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"Vote for me in the Notable Elections!!"

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Fri 11/01/02 at 15:53
Posts: 787
Yes, that time is drawing near and it's only a matter of time before the forum gets cluttered with stupid election campaigns.

Everyone knows that a real Notable doesn't need a campaign to get noticed and campaigns just get on everyone's nerves now.

So how about:

We all vote the biggest campaigner as the Pinkie.
They asked for our vote, so we'll give it to them.

And this time, make the Pinkie election official so it actually counts.
That'll be a suitable deterrent to stop the tide of election campaigns.

And before some smartarse says "What about joke campaigns", you all know that I don't mean them.

So whoever shouts loudest "Vote for me!"
We shall make them a Pinkie!

(PS. Exclude Doughnuts campaign as he's sort of cancelled it and it was made BEFORE I wrote this. It's only fair.)
Fri 11/01/02 at 21:21
Posts: 16,548
Whats that supposed to mean, boyo? My posts aren't of the utmost quality? I'm outraged. :-D
Fri 11/01/02 at 21:20
Posts: 5,029
For me, its between ssxpro (fewer posts, but all quality) and Stryke (lots of posts, but the less said about that, the better).
Fri 11/01/02 at 20:57
Posts: 16,548
I think you should all follow Prawn Stars example. :-D
Fri 11/01/02 at 20:50
"++ Anti Antler ++"
Posts: 567
I'm probably going to vote for Stryke, he seems to deserve it most. Although if I could I'd vote for all of you, just so that you were all happy!

Much love is out there dude!

And Strafex? I like your ideas, but you don't seem to have thought it out. I know it may seem as though everybody hates all these pre-election posts, I think the election without it would be like a cake tin without cakes in, fruitless.(?). So don't bother slaggin' it off too much.
Fri 11/01/02 at 20:20
"Peace Respect Punk"
Posts: 8,069
I'll vote for whoever gives me thier GAD... (Mwa ha ha)


Fri 11/01/02 at 20:05
Posts: 2,925
VOTE FOR WEIRD WONDER! (the highly confused regular hoping to be a special offer!) (No know that's wrong)
Fri 11/01/02 at 20:01
Posts: 16,548
Might be an idea just to have one campaign thread, where someone posts one post for their campaign, thats it.
Fri 11/01/02 at 19:55
"Infantalised Forums"
Posts: 23,089
Vote for The Goat.

..oh yeah, that's right.
I forgot.
Man, I still can't believe you let the cellar-dweller drive the bus for a bit.
But I am grateful and it gives hope to anyone.
Fri 11/01/02 at 19:52
Posts: 16,548
If we're all saying who we are voting for, I'm voting for AliBoy.
Fri 11/01/02 at 19:50
Posts: 3,110
Weird Wonder wrote:


I'm gonna vote for kid rock.

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