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"Anything funny?"

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Wed 20/02/02 at 12:04
Posts: 787
Anything funny happened to you recently? Go on tell us all.

I am at university studying computer science. Yesterday the guy sitting behind me in a lecture fell asleep and his head slid of his hand and smashed off the table with a huge bang and he got a big fright and started yelling stuff until he realised where he was.
Thu 21/02/02 at 12:31
"Acid Casual"
Posts: 3,038
Only if its really, really cold. Heh heh only kidding I was suggesting it as a boost to my hetrosexuality.

When I was in uni, for about 6 months a shop round the corner from my house sold Tennents Super Ice. In a blue bottle it was - you could leave it in the freezer overnight and it wouldn't freeze.

They dont sell it anymore.. shame cos it made me go mental and it was 70p a bottle.
Thu 21/02/02 at 12:28
"Picking a winner!"
Posts: 8,502
Craw wrote:
> I'm off to tescos for the first time since the 'incident' last week
> tonight.

Got my missus for over the top heterosexual protection. Might buy
> Loaded magazine as well and some dumbells.

: )
Good luck

>And some tennents super.
Is that a wise move? Would you actualy drink it? : ) I hate that stuff.
Thu 21/02/02 at 12:18
"I confused?"
Posts: 2,440
Remeber back to the walls and if you drop anything don't pick it up.
Thu 21/02/02 at 12:16
"Acid Casual"
Posts: 3,038
I'm off to tescos for the first time since the 'incident' last week tonight.

Got my missus for over the top heterosexual protection. Might buy Loaded magazine as well and some dumbells.

And some tennents super.
Thu 21/02/02 at 12:07
"I confused?"
Posts: 2,440
once me and my mates grabbed this kid and put him in a trolley, then we pushed it and he hit a tree we couldn't see for laughing so hard.
Thu 21/02/02 at 08:33
"Conversation Killer"
Posts: 5,550
one day me and my friend was going into college. we proceeded to pass through a group of 20 girls. so my friend stares at them trying to look cool when he walks over the edge of a wall, falls on the colleges new flowers just planted and shouted OH f*** in the stupidest way possible.
there were about 60 people laughing their heads off including me.
Thu 21/02/02 at 08:16
Posts: 0
He wakes up this morning and taps me on the sholder and said "Allright mate?"
So I said "yea. Yuo?"
He just nodded and walked to the fridge. When he got there he droped his pipe and it went under the fridge, so he picks the fridge up and holds it under his arm to get his pipe.
He drops the fridge, it opens, sending the cotents of it all over my friend.
Because he was coverd with milk, bear, squashed tamatoes and egg yolk I burst out laghing!
Wed 20/02/02 at 23:37
"699 days!"
Posts: 843
LOL to everyone :-)
Wed 20/02/02 at 23:32
Posts: 0
This friend happens to be my couson.
Wed 20/02/02 at 22:51
Posts: 0
My friends dad came to his houes drunk and because he is so fat and heavy, when he tries to open the door he leans on it and it brakes down.
Me and my friend are in the kitchen having dinner when he comes in trying to light this masive cigar when my frind offers him a chip. So he takes about ten and stiks them all in his mouth getting tamato dip all over his beard. He then goes to the fridge and takes out this hudge tub of chocolat ice cream and eats it all.
As he eats me and my friend bothe look at his hudge belly growing when his belt snapt sending the bukkle flying into the air and smashing the window.
We ran into the living room when he came in. He sat down got his pipe and tried to light that and singed his bead.

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