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"English, motherfunners, do you speak it?"

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Fri 22/03/02 at 21:16
Posts: 787
English, for those unaware, is the official language of the Internet, not "NetSpeak", or "TxtSpeak", or any language at all which has almost all puncuation and capital letters removed and contains unnecessary abbrieviations, like "for/4". "to/2", "because/coz" and suchlike. It's not cool, it's not efficient, it just makes you look retarded. Here is this paragraph converted into NetSpeak, look at how stupid it is:

english 4 those unaware is teh official language of teh internet not "netspeak" or "txtspeak" or ne language @ all wich has almost all puncuation and capital letters removed and contains unnecessary abbrieviations like "for/4". "to/2" "because/coz" and suchlike. its not cool its not efficient it just makes u look retarded. here is this paragraph converted into netspeak look @ how stupid it is:

Get my point? Now, I'm no master of English myself, and I'm not having a dig at people who genuinely can't spell some words or miss out letters/punctuation through typos, because that's natural. However, there are some people (mostly newbies) who blatently aren't trying at all. In fact, I think they try *TO* make it like that. While I was writing the program that converts English->Retardspeak, I had to think long and hard about some replacements I could make. How do you newbies learn to write like this?

The thing is, this form of language does have its place, mainly in text messages (due to the word limit) and live conversations, like in IRC or MSN. However, it does NOT belong in a forum, where there is no word or time limits, and everything goes at a steady pace. All it does is make your post harder to read, which reduces your credibilty and also makes people less likely to read them. It's also a known fact that if Ali can't be bothered to decode your carefully written and constructed post, he won't consider it for a GAD.

Once again: I'm not having a go at genuine mistakes, this is just a message to (frankly idiotic) people who writ lik dis, to just take a little bit more time when writing your message, so people will actually read it and take you much more seriously. Frankly, if you write like in NetSpeak, it just makes you look 6 years old.
Sun 24/03/02 at 17:10
Posts: 12,243
MoJoJoJo wrote:
> I'm glad we understand each other


oh definately

Sun 24/03/02 at 17:03
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645
I'm glad we understand each other
Sun 24/03/02 at 16:58
Posts: 12,243
MoJoJoJo wrote:
> Let's keep this simple

Net speak or whatever you want to call it is
> annoying


Sun 24/03/02 at 16:54
"That's right!"
Posts: 10,645
Let's keep this simple

Net speak or whatever you want to call it is annoying

Sun 24/03/02 at 16:36
Posts: 12,243
i didnt say they were idiots,

i know that they choose to use it but i think its much easier to write the whole thing out without having to think of how to abbriviate a word
Sun 24/03/02 at 16:33
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
Hercules! wrote:
> yeah,
i hate netspeak too,
i hate it on text messages when someone sends me a
> message and i have to ring them up to ask what they said meens.

and someones
> even brought out them little books which tell you how you should shorten your
> words............ have you seen them?
its just stupid

Yeah, those Txt dictionaries, for all the idiots round there. And no, they're not idiots because they can't use Txt speak properly, it's because they want to use txt speak.
Sat 23/03/02 at 23:54
Posts: 2,833
Dringo wrote:
> Yeah but it helps counteract grammer mistakes as well you vs. u same sound and
> which one is more likely to suffer a typo... i agree though it shouldnt be used
> here at gameaday... i know i miss the apostraphie.

The only reason there are no typos in txt spk is because none of the words mean anything. I mean 'you vs. u same sound': WHAT!?!
Sat 23/03/02 at 23:49
Posts: 18,185
Yeah but it helps counteract grammer mistakes as well you vs. u same sound and which one is more likely to suffer a typo... i agree though it shouldnt be used here at gameaday... i know i miss the apostraphie.
Sat 23/03/02 at 23:31
"Eff, you see, kay?"
Posts: 14,156
The GameCube is really crap. It has pants kiddy games that are made for children and retards. I like the PlayStation 2 because it has proper grown-up games like Metal Gear Solid 2 that has lots of blood and really good graphics so that sometimes you can't tell the difference. Don't get me started on the Xbox, it's made by Microsoft who are pants at games, and besides I haven't got enough room in my village for one.

418 characters


th gamecub is really has pants kiddy games that r mad 4 children and retards.i lik teh gaystation 2 coz it has proper grown-up games lik metal gear solid 2 that has lots of blood and really gud graphics so that sometimes u cant tell teh difference.dont get m started on teh xbox its mad by ms who r pants @ games and bsides i havnt got enough room in my villag 4 one.

375 characters


About 10% more efficient. Is it really worth it?
Sat 23/03/02 at 18:52
Posts: 18,185
it is more efficiant.

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