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"Xbox overrated, overhyped, over here."

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Tue 21/01/03 at 11:13
Posts: 787
Yet again the MS have been massaging the Sales figures or lack of sales figures to state that they are now the No 2 console in Europe. When infact GC was the 2nd best seller in Europe selling 100,000 more than Xbox.

MS claim is based not on sales figures, but rather ratio's in the month of December when Xbox outsold the GC 2:1, so all the other months of the year don't count then.

Come on MS aren't you just clutching at straws in a bid to dampen the run away success of the Playstation2.
Tue 21/01/03 at 13:23
"Chavez, just hush.."
Posts: 11,080
Top score wrote:
> Lucky for you that your one of the 33% of the country that can
> actually get broadband.

You're making up stats again!

More than 33% have access!
Tue 21/01/03 at 12:59
Posts: 463
Lucky for you that your one of the 33% of the country that can actually get broadband.
Tue 21/01/03 at 12:55
"Chavez, just hush.."
Posts: 11,080
You say that broadband has few users and will not be taking off because it's expensive...

Now you say that it is taking off?

Make your mind up...

NTL are still good whatever their financial side is...

I've had my conection drop ONCE in the 5 months I've had Broadband, it fell for a few hours one night...

Apart from that, I get pings of 20 and I've been downloading stuff continuosly since Sunday night and I haven't had any problems, I've left it on overnight too!
Tue 21/01/03 at 12:12
Posts: 463
phi11ip wrote:
"ntl:home is totally dedicated to building Broadband Britain and
on Friday 13 December, we connected our 500,000th customer to our high speed network"

They should be more dedicated in keeping there business afloat and not going to the wall as a lot of people are suggesting they might, still broadband is really taking off and making loads of money or so we are told.
Tue 21/01/03 at 12:07
"Chavez, just hush.."
Posts: 11,080
Top score wrote:
> You really think broadband is going to make a difference there are
> only 250,000 people that are connected now

Top Score, stop being such a stupid little fanboy for once in your life!

There are more than 250,000 people connected, so get your facts right!

What about cable? BT doesn't own that?

Just to prove your point wrong, I found this...

"ntl:home is totally dedicated to building Broadband Britain and on Friday 13 December, we connected our 500,000th customer to our high speed network"
Tue 21/01/03 at 12:01
"Brownium Motion"
Posts: 4,100
P@st@ wrote:
> *yawns at extremly boring and pointless topic which top score has been
> posting two times a week for the last six months*

*Unbeliever wonders how weird it is when one person yawns, so does another. He then promptly falls asleep*
Tue 21/01/03 at 11:59
"Brownium Motion"
Posts: 4,100
Top score wrote:
> The fact over the matter is PS2 doesn't even need to market it's brand
> to sell them such is the strength of it's product.

Such is the strength of hype, you mean. What happened to the so called "Emotion Engine" which was, in fact, absolute rubbish?

> Sony have not been forced to sell their console at such a low price not >to make any profit, ie, Xbox and in particular GC which profit slump is not >helped by fact they have sold the GC to cheaply from the start.

The Xbox was sold too cheaply considering what it has inside it, but it was only to get a foothold in the market. And Microsoft as well as Nintendo can sustain any losses that it might make - Microsoft being the richest company in the world with money to burn and Nintendo having made MASSIVE profit in the late 80's and early 90's - and that's not including the massive £200 million payout (or thereabouts) that Nintendo are receiving from Sony for breach of trademark/copywrite. Also, the GC development costs are low so Nintendo can afford to sell it at a lower price. If I was selling a console two years before its competitor came out, i think i could be assured of the
strongest market share.

Oh yeah, don't forget - if it wasn't for Nintendo, the Playstation wouldn't even exist. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, fool.
Tue 21/01/03 at 11:54
Posts: 1,106
If people "want" a product, they will pay extra for it - upto a point. Sony get away with it, since the ps2 is not that much more expensive. The lack of DVD-ROM on GC is also a negative point for Nintendo, both for movies and DVD-ROM games.

Since broadband is "difficult" to get to everyone, and BT don't want to spend the money getting broadband signals to all UK homes, they have come up with a half hearted idea. Where demand is lower, a restricted ADSL system could be used. Performance limited to 128 (no 512 upgrade possible), and u can only have one Broadband service provider - BT?
Tue 21/01/03 at 11:53
"Well hit on me..."
Posts: 1,169
*yawns at extremly boring and pointless topic which top score has been posting two times a week for the last six months*
Tue 21/01/03 at 11:53
Posts: 463
Unbeliever wrote:
Broadband gaming in England will not take
off yet due to a relatively low number of subscribers and the high
price attributed to it. Having said that, with BT realising it no
longer has a monopoly in the broadband market, I daresay we'll be
seeing more competitors offering the broadband service at a lower rate."

The trouble with that is it sounds impressive but it won't make any difference because BT still own the broadband links, so nothing will change there, still the same amount of the population will be able to get it.

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