†ega wrote:
> Exactly. You got a huge long break in the summer to enjoy all the
> gaming you want.
> Although I have decided to balance A2 exams with GameCubing....
> I could never resist the urge...

This is what I am saying! Revise for exams and play Cube in breaks.
Sat 04/05/02 at 18:06
Posts: 5,448
Just traded in my PS2 for a GC...

They were all out at Gamestation, so I went to EB where they had several left. Luckily, EB will match any price, so I managed to get Gamestation's prices anyway!

I got £100 for the Ps2, and £20, £18 and £15 for MGS2, DMC and Rez (not sure about the order of the prices).

I bought a GC for £130, and SMB and Rogue Leader for £25 each... thanks to the price match! Oh, and I picked up an extra controller for £25 and a memory can for £10.

So I ended up paying £60 in the exchange...

Then I popped down to Gamestation to trade my PS2 memory card for a GC scart lead... leaving me with £6 CREDIT there.

It's just sitting there next to me.. still in the box... mocking me... right now...

Sat 04/05/02 at 15:54
"Nasty Fat Hobbit!"
Posts: 1,193
Got my Gamecube yesterday also, if however a little late.

The thing I could have done with from the start was a Memory card, you see, I thought that I didn't need one when I first ordered it, as I could just walk to the Games shop and buy one. Oh how I was so wrong.

On day one, I played through Rogue Leader, only having to switch it off to try out ISS- losing all that I had achieved, medals and so forth.
So I took it upon myself to make my way to the store, what I intended to do in the first place to get the little thing.

And Horror! the shop Assistant told me they where all sold out, every single one. As I was standing there interestingly enough (gutted), TWO people brushed passed me and asked to buy a black Gamecube each holding a few display covers for the games between them.
The Man at the till told them he'd only one black left with 2 Purple, giving the guy who was first in line the black and the other walked away with the purple console.
The Gamecube was selling out! Big time...the darn memory cards seemed to have been sold out completley!.

So that left me with only 5 shops left to try (A little further along), the first two I tried where all out of Gamecubes and Memory Cards, the third had a few Gamecubes but no memory cards, the forth (A pretty big chain) had no Gamecubes or Memory Cards either and Annoyingly... the last shop I went to had a Memory Card, sitting alongside the Controllers in-store. At long last!
So I went home, quite relieved that I eventually got the thing. Put it in the Gamecubes slot and booted up Rogue Leader, satisfied.

And from all that hunting about, from what I can gather, it seems that the Gamecube has been a big success.
It is selling out everywhere, I even saw a few people today lining up with the Display box waiting to be served at the cash till, when I was going to the same shop to buy an extra controller that tempted me yesterday.
It seems to be pretty well known.
And I am a PS2 owner too, with a host of 22 games so far, the majority very disappointing, I hope to get rid of most of them so I can get a few more Cube games.
GTA3 I haven't played in a while, it all got very samey to me, boring me to tears towards the end.
And Devil May Cry, fabulous game, but it hasn't gave me the urge to replay it. Tedious.
Jak and Daxter doesn't have the drawing appeal of what we where promised either.
And I'll not go on.

Hopefully within the next few weeks I'll have Pikmin and Smash Bros Melee, to add to the ever increasing roster of superb titles.
For those who haven't been swayed yet, the Gamecube is fantastic. Very small compact and despite what you have seen in Magazines it is very stylish- More so than the PS2 and X-Box.
The Controller is a little beauty, snug and comfortable, wrapping around your hand as if it has been grooved and moulded especially for you.
And the healthy line up of games available is tremendous, from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Which I thought to be fantastic on Dreamcast) to the Graphical great being Rogue Leader, I can't really see how the Gamecube would disappoint...especially with the ever enticing price tag.
What Im trying to say is that the console has exceeded my expectations, sure I had my doubts about a few things here and there, but you really need to have it in your own home- nestled beside your X-Boxes and PS2's to really believe it.
It's a technical masterpiece and one that will be guaranteeing that you will be playing AAA quality titles down the line 5 years from now.
With Mario Sunshine, the new Cell Shaded Zelda and Ocarina of Time Remake to Metroid and Perfect Dark. Gamecubes Future looks to be getting brighter.
And with me now owning one, I am confident of that. The possibilties and creativity with the console will be endless.
Rogue Leader looks Fantastic for instance, but we are told that the console can do a lot more from the guys at Factor 5. And that is natural considering that the Console is still very young, the games look so good now what on earth will they look like three or four years down the line? I imagine the results are not too hard to guess.
Im thinking right now of the possibilities of Metroid Prime, with its Alien Locations, realistic environmets. Of Perfect Dark and the hope that it shows us what more the Gamecube can do. And of course in the not too distant future: Mario Sunshine.
If that doesn't tempt anyone, nothing will.
The Nintendo Gamecube will be a big success which I am confident of, you'll see. We'll have to wait a while to see if the PS2 can be toppled from its perch. And don't say it won't or it can't.
Anything is possible. Especially with this console it would be.
Sat 04/05/02 at 13:18
Posts: 15,579
Exactly. You got a huge long break in the summer to enjoy all the gaming you want.

Although I have decided to balance A2 exams with GameCubing....

I could never resist the urge...
Sat 04/05/02 at 13:09
Posts: 5,448
Well, trading my PS2 with mem card, MGS2, DMC and Rez for a GC with SMB and Rougue leader and an extra controller...

Don't know how much I'll get for it all, but after I go later I'll be sure to let you know... it's bound to be at Gamestation though. They game he £150 for my DC with about 5 games at Xmas when I (stupidly) traded it for a PS2.

Only problem is that I'll have to watch DVDs off the PC now:(

Oh, and Vott, I think exams are slightly more important that gaming right now! I'm not that weak minded! As much as I love games to bits, I think I can wait 2 months to guarantee good results!


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