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"Ice Blaster vs Jetster"

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Sat 06/04/02 at 10:33
Posts: 787
Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler sit idly at ring-side discussing the actions of the Three Elements earlier in the night as two goofy looking fans and one ugly female (Mystique) make faces into the camera that is on our fearless commentators. Footage is shown of the beating Ice Blaster received eariler, apparently for signing some goofy looking kids autograph.

“Swooooosh. The sound of an icy wind fills the arena and the lighting suddenly becomes a very cold-looking pale blue. The 3D rendered image of an ice block on the titan-tron signals the arrival of Ice Blaster, who apart from a few bruises looks to have escaped his earlier beating without any ill effects. The crowd give this popular young man a rousing reception and as the camera pans around the arena, we can clearly see a sign in the front row, being held up by an attractive young lady, which reads ‘Ice Blaster, I want your babies.’

“Aeeeooowwwww” The deafening roar of what sounds like a jet engine fills the arena next. As the crowd boo wildly expecting the arrival of the three elements’ Jetster. But they are left puzzled as it’s not Jetster that emerges from beneath the Titan-Tron, but his stable-mates Reaver (Ant) and Mouldy Cheese. Reaver points towards the top of the titan-tron and as the camera pans upwards, we see Jetster himself perched atop the titan-tron. He leaps forwards and soars with the aid of unseen wires to the ring. As Jetster hops through the ropes after unclipping himself. Referee Mike Sparks (Brad) wastes no time calling for the bell.

Jetster and Ice Blaster are equally quick to lock up. Collar and elbow tie up. Ice Blaster goes behind and puts Jetster in a hammer lock. But Jetster steps through and comes up with an arm-ringer. He’s got it locked in tight and Ice Blaster doubles over in pain. Jetster mercilessly twists the arm again and the forc causes Ice Blaster to leave his feet a flip forwards. Jetster still holds on though and drops his leg across that arm. Jetser still holds on and drags Ice Blaster back up to his feet. WHACK! Swift kick from ice Blaster to the head of Jetster. That made him let go! Ice Blaster off the ropes now, trying to build some momentum, clothesline! Missed! Jetseter grabs the arms that just flew inches over his head and drops down into a Fujiwara arm-bar. Ice Blaster screams in pain, but is right next to the ropes and grabs the bottom one with his free hand causing Jetser to break the hold.

Jetster back to his feet, Ice Blaster soon follows. Ice Blaster gets whipped off the ropes Jetster goes for a clothesline, but Ice Blaster ducks underneath and bounces off the other ropes, but down he goes! It’s Reaver who hooked his leg causing him to fall! Mike Sparks takes immediate action, running out of the ring and admonishing the other two elements! He’s sending them to the back! Reaver and Mouldy Cheese look very annoyed, but eventually complies with the official’s wishes.

Mike Sparks (Brad) gets back into the ring and is immediately confronted by an angry Jetster getting right in his face! But, look at Ice Blaster, schoolboy roll-up. Sparks quickly down to count 1---2---Kick out! The cold one scores the first near fall of this match-up. Both wrestlers back to their feet now, Ice Blaster goes to follow up, but is met by a thunderous clothesline Jetster! Jetster quickly into the cover 1---2--kick out! Jetster didn’t hook the leg! What a rookie mistake! Both men spring back to their feet, Ice Blaster goes for a leg sweep but Jetster jumps over, only for Ice Blaster to keep turning into a spin kick, but Jetster ducks that!

Both men stare at each other before running off opposite sides of the ropes, flying crossbody from Jet and erm, a flying crossbody from IB, they meet in mid-air and crash to the mat! Referee Mike Sparks putting the count to both men now. 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 and both men get to the ropes! Ice Blaster is quickest to regain his senses and bounces off the ropes, he goes for a spear! But Jetster sees it coming and uses Ice Blaster’s own momentum against him to hit a devastating looking DDT! Jetster makes the cover and the fans chant along, 1---2---3! But wait! Mike Sparks realises that Ice Blaster’s foot was on the bottom rope! This one is gonna continue! But Jetster isn’t happy and again he gets right into referee Mike Sparks face, complaining about the decision. Ice Blaster again creeps up behind Jetster. Does Jetster not learn from his mistakes? Ice Blaster stands behind and slightly to the side of Jetster before springing himself up and coming down with a sunset flip! Standing inverted sunset flip!!! I haven’t seen that for years! Jetster wobbles, wobbles, wobbles aaaaaaand goes down! 1---2---Jetster thrusts his legs together sandwiching Ice Blaster’s head and causing the break! What a contest this is turning into!

Jetster goes to follow in on Ice Blaster, when out of nowhere, Ice Blaster springs up and hits the Ice on Fire!!! This one’s all over! Lateral Press from Ice Blaster, the fans chant along 1---2—BUT JETSTER ROLLS THE SHOULDER!!! Ice Blaster gives our referee an icy glare (pardon the pun), but doesn’t take his focus off of Jetster. Ice Blaster hauls Jetster back up to a crouching position but Jetster suddenly explodes into life with a jumping uppercut that stuns Ice Blaster, who staggers backwards into the corner. CORNER SPLASH!!! Jetster just ran and launched his body into Ice Blaster! Ice Blaster staggers out of the corner but doesn’t go down!

As IB wobbles out of the corner Jetster locks him in a front face lock and goes for a suplex! No wait he moves forwards instead and drops ice Blaster crotch first onto the turnbuckle!!! Jetster turns and signals to the fans that this one is over, as he quickly makes his way through the ropes and up the turnbuckle behind The Cold One. A couple of shots to the head of IB from Jetster as he turns him slowly around.

Our two fearless combatants are perched precariously atop the turnbuckle and Jetster has manoeuvred Ice Blaster’s head between his legs! He signals to the crowd again! Oh my god!!! He’s going for the superbomb!!! But wait Ice Blaster comes back with a couple of shots to Jetster’s gut and now he’s got Jetster between his legs (ooer :s). Ice Blaster locks Jetsters arms behind his back and OH MY GOD! He’s jumped backwards and took Jetster with him, driving him face first into the canvas! THE ICE BLOCK FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!!

Ice Blaster makes a sloppy cover, but it’s academic at this point. 1---2---3.

“Ladies and Gentlemen your winner, ICE BLASTER!!!”

But here come Reaver and Mouldy Cheese!!! Reaver immediately delivers a DDT driver to the tired Ice Blaster who crumples into a heap! Reaver instructs Mouldy Cheese to pick him up and lock him in the Mouldmission! The ring fills with referees who feebly and half-heartedly attempt to get the Cheesy one to break the hold and eventually he does. The Three elements make their way to the back as the team of referees attend to the perhaps seriously hurt Ice Blaster...he won the match, but was it worth it?
Sat 06/04/02 at 10:46
Posts: 5,135
Good length, Full of action and a great ending well done Congy.

Reaver and his fishy minions. :D
Sat 06/04/02 at 10:33
Posts: 9,808
Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler sit idly at ring-side discussing the actions of the Three Elements earlier in the night as two goofy looking fans and one ugly female (Mystique) make faces into the camera that is on our fearless commentators. Footage is shown of the beating Ice Blaster received eariler, apparently for signing some goofy looking kids autograph.

“Swooooosh. The sound of an icy wind fills the arena and the lighting suddenly becomes a very cold-looking pale blue. The 3D rendered image of an ice block on the titan-tron signals the arrival of Ice Blaster, who apart from a few bruises looks to have escaped his earlier beating without any ill effects. The crowd give this popular young man a rousing reception and as the camera pans around the arena, we can clearly see a sign in the front row, being held up by an attractive young lady, which reads ‘Ice Blaster, I want your babies.’

“Aeeeooowwwww” The deafening roar of what sounds like a jet engine fills the arena next. As the crowd boo wildly expecting the arrival of the three elements’ Jetster. But they are left puzzled as it’s not Jetster that emerges from beneath the Titan-Tron, but his stable-mates Reaver (Ant) and Mouldy Cheese. Reaver points towards the top of the titan-tron and as the camera pans upwards, we see Jetster himself perched atop the titan-tron. He leaps forwards and soars with the aid of unseen wires to the ring. As Jetster hops through the ropes after unclipping himself. Referee Mike Sparks (Brad) wastes no time calling for the bell.

Jetster and Ice Blaster are equally quick to lock up. Collar and elbow tie up. Ice Blaster goes behind and puts Jetster in a hammer lock. But Jetster steps through and comes up with an arm-ringer. He’s got it locked in tight and Ice Blaster doubles over in pain. Jetster mercilessly twists the arm again and the forc causes Ice Blaster to leave his feet a flip forwards. Jetster still holds on though and drops his leg across that arm. Jetser still holds on and drags Ice Blaster back up to his feet. WHACK! Swift kick from ice Blaster to the head of Jetster. That made him let go! Ice Blaster off the ropes now, trying to build some momentum, clothesline! Missed! Jetseter grabs the arms that just flew inches over his head and drops down into a Fujiwara arm-bar. Ice Blaster screams in pain, but is right next to the ropes and grabs the bottom one with his free hand causing Jetser to break the hold.

Jetster back to his feet, Ice Blaster soon follows. Ice Blaster gets whipped off the ropes Jetster goes for a clothesline, but Ice Blaster ducks underneath and bounces off the other ropes, but down he goes! It’s Reaver who hooked his leg causing him to fall! Mike Sparks takes immediate action, running out of the ring and admonishing the other two elements! He’s sending them to the back! Reaver and Mouldy Cheese look very annoyed, but eventually complies with the official’s wishes.

Mike Sparks (Brad) gets back into the ring and is immediately confronted by an angry Jetster getting right in his face! But, look at Ice Blaster, schoolboy roll-up. Sparks quickly down to count 1---2---Kick out! The cold one scores the first near fall of this match-up. Both wrestlers back to their feet now, Ice Blaster goes to follow up, but is met by a thunderous clothesline Jetster! Jetster quickly into the cover 1---2--kick out! Jetster didn’t hook the leg! What a rookie mistake! Both men spring back to their feet, Ice Blaster goes for a leg sweep but Jetster jumps over, only for Ice Blaster to keep turning into a spin kick, but Jetster ducks that!

Both men stare at each other before running off opposite sides of the ropes, flying crossbody from Jet and erm, a flying crossbody from IB, they meet in mid-air and crash to the mat! Referee Mike Sparks putting the count to both men now. 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 and both men get to the ropes! Ice Blaster is quickest to regain his senses and bounces off the ropes, he goes for a spear! But Jetster sees it coming and uses Ice Blaster’s own momentum against him to hit a devastating looking DDT! Jetster makes the cover and the fans chant along, 1---2---3! But wait! Mike Sparks realises that Ice Blaster’s foot was on the bottom rope! This one is gonna continue! But Jetster isn’t happy and again he gets right into referee Mike Sparks face, complaining about the decision. Ice Blaster again creeps up behind Jetster. Does Jetster not learn from his mistakes? Ice Blaster stands behind and slightly to the side of Jetster before springing himself up and coming down with a sunset flip! Standing inverted sunset flip!!! I haven’t seen that for years! Jetster wobbles, wobbles, wobbles aaaaaaand goes down! 1---2---Jetster thrusts his legs together sandwiching Ice Blaster’s head and causing the break! What a contest this is turning into!

Jetster goes to follow in on Ice Blaster, when out of nowhere, Ice Blaster springs up and hits the Ice on Fire!!! This one’s all over! Lateral Press from Ice Blaster, the fans chant along 1---2—BUT JETSTER ROLLS THE SHOULDER!!! Ice Blaster gives our referee an icy glare (pardon the pun), but doesn’t take his focus off of Jetster. Ice Blaster hauls Jetster back up to a crouching position but Jetster suddenly explodes into life with a jumping uppercut that stuns Ice Blaster, who staggers backwards into the corner. CORNER SPLASH!!! Jetster just ran and launched his body into Ice Blaster! Ice Blaster staggers out of the corner but doesn’t go down!

As IB wobbles out of the corner Jetster locks him in a front face lock and goes for a suplex! No wait he moves forwards instead and drops ice Blaster crotch first onto the turnbuckle!!! Jetster turns and signals to the fans that this one is over, as he quickly makes his way through the ropes and up the turnbuckle behind The Cold One. A couple of shots to the head of IB from Jetster as he turns him slowly around.

Our two fearless combatants are perched precariously atop the turnbuckle and Jetster has manoeuvred Ice Blaster’s head between his legs! He signals to the crowd again! Oh my god!!! He’s going for the superbomb!!! But wait Ice Blaster comes back with a couple of shots to Jetster’s gut and now he’s got Jetster between his legs (ooer :s). Ice Blaster locks Jetsters arms behind his back and OH MY GOD! He’s jumped backwards and took Jetster with him, driving him face first into the canvas! THE ICE BLOCK FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!!

Ice Blaster makes a sloppy cover, but it’s academic at this point. 1---2---3.

“Ladies and Gentlemen your winner, ICE BLASTER!!!”

But here come Reaver and Mouldy Cheese!!! Reaver immediately delivers a DDT driver to the tired Ice Blaster who crumples into a heap! Reaver instructs Mouldy Cheese to pick him up and lock him in the Mouldmission! The ring fills with referees who feebly and half-heartedly attempt to get the Cheesy one to break the hold and eventually he does. The Three elements make their way to the back as the team of referees attend to the perhaps seriously hurt Ice Blaster...he won the match, but was it worth it?

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