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"That little voice!"

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Tue 09/04/02 at 00:15
Posts: 787
I love buying a new game! Everybody does, a fresh new game to get your teeth into. If your anything like me, impatient, you may even buy one from a shop, in the high street - shock horror, sorry SR! Anyway when you get into the game shop you normally know the new releases. The games that have been advertised in shop fronts, on the TV, on the internet and everywhere. This makes you look at those games first. I mean lets face it if millions of people have that game then it must be good ... right?

This is the problem i have when i go to buy a game. I immediately go for the games that everyone has got, be them good or bad. Then i stop and think. 'Is this game actually what i want?' Am i just following the 'crowd' because everyone says its great? Then i slowly turn the box over and put it back on the shelf. I avert my eyes towards different parts of the shelf in search for more games. This is when i come to the next problem. I start thinking! What type of game do i want? Action, puzzle adventure, role playing game, first person shooter? This then takes a while to decide and when i do decide i see a different game and i have to start thinking all over again!

What i am trying to say i that its very hard trying to choose a game when you have no game in mind. Do you go with what your mates said, do you make a rash decision and hope the game turns out well? Or do you just walk out and wait until a game comes out that you actually want. I normally go for the games that my mates have thinking they must bo good but then i hear a voice. "dont buy that game, buy a game that you have never heard of - your bound to like it". I listen to the voice and pick up a game i have never heard of, walk to the counter, take out my money and buy it. Before i know what has happened i'm standing outside the shop with a carrier bag, and a game in it that i have never heard of. Its sort of an annoying habit!

Sometimes what i have just described can be good. You can get a great game and its made by some unknoen games producer. Sadly most of the time you end up buying a lame game that you end up taking down the road and trading it in. So do you stick with the game designers you know? Do you buy games that everybody has got, just because they must be good? Do you go for a genre that you like then pick a game, be it known or unknown? Do you look at review after review and know the game and its plot before you even buy it?

All these questions have to be answered when buying a game. How do you decide? I should stop listening to that little voice - it costs me too much money!

Mr. Chainsaw
Tue 09/04/02 at 00:42
Posts: 3,348
i totally agree. I used to be able to go to my local games store and buy quite a few Amiga games for about twenty pounds. Nowadays, with games averaging about £40 for the PS2, i have to be more careful. I have to look at reviews, ask people, look at the box for ages, and ages, look at all the other games, then decide! It takes me ages - the latest game i bought that the darn little voice told me too was Simpsons Road Rage. I hated the game when i got it home and traded it in a couple of days later. This shows that i am still not careful enough. Another example is i bought MGS2. I know everyone will say i'm crazy but i dont really like this game. I wont go into the details of why i dont like it, but it shows that i was persuaded by friends, reviews and media, into buying it. Even though i knew deep down that it wasnt my 'kind of game'. Anyway with the introduction of the Gamecube to the market there will be even more games for me to ponder over. Its going to take me even longer to choose a game!!!
Tue 09/04/02 at 00:36
"omlette du fromage"
Posts: 321
Good post. I must agree i have been a bit of a sheep with the PS2 never before have i gone with the popular games and ones my friends went for apart from the odd ocassion. I remember having a computer which plugged in to ure telly and it had a keyboard and the games were on sorta audio cassettes. Neway i had a game i think it was the only game i had on the thing, i was about 3 when i first had it, it was called Colin The Cleaner or summink. But this was the first time i had ever played on a computer game and so i wasn't influenced by wat neone had to say about it, i thought it was such a great game and iloved, i don't think i ever grew bored. Now that natural instinct about the quality of a game i wish i still had that, but now i feel i am firmly influenced by the media and the gaming market itself to go for the games that are rated. Even in the days of my NES wen i was about 6 or seven i wasn't influenced at all by others on what to buy. I just loved all the games i could get my hands on and when i look back it does seem to be that i purchased all the classic games without knowing like the Marios Bros game, even the second game i got it was Donkey Kong just by looking at the back i knew it looked good and i begged my dad to get it for me in which he did and again i loved it and again it was a classic. Infact all the games i bought i enjoyed.But nowadays i can easily be swayed by others whether friend or reviewers on what's hot and what's not. Now the media and other ppl may have dented wat cud have been classics and putting ppl off buying classics simply dueto their own personal taste or even the game not living up to it's desired outcome. I think all games have the particular aspects to fulfil different gamers different wants. And so i agree it should not be a matter of popularity but the gamers own choice on wat games they should buy as different ppl do like different things. Although it seems that most games which are raved seem to fulfil everyone needs, whereas others which r slated may be enjoyed by others.
Tue 09/04/02 at 00:15
Posts: 3,348
I love buying a new game! Everybody does, a fresh new game to get your teeth into. If your anything like me, impatient, you may even buy one from a shop, in the high street - shock horror, sorry SR! Anyway when you get into the game shop you normally know the new releases. The games that have been advertised in shop fronts, on the TV, on the internet and everywhere. This makes you look at those games first. I mean lets face it if millions of people have that game then it must be good ... right?

This is the problem i have when i go to buy a game. I immediately go for the games that everyone has got, be them good or bad. Then i stop and think. 'Is this game actually what i want?' Am i just following the 'crowd' because everyone says its great? Then i slowly turn the box over and put it back on the shelf. I avert my eyes towards different parts of the shelf in search for more games. This is when i come to the next problem. I start thinking! What type of game do i want? Action, puzzle adventure, role playing game, first person shooter? This then takes a while to decide and when i do decide i see a different game and i have to start thinking all over again!

What i am trying to say i that its very hard trying to choose a game when you have no game in mind. Do you go with what your mates said, do you make a rash decision and hope the game turns out well? Or do you just walk out and wait until a game comes out that you actually want. I normally go for the games that my mates have thinking they must bo good but then i hear a voice. "dont buy that game, buy a game that you have never heard of - your bound to like it". I listen to the voice and pick up a game i have never heard of, walk to the counter, take out my money and buy it. Before i know what has happened i'm standing outside the shop with a carrier bag, and a game in it that i have never heard of. Its sort of an annoying habit!

Sometimes what i have just described can be good. You can get a great game and its made by some unknoen games producer. Sadly most of the time you end up buying a lame game that you end up taking down the road and trading it in. So do you stick with the game designers you know? Do you buy games that everybody has got, just because they must be good? Do you go for a genre that you like then pick a game, be it known or unknown? Do you look at review after review and know the game and its plot before you even buy it?

All these questions have to be answered when buying a game. How do you decide? I should stop listening to that little voice - it costs me too much money!

Mr. Chainsaw

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