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"This week I have mostly been playing...."

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Fri 15/02/02 at 23:39
Posts: 787
This used to be on FoG Prime, but it's long gone now. So I thought I'd start it off in here.

This week I have mostly been playing the demo of Rez and the demo of WipEout Fusion.

I got WF today, and Rez is on pre-order with SR.

How about you?
Thu 21/02/02 at 19:00
Posts: 9,320
Got State of Emergancy earlier so I expect to be playing that for the next week or so!!
Thu 21/02/02 at 15:06
Posts: 23,216
Actually, the game I've played most in the past few days is that snowboarding game on the X-Box, Amped.

Ten minutes on a machine in Swansea.

Stage 1) "Hey, this isn't so bad... graphics are pretty cool, not as good as that crappy render mind. Time for a race."

Stage 2) "Hmmm... right, err... I'm snowboarding. Now what?"

Stage 3) "Err..."

Stage 4) *walks away*

And the controller is the most uncomfortable thing I've placed in my hands. I've had little opinion on the thing up to now, only really judging it by pictures and what others say, if judging it at all... but my God, I read that they had a team of gamers working on the controller, to make sure it was fine.

What gamers? Have they played Snake on their mobiles once or twice?

The controller sucks, badly. That's all I have to say at the moment.
Thu 21/02/02 at 15:01
"360: swfcman"
Posts: 6,953
Most of the week so far ive been playing Pro Evo Soccer, damn fine game.

But i managed to find an old gem from the PS1 too, Die Hard Trilogy. Its a damn Classic i tell you.
Thu 21/02/02 at 15:01
"Bounty housewife..."
Posts: 5,257
Ive been playing Pro Evolution on the PS2 and as usual every lunch time at work we have a good old Duke Nukem deathmatch - yes somebody is still playing it !
Thu 21/02/02 at 14:51
Posts: 23,216
I've been playing with a ping pong ball.
Thu 21/02/02 at 14:49
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
I played a little Championship Manager 2000/01, but I got sacked.

I've been playing a little Pokémon Stadium, and a tiny bit of Jet Force Gemini.

I played a little Age of Empires, but got attacked majorly by a third party, and turned it off.

I've probably played an emulated version of Ghould and Ghosts most. Cheating though. Saving every so often, even though you get unlimited continues!
Thu 21/02/02 at 14:42
Posts: 0
I've been playing with peoples hearts and lives, causing upset and misery wherever I tread.

...and MGS2 demo.
Thu 21/02/02 at 14:41
Posts: 14,117
This week I have only been playing WipEout Fusion.

I've been doing the Zone mode ever since I opened it up on Sunday, it's mad. I mean, completely ridiculous. As soon as you hit Zone 35 it's just.... flibble.
Sat 16/02/02 at 17:20
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
I haven't been playinh much this week...mainly Max Payne and Champ Man.
Sat 16/02/02 at 16:52
"Long time no see!"
Posts: 8,351
But surely the first Donkey Kong games was by Rare, on the SNES???
Or do you mean the original with Mario, like what you'd find in arcades?? I used to have that on my PC.

I've been playing the following this week and today:

ISS 2000 (N64)
Conker's BFD (N64)
Excitebike 64 (N64)
Tekken 3 (PSX)
and this Mario game I downloaded from the net.

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