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The game's speed.
"It's too slow!" "Too slugish!" "Need" to be faster!" and so on...
But, although it does seem like this new Mario Kart will be slightly slower than we would've expected, since when have the Mario Kart games ever really been that... 'fast'?
Just look about Mario Kart 64, for example...
When I first played that game, I remember thinking it did feel rather sluggish, at times. In comparisson to many other racing games, anyway.
It may have been a little slower, but everyone seemed to love it that extra-bit more than they did with the original game on the SNES - especially in 4-player Battle Mode!
Just as long as we had our red and green shells, we were happy! :)
So, why can't people think the same about Double Dash!! ??
If anything, this game has got to be BETTER than the '64-version, surely?
Better graphics for a start, and new 2-people-per-kart system that offers some interesting new ideas, the same old power-ups and way to go about doing things (and perhaps even some new ones, too?), twice-as-many characters to play as than ever before, and more.
If we've ignored the 'lack-of-speed', then surely it won't bother us this time, either?
And anyway, how would you be able to enjoy ANY Mario Kart game if the karts all raced-around at F-Zero-like speeds?!
That would make it too much like a "standard" racing game - something Mario Kart will never be!
You'd spend too-much time trying to master corners and avoid skidding off the track to actually make good use of and ENJOY the beauty of taking out an opponent with a red of green-coloured shell!
And that's what I think the problem is - racing games today all seem to be about nothing but speed. And with that in mind, people are forced to look at any new Mario Kart game in this way.
Burnout 2, F-Zero, Tube Slider, Need for Speed... The list goes on!
The fact is, `Mario Kart´ games are like no other.
It's not about speed, not about 1st place, it's abou having fun - just like so-many of Nintendo's other top-franchises.
So, I'll be looking forward to this game more than any other 2003 release no matter what the likes of NGC, GamesMaster, IGN or anyone else thinks! :P
It wouldn't matter how fast it was I'd still get beaten by ginger just as quickly...
Just call me Mr Technical.
> I also noticed that the game ran fast on DK's jungle track, we used to
> pick it on purpose because of it when racing in multiplayer
Yeah, used to go stupidly fast on that track. Found it sometimes went like that on Wario Stadium as well for some reason.
I also noticed that the game ran fast on DK's jungle track, we used to pick it on purpose because of it when racing in multiplayer.
We've finished our AS exams at school, so we've had an N64 brought in, and I brought in Mario Kart for it, and it's been going 'turbo' sometimes in loads of courses, Wario Stadium, Royal Raceway, Rainbow Road...
Anyway, it can feel sluggish normally after bouts of it going 'turbo' on you, but MK games have never had a huge sense of speed, and as it's been said, the versions played so far are likely the initial speed (50cc) and they'll be higher speeds to unlock.
SMK is Much MUCH slower than DD, and, the original was lloved by many people, so even more people will like this.
Oh, and the original was great, this will be better.
The original is still loved by millions across the world.
I win. (So does everyone who buys it)