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"The wonderfull world of Cut Scenes!"

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Fri 15/03/02 at 14:03
Posts: 787
You'll find them in almost every modern day game in fact you may even find the odd on in some old NES games,
You may be thinking, "What the hell is he talking about?" well there could only be one thing I am talking about and that is cut scenes.

The Japanese love their cut scenes.
Take Metal Gear Solid 2 for example.
It is riddled with cut scenes (Too many for my liking) Most of which seem like babble at times but the rest of the time they seem to be fairly well thought out.
They do seem to be a little long drawn out though which spoils the game a bit.

That's one of the worst things about cut scenes.
If they go on for to long gamers like myself tend to get bored and skip most of the cut scene.
Another bad point about long cut scenes is that if you skip it and the developers left the most important bit 'till the end then you'll probably miss it.
That definitely won't help if there's something in that bit of footage that helps you complete a level or helps you to find an item.

Cut scenes can be used in a number of different ways.
They can be used to tell a story like in Zelda OoT or they could be used to explain how to use certain weapons or machines.
They could even be used to give you a little bit of background info on the characters.

Some Cut scenes are useful whilst others are pointless and waste time.
If the cut scenes are made well enough and they give the game an extra twist then nobody will mind the occasional long cut scene.
Nobody minded the long cut scenes in OoT! Why?

Because they were very well made and they made sense and they told a lot of information about the story line.
The visuals in some of the cut scenes were also impressive to look at.
So there's proof that the occasional cut scene (As long as they are well made, make sense and are good to look at) gamers don't mind.

Which ever console you have you are bound to find cut scenes on most of your games.
Cut scenes (If they are good enough) make the game you're playing more enjoyable and most important of all more playable.
Some developers tend to spend too much time making cut scenes for games.
Cut scenes also take up a surprising amount of memory especially if there is talking in it.

Most cut scenes today have speech in them some are even interactive.
If cut scenes have speech in them it also makes the game easier to follow, the only other option would be text. Then in some cases that would make you have to screw up your eyes in order to read the text.
That's only in a few games though.
OoT had text but it was easy to read and didn't bother me too much.

With the launch of the Micro*Cough cough*ft (Sorry that always happens when I say Micro*Cough Cough*ft) cut scenes will undoubtedly change dramatically.
Who knows what type of new fangled cut scene will crop up in the future?
For what lies ahead is unexplored unclaimed territory.
Who will claim it? Micro*Cough Cough*ft or Ninty? Who Knows?
Well have to wait and find out, won't we?

Thanks for reading!
Fri 15/03/02 at 16:46
Posts: 0
your speakin some mighty true words there monster.
I reckon developers should only put in plot scenes that are absoloutly neccessary. A good plot doesn't moke a good game , good gameplay makes a good game (look at super mario brothers on the NES for example - the only cutscenes in that were of mario smashing up a castle - which lasted for less than 10 seconds!)
Why use cutscenes at all? - the majurity of the plot in half-life took place in real-time and was made all the more better for it. you get a sense of detachment from the story and character you are playing as soon as control is taken away from you and you go into a cut scene.
Your so right about the jananese going OTT with the cutscenes as well - especially all the mushy stuff you get in all the final fantasy games!
One other question you should ark youself is - what caused all the delays for MGS2 to arrive? I reckon the game would of been ready a year ago if they had left out the cutscenes (or at least done them in real-time).

Fri 15/03/02 at 15:49
"I hate that!!!"
Posts: 4,115
I agree no game is complete without cut scenes!
Fri 15/03/02 at 15:41
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502

Also worth noting here that maybe one day there will be no need for cut scenes if technology allows it everything in the game could be user controlled. Then the story would be obtained through your actions with no need for cut scenes, while I was thinking through this though I have come to the conclusion that this may make games more pants, So there we have it cut scenes are needed.
Fri 15/03/02 at 15:37
Posts: 10,437
AliBoy wrote:

but it is the only way to get the full story
> and feel the true emotion of the game.

That's exacly what i was trying to say.
Fri 15/03/02 at 15:31
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
I think the main aim from cut scenes is to show you a valuable part of the game that due to programmers restrictions couldn't really be user controlled in the game, One thing I do like about them is they open up the game a little, show you what is happening. They also show of the graphical capabilities of the console which is a good thing.

I'll agree that MGS2 has a lot of cut scenes and at times this can be quite annoying but it is the only way to get the full story and feel the true emotion of the game.
Fri 15/03/02 at 14:44
Posts: 10,437
Or†ega wrote:
> MGS2 is actually just really a interactive movie rather than a game. Only really
> a few hours of gamplay actually in there.

I was totally against the odea of
> the cut-scenes being soooo long in the game but after playing the game and
> completing it i found them to be very enjoyable and added much more to the
> experience. Cut-scenes build up much more of an atmosphere and immerse you much
> more into the game.

Cut scenes are cool :)

Sure as hell they are!

I think cut scenes lets you know what the enviroment is like a bit more. In games with minimal graphics, movie-cut scenes from discs help you take a look at the game in a much more detailed point of view.

Seeing what the characters really look like, not just what they look like in actual game play.

Also the speech lets you know what the characters personality is like. You can learn to loath/love the characters even more.
Fri 15/03/02 at 14:25
"I hate that!!!"
Posts: 4,115
There were one or two long cut scenes in that game though!
Fri 15/03/02 at 14:23
Posts: 15,579
MGS2 is actually just really a interactive movie rather than a game. Only really a few hours of gamplay actually in there.

I was totally against the odea of the cut-scenes being soooo long in the game but after playing the game and completing it i found them to be very enjoyable and added much more to the experience. Cut-scenes build up much more of an atmosphere and immerse you much more into the game.

Cut scenes are cool :)
Fri 15/03/02 at 14:14
"I hate that!!!"
Posts: 4,115
I agree there!
Fri 15/03/02 at 14:13
Posts: 10,437
Personally i love cut scenes, they build up the tension of the story line and also helps you relate with some of the characetsr in games. Also it's good for lazy people :-D

Nice post DM

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