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"Earthraid Notable"

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Wed 29/01/03 at 00:10
Posts: 787
*Earth Feb. 43, 2073*

“Azul, Kyle, Ms NY, and Professor Rapid Fire are at the beach having a relaxing one-day-vacation”

Kyle= Look I built a carrot.

Azul= That’s a sand castle Kyle.

Kyle= Yea. What did I say?

Pro. Rapid Fire= I wouldn’t put too much care into that Kyle. According to my calculations. And of course my calculations are the best. The tide will be coming in soon.

Kyle= Oh. Ms. NY can you help me take a picture of this before the tide comes up and destroys it.

Ms NY= Ahhhhh!

Kyle= What?

Ms NY= What in the world is that?!

Kyle= Hey! My castle doesn’t look that bad!

Ms. NY= Not that! Look up in the sky. It’s a notable space ship! Oh, and by the way your castle does suck.

Azul= Ms NY everyone flies space ships these days. It is 2073 you know.

Ms. NY= You don’t understand! Those are notables!

Pro. Rapid Fire= In the year 2033 the notables came to earth and did experimented on humans by making them mate over and over again. And now they are back.

“Pro. Rapid Fire looks at Ms NY”

Pro. Rapid Fire= You know Ms NY, this may turn out to not be a bad thing. Purrrr.

“Notable ship lands in front of the four humans and two weird shaped gold clothed monsters appeared from atop the ship and jump down to the sand”

AfroJoe= We will have a private get together on our planet of GADTRON!

Sniper= Yes! And only you are invited.

“Sniper points at Ms NY”

Azul= We can’t let her go alone with you guys!

AfroJoe= Silence! No other humans are allowed on our planet.

Kyle= I’ll bring the beer.

Sniper= Be there at 10.00!

Kyle= Cool!

Pro. Rapid Fire= None of them will go!

AfroJoe= What!

Ms NY= You’ll never make me.

Sniper= Don’t underestimate the notables petty humans. You will regret it. We are very evil

Azul= What’s your point?

AfroJoe= Since she wont go we will blow up the earth at 9a’clock sharp…..8pm-central!

“The two notables hop into their space ships once again and fly away”

Ms NY= What are we going to do!

Pro. Rapid Fire= These notables don’t bluff. They will destroy us all. We better consult the League of Leaders for this. They are the rulers of all earth. They will know what to do about these destroying menaces.

Kyle= Well at least they didn’t destroy my sandcastle.

“Notable ship quickly flies back and throws a shoe at Kyle’s castle then fly off”

Kyle= Nooooooooooo!

*Professor Rapid Fire’s mansion*

“Pro. Rapid Fire turns on a visi-screen and calls up the League of Leaders. They instantly appear on the screen”

Larrykins= Can we be of some assistance?

George Bush= Make them go away Larrykins.

Larrykins= Sorry but Mr. Bush doesn’t want to speak with you right now?

Azul= Where is he? I can’t see him on the screen. Wasn’t George Bush the President of the United States in 2002?

Dark Mark= You don’t know? In the year 2020 George Bush was shrunk to the size of a cheery. Then for laughs scientists made tons and tons of clones of George and they soon replaced the whole insect population. This George Bush right here is a descendent of the original President himself.

George Bush= Tell them I hate them!

Larrykins= And he hates you.

Ms NY= We could here all he says you know.

Dark Mark= No……be quite!

Pro. Rapid Fire= Sirs the notables are back! We need to borrow an army of men to aid us on destroying them.

George Bush= NO!

Pro. Rapid Fire= But I think….

George Bush= NO! GO AWAY!

Dark Mark= Well….I could help you on this quest. I will be at a base on earth tracking the notables and helping you guys along your way.

George Bush= You do that!

Pro. Rapid Fire= And can we still have the…

George Bush= NO! And just for giggles I am going to keep on saying NO until you turn this visi-screen off. No no no no no no no no no no….

“Kyle turns off visi-screen”

Azul= We still don’t have an army to aid us to save the world…..Hey! I know something we can do!

Kyle= Patty-cake!

Azul= We could call his guy I saw on TV once. He said he is an alien killer that has his own army! Lets go get him!

Ms. NY= We can’t trust him! He’s a dirty liar.

Pro. Rapid Fire= She’s right! Last year he told everyone he was 36….but THIS year he tells people he is 37. Which is it alien killer! WHICH IS IT!

Azul= It’s worth a try guys. Lets do it.

Kyle= Then we can play patty-cake!

*At the Alien Exterminator’s base*

Azul= Well we’re finally here.

Maddmun= How can I help ya kind people?

Pro. Rapid Fire= We are looking for the Alien Killer.

Maddmun= That’s me….wait a second! Are you…..Professor Rapid F! You’re famous!

Pro. Rapid Fire= Uh, I prefer to be called Rapid Fire. Rapid F sounds like someone cussing up a storm.

Ms. NY= Mr. we need an army to beat the notable warriors that will be trying to destroy the earth today.

Maddmun= Done! Follow me good looking lady.

Ms NY= err…

“The four follow Maddmun the Exterminator to a distant wall in his base until they get to curtains that lined the wall. They all push through it and end up in front of a huge audience of army men”

Azul= How long have they been here.

Maddmun= Um, three months or , whatever. Now silence and let me say my speech!

“Maddmun clears his throat”

Maddmun= Men! If there is an alien I can’t kill….I haven’t met them and killed him yet.

“An army man wearing a T-shirt stands up”

Foreman= I love you Janet Jackson!!

Maddmun= Thank you. Thank you. No need for the applause. Like I was saying. If you guys have ships, aim up in the sky and shoot wildly! With your eyes open preferably. We will destroy notables of all skin colors, red, tan, or Chinese! I will not go with you guys today on this mission. Its not because I’m afraid of the notables or anything…’s not like I cry myself to sleep every night thinking of them……if that’s what you were thinking.

Foreman= I love you!

Maddmun= Okay dude it’s getting kind of creepy now. Stop.


Maddmun= For over two years I have taught you men how to do simple things like shoot, and fend for yourself, and make your own beds just for this moment.

“Another man stands up from the crowd”

Bonafide= Are going to sleep on this adventure?

Maddmun= Not with all the bed making you guys will be doing. There is no time for sleep!

Bonafide= Good point.

Maddmun= You will all die today! And of course when I said will….I meant wont!

“The whole army goes crazy with applause and “WOOH”s”

Azul= Are you guys done yet? It’s almost time!

Maddmun= Okay men! Move!

Kyle= Look I finally get to say something in this scene!

*In space*

“Maddmun’s army is head to head with Notable war ships”

Bonafide= Attack Alpha formation everyone.

Sideshow buzz= What is that suppose to mean!

Bonafide= I don’t know but sounded cool didn’t it.

Meka Dragon(notable)= All you petty humans will perish!

Foreman= I love you pears!

“Foreman throws on a I love pears T-Shirt”

Grix Thraves(notable)= These humans get easier and easier to kill every earth invasion.

“Grix Thraves fires a large missile at Foreman and Sideshow Buzz and their ships explode”

Unbeliever= Lets fire all you got guys!

Memorandum= You got it!

Tphi= FIRE!

“Tphi, Memorandum, and Unbeliever shoot out tiny tooth picks at the notable war ships”

Doughnut Monster= I think we got them!

Tphi= We win!

Ant(notable)= Is that all you guys had to try to defeat us!

Bonafide= …….well we ran out of pudding. Doughnut Monster ate it all yesterday.

Doughnut Monster= It had nuts.

SHEEPY(notable)= Notables are better than anyone in everyway! There is only one way you could beat us right now!

Tphi= And how’s that?

“SHEEPY shoots a gigantic golden missile and it destroys all the army men in sight”

Tphi= That TOTALLY answered my question! Oh wait….I’m dead. I’ll be quite now.

Grix Thraves= Lets go get AfroJoe and Sniper. Now that we killed their final hope they will want to go to earth.

Tphi= Can I come?

*Back down on earth*

Ms NY= Um, Professor Rapid Fire. I don’t think those men have a chance up there.

Pro. Rapid Fire= You know what this means don’t you!

Ms. NY= no.

Pro. Rapid Fire= I’m coming to the conclusion that they wont want any forced mating this time! Drat!

Ms. NY=…..

Kyle= Well at least this can’t get any worse.

Azul= Kyle! Don’t say that. Every time someone one says that on TV something worse ends up happening!

“Bodies of the alien hunter’s men rain from the sky”

Azul= Told you!

Ms NY= Look at this dead body. It’s wearing a T-Shirt saying .

Kyle= Well at least this can’t get any….better.

Azul= It doesn’t work that way Kyle!

“A money fairy floats across the room and hands Kyle a penny”

Kyle= Awesome!

“AfroJoe and Sniper’s space ship lands in front of the humans. They hop out quickly”

AfroJoe= We will give you one last chance to come with us Ms NY. And you there! Where is our beer!

Kyle= Uh, Uh, I didn’t say I’ll bring the beer. I said I’ll bring the…..beards.


Sniper= Enough! Ms NY will come with us to the get together and she will marry all of us notables!

Pro. Rapid Fire= You want Ms NY to go to planet GADTRON to marry her?!?

AfroJoe= Yea what else did you think we would do? Now come with us Ms Good Looking!

“AfroJoe gets angry and spits slime all over the humans”

Azul= Ewww!

Pro. Rapid Fire= Ick!

Ms NY= Ack!

Kyle= Tasty.

Sniper= Oh, you are all wet Ms NY. Allow me to dry you off……..WITH MY PANTS!

Pro. Rapid Fire= Red light!

“Everyone freezes in their tracks”

Pro. Rapid Fire= Notables. I don’t understand something. Why do you want to this one girl? Can’t you just get another? Did you really come over here in hopes for this ONE girl?



Pro. Rapid Fire= Answer me!

AfroJoe= You didn’t say green light.

Pro. Rapid Fire= Haha, I made you talk. You lose.

AfroJoe= Drat!

Pro. Rapid Fire= Green light. So now answer the question.

Sniper= In AfroJoe and mine’s mailbox we found a videotape. We thought it was an exercise video for us to get in shape but instead it was a video only of Ms NY baking cookies. The cookies looked sooo good and she looked good making them. We wanted to marry her at that moment for she could be our human slave and make cookies for us forever……….oh yea and wear a bikini while doing it.

Kyle= Do you know anything else about women?

Sniper= Nope. That’s it.

Ms NY= Who could of sent a video of me to planet GADTRON?

“Out of nowhere a huge smokescreen is seen to the left. You could see an outline of a man slightly”

Kyle= Ahhhhh! It’s Micheal Jackson!

Azul= No! It’s Britney Spears about to sing another one of her horrible songs!

“The smokes clears and reveals Dark Mark holding a George Bush in his hands”

Azul= No. It’s only Dark Mark from the LOL.

AfroJoe= The what. You Laughed Out Loud before you said where he’s from.

Azul= …….LOL is League of Leaders.

Sniper= I hate abbreviations.

Dark Mark= It is I!

Ms NY= Yea we cleared that up already Dark Mark.

Pro. Rapid Fire= Weren’t you suppose to track the notables and help us in an earth base.

Dark Mark= NO!

Ms NY= Well, you’re a meanie.

Dark Mark= Let me explain something. I was the one that sent the video to GADTRON! I was tired of Professor Rapid Fire always calling us and calling us and calling us! It got on my nerves. I knew the only way to destroy him was to destroy the world! Muahahahhaha! Muahahaha.

George Bush= Tell them I say Muahahahaha okay Dark Mark.

Dark Mark= George says. Muahahahhahaha!

“Sniper takes out a laser and shoots Dark Mark, killing him”

Ms NY= Oh my!

Sniper= Oh, come on. It’s not like no one else wanted to do that to.

Ms NY= Hmm, your right.

AfroJoe= Now get in the ship Ms NY! You will be our slave starting now!

“Azul takes out two large pieces of paper and starts writing”

Azul= Psst. Kyle, Ms NY read these Q-cards and everything will be fine!

“They begin to read from the cards”

Ms NY= I…can’t….marry…you…notable because I…am dieing. Cough and fall down on floor.

Kyle= Oh…no…it appears….that she is…she is…Azul there is a smudge on that last word.

Azul= DEAD!

Kyle= It appears…that she is….DEAD!

Ms NY= Really?

“Ms NY feels her pulse in confusion”

AfroJoe= Is that really the best you can all do to trick us?

Pro. Rapid Fire= Yep.

Sniper= Well, it fooled me.

AfroJoe= You’re right. Lets go home now Sniper.

“Sniper and AfroJoe jump into their ship and blast off in a hurry”

Azul= We did it!

Pro. Rapid Fire= We saved the world from utter destruction!

Ms NY= WoOh!

Kyle= And I learnt to dance the cha-cha!

George Bush= Hey! Hey! Tell yourself I’m still here!

“The Notable ship quickly flies back and throws a shoe at George Bush then races off”

George Bush= I hate you all!

Pro. Rapid Fire= Today was a tiring adventure. Who’s up for the beach!

Kyle, Ms NY, and Azul= YAY!

Foreman= I love you Janet Jackson!!


Wed 29/01/03 at 16:48
"Z will be here soon"
Posts: 7,562
I love the money fairy!
Wed 29/01/03 at 16:11
"Being Ignorant"
Posts: 2,574
Hehe, a mini-me contribution, but still a very good spoof!
Wed 29/01/03 at 14:01
"sweats salad dressi"
Posts: 4,599
locky1133 wrote:
> Oh, now your gonna win with a long story and my "feeling sorry
> for myself" post will lose. I wrote a good long story but I
> didn't win. IT'S NOT FAIR.

Do you actually think this could win. Have you read it.

Plus phillip's post was brilliant.
Wed 29/01/03 at 13:32
Posts: 7,037
Heehe! I liked that! Gave me a good giggle. Well done Drunk Cow! :)
Wed 29/01/03 at 12:01
"Going nowhere fast"
Posts: 6,574
For some reason this really made me laugh - cheered me up no end. I'd better go do some work now.
Wed 29/01/03 at 11:50
Posts: 1,646
But then, phillips "feeling sorry" post won over my long story. There IS hope.
Wed 29/01/03 at 11:50
Posts: 1,646
Oh, now your gonna win with a long story and my "feeling sorry for myself" post will lose. I wrote a good long story but I didn't win. IT'S NOT FAIR.
Wed 29/01/03 at 11:48
"sweats salad dressi"
Posts: 4,599
Thanks for the replies guys.
Wed 29/01/03 at 01:54
"Trout a la creme"
Posts: 2,858
good story,
I liked the ending... and my short death at the hands of Grix.
Wed 29/01/03 at 01:25
"Remember me?"
Posts: 6,124
That was well funny. :-D

Only Drunk Cow could come up with stuff like that. Pity I had to die though. And so easily... I would have liked some sort of Apocalyptic Battle™ or something.


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