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"I have 13 games, how many have you got??? please reply a lot because i want to recieve a 14th game!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Wed 08/01/03 at 18:38
Posts: 787
you heard what i said, type TYPE TTTTTYYYYYYPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Thu 09/01/03 at 16:13
"Brownium Motion"
Posts: 4,100
Timesplitters 2
Medal Of Honour
Hawks 3
Eternal Darkness
Super Mario Sunshine
Dave Mirra's BMX 2
Cel Damage (Present from great-aunt. I wouldn't actually by this rancid excuse for a game)
FIFA 2002
FIFA 2003
Super Smash Bros
Lost Kingdoms
Super Monkey Ball
Rogue Leader
Sonic Adventure Battle 2
Capcom v SNK

I think I have a couple more but I can't remember them.
Thu 09/01/03 at 16:08
"Grammatical Watchdo"
Posts: 1,166
I have fifteen games in total, can't be bothered to list them all..
Wed 08/01/03 at 19:33
Posts: 9,494
I am trapped on the satellite of love and forced to watch the

The? The what?
Oh, the pain, the pain of it all!
Wed 08/01/03 at 19:30
Posts: 6,989
Luigi's Mansion
Resident Evil
Super Monkey Ball
Super Smash Bros Melee
Timesplitters 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Die Hard Vendetta
Mario Party 4
Eternal Darkness
James Bond: Agent Under Fire

Total of 10 games.
Wed 08/01/03 at 19:08
Posts: 127
i would write them all down but i dont have time, instead go to

theres a pic of my games there..

and yes in case you hadnt realised i am alcofrolic.
and i havent posted much this time cos i cant be bothered anymore
i just dont see the point of reading the same comments over and over again, even tho they are in diffrent threads

Wed 08/01/03 at 18:56
Posts: 11,875
I would, but I don't know how to type
Wed 08/01/03 at 18:38
Posts: 0
you heard what i said, type TYPE TTTTTYYYYYYPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

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