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"Now THIS is an interesting rumour!"

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Sun 21/04/02 at 00:38
Posts: 787
Today, my Dad and I popped out just before dinner to slip into Blockbusters and slap down a £10 deposit for a Gamecube.
It was at the point when we told the shop assistant what we wanted to do that we encountered this interesting rumour.
"I'd like to put a £10 deposit for a Gamecube, please" Said my Dad.
"ok...yup" replied the shop assistant, and she walked around to the other side of the counter and picked up the sign for the Gamecube deposit, looked at it, and bit her lip.
"You could put down the deposit, but, have you heard the rumour?" She asked. I was slightly miffed by this. At first I thought she meant the Xbox price cut, but that was fact, and everyone knew about it, so I quickly decided that it quite obviously has something to do with Gamecube, and so I proceeded to look politely puzzled...
"No", answered my Dad, after looking at me to check whether I knew something about this"
"Well, there's a fast-spreading rumour that the Gamecube's price tag will drop in a couple of months after about £100. Which is why, if you were to pay £169.99, you'd feel a bit gutted if Nintendo did suddenly drop the prices" Said the assistant, and I had to think for a moment.
What should I do? Should I still put the deposit down? Should I wait to see if anymore news is heard, and purchase my beloved 'Cube at a cheaper, even more tempting price? No, I want it on the release, and after all, it is just a rumour. And anyway, if I don't put the deposit down, maybe there wouldn't be anymore 'Cubes left!
"Well, if you still want to go ahead and get the Gamecube on the release day, then there'll be plenty here waiting for you. We've only preordered about 10, so there's no need to worry", said the assistant "If you did, just come in on Thursday and leave a note, or, if you're lucky, you could have it on the Thursday, because we'll be getting the deliveries soon, about 5 days before the launch."
"Well, maybe Nintendo will do what Microsoft have done and refund the people who spent more money, by offering a free game and controller?" I said to the shop assistant.
"Yeah, maybe" was the answer I got.
"Ok, then, thanks for that" Said my Dad. We turned and left the shop. We then started talking about how fierce the future console wars will be if Nintendo were to drop their prices to £100, and how the sales will change once people realise that the console they thought was by far the most expensive is now as cheap as the others (Xbox), and how well the 'Cube will sell with this competition (and the fact that PS2 prices will be dropped later on).

What do you lot think of this, eh? All a true story.
I think a this'll be a fine GAD topic idea :-D

Sun 21/04/02 at 09:12
"Devotion 2The Ocean"
Posts: 6,658
Doesn't this just remind you of when I said the Gamecube might go down to £105

Nintendo might be forced into a price drop. The X-Box is now only £30 more and comes with a DVD player. (Even tho you have to splash out another £30 to actually use the X-Box's DVD player, for the controller). The X-Box has a much bigger marketing scheme and so might actually start to sell now that it's going down in price. Even tho it's a much worse console (HAHAHA) it will probably sell cost people know about it. Nintendo seem to keep quite quiet about their consoles for some reason.

But the Gamecube should do pretty well due to the success of the GBA!

Also keep an eye on the PS2 price! Shops are currently waiting to hear back from Sony with reguards to a price drop! If that happens a Gamecube drop isn't too far off!

Sun 21/04/02 at 01:25
Posts: 0
bill's billions produce the x-box I thank ye bill :)
Sun 21/04/02 at 01:23
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
Silent85 wrote:
> Rob from Bill and give to the needy YOU hold on dont rob from bill I
> want the x-box to carry on and not do a n64

Bill is a muppet... he now wants to get WindowsCE into cars.

If I met him I would slap him. Muppet.
Sun 21/04/02 at 01:11
Posts: 0
Rob from Bill and give to the needy YOU hold on dont rob from bill I want the x-box to carry on and not do a n64
Sun 21/04/02 at 01:09
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
Blazing Anton wrote:
> Shocktrooper wrote:
> Yeah, and thanks to these encouraging replies, now I feel certain
> that
> I should still get a Gamecube on the day, at that price, and I won't
> have to worry about a blinkin' price drop. That is, seriously, a
> very
> nice thought.
> well if had the money for a gamecube i would buy one the day it comes
> out even if the rumour was true even though it wont be.

Sun 21/04/02 at 01:07
"One Of A Kind"
Posts: 1,914
Shocktrooper wrote:
> Yeah, and thanks to these encouraging replies, now I feel certain that
> I should still get a Gamecube on the day, at that price, and I won't
> have to worry about a blinkin' price drop. That is, seriously, a very
> nice thought.

well if had the money for a gamecube i would buy one the day it comes out even if the rumour was true even though it wont be.
Sun 21/04/02 at 01:07
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
WòókieeMøn§†€® wrote:
> Silent85 wrote:
> Darn! What gave it away?
> Oh, I know... my milkman's cat's brother's owner doesn't have a pet
> goldfish.
> A**e.

Yeah I do!
Sun 21/04/02 at 01:06
"everyone says it"
Posts: 14,738
WòókieeMøn§†€® wrote:
> Well, a friend of my milkman's cat's brother's owner's pet goldfish
> told me that Sony are planning to give away an Xbox with every PS2
> sold. And if you buy a memory card and extra controller at the same
> time as you get your PS2, they'll give you a Gamecube too.
> Hand on heart - he really did.

The same goldfish that told me... argh, forget it.
Sun 21/04/02 at 01:06
"[SE] Acetrooper"
Posts: 2,527
WòókieeMøn§†€® wrote:
> Well, a friend of my milkman's cat's brother's owner's pet goldfish
> told me that Sony are planning to give away an Xbox with every PS2
> sold. And if you buy a memory card and extra controller at the same
> time as you get your PS2, they'll give you a Gamecube too.
> Hand on heart - he really did.

Ha ha.
Your obvious and truly annoying sarcasm is annoying, and I'd rather you not take the pee, you grumpy old git.
Sun 21/04/02 at 01:06
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624
Silent85 wrote:

Darn! What gave it away?

Oh, I know... my milkman's cat's brother's owner doesn't have a pet goldfish.


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