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"Can We Get Any More Advance?"

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Sat 22/09/01 at 11:48
Posts: 787
Back in the good old days when the only way you could play computer games in an arcade and computers were only found in the company of the rich, computer games were although addictive they weren't up-to-todays standards.

If you got someone from just a matter of 8 years ago and put them in todays world of gaming what do you think there reaction would be? The playstation was released around about 5 and a bit years ago now ,till is selling somehow and has some of the best best availible games around to be played on.

The world of gaming has come thick and fast and now there is no turning back. Everyday something new is being designed that will take us all to the next level in gaming and promises new unseen advantages. The ability of graphics has come furthur in the last 2 years then it has in the last 20 of gaming and all because technology is becoming all that more advance.

So how far will it be before we are no longer playing on a game, but we are watching 'television'? As there is only so far you can go then you have to just start coming back. Now obviously this won't happen for a long time, but the question is how long? We've advanced way past the 64MB days and are now onto the 128MB which is not being pushed to it's legal limit.

The X-Files on the playstaion even thought not such a good game, slow and something like 5 discs, was all done by acting rather then actual computer graphics taking part. So when if ever will this be the case will games to come all around the world?

A new television channel is to be set up which has unbelievably realistic computer graphics that will have you gasping for breathe after watching your own computer generated horse run to success and earn you thousands. And this isn't so far away. This could be around by next year.

The main thing I feel that will be a disadvantage of this sheer power of computer generated graphics is the realism of the games. Realism is good but what will the impact be on people who feel like you really are shooting someone? Or you are stealing cars and murdering people?

It's something to think about, are we going to go too far? Or will it always remain the way it is now? There is one thing that is true though, the futures bright, the futures gaming.

Thanks for reading
Sun 23/09/01 at 12:39
Posts: 5,857
Shocktrooper wrote:
> Just
> wondering, either you were trying to get a point across, or you have a SNES.
> :-)


Both, actually.
Sun 23/09/01 at 10:57
"[SE] Acetrooper"
Posts: 2,527
Thank you, shaneo, thank you.

I wasn't sure if I should've replied without copying his whole post, or with - so I replied 'quoting this message' because his was a while back.

Sun 23/09/01 at 10:55
"( . ) ( . )"
Posts: 3,279
Nice post Shocky.
Sun 23/09/01 at 10:52
"[SE] Acetrooper"
Posts: 2,527
Gaming Boy wrote:
> I think it will only be about two or three years from now when we reach the best
> possible graphics in games. Even now, if you use MS Paint and type in any
> numbers in the Red/Green/Blue boxes, and then dither the numbers so that they
> are one away from what they were the first time, you can't even see the
> difference, so I don't think we can exceed that portion of gaming graphics
> anymore.

But then, there is poligons. At the moment, characters have square
> heads and cars have octangular wheels, which means a really bumpy ride. A ball
> in a game looks more like a dodecohedron, and bends in the track on a racing
> course aren't really bends. It's visible that they are made up of lots of
> straight layers. But, when the next-next gen consoles are released, poligons
> won't be visible anymore. Things will appear in the shape that they are supposed
> to. Also, in games like the next-next gen version of Perfect Dark, characters
> will actually move their mouths when they talk, or move their fingers when
> pointing or getting a gun out.

I suppose you were trying to get some kind of point across here, but to tell you the truth, wheels are no longer octagonal, balls are no longer 'dodecohedron' in shape, and bends are actually bends. Even the Playstation can produce splendid smooth balls and the PS2 - well, you can imagine.

It's already been done where charachters do actually walk and talk with mouth 'sinching' (I think that's the correct term for it).

Just wondering, either you were trying to get a point across, or you have a SNES. :-)

Sun 23/09/01 at 09:45
"( . ) ( . )"
Posts: 3,279
I did a post on this once. One day, graphics will come to a standstill, bit rates will freeze and there will be riots. Well, maybe not riots but you never know :D
Sun 23/09/01 at 01:31
"Wasting away"
Posts: 2,230
Gaming Boy wrote:
> I think it will only be about two or three years from now when we reach the best
> possible graphics in games. Even now, if you use MS Paint and type in any
> numbers in the Red/Green/Blue boxes, and then dither the numbers so that they
> are one away from what they were the first time, you can't even see the
> difference, so I don't think we can exceed that portion of gaming graphics
> anymore.

But then, there is poligons. At the moment, characters have square
> heads and cars have octangular wheels, which means a really bumpy ride. A ball
> in a game looks more like a dodecohedron, and bends in the track on a racing
> course aren't really bends. It's visible that they are made up of lots of
> straight layers. But, when the next-next gen consoles are released, poligons
> won't be visible anymore. Things will appear in the shape that they are supposed
> to. Also, in games like the next-next gen version of Perfect Dark, characters
> will actually move their mouths when they talk, or move their fingers when
> pointing or getting a gun out.

2 or 3 years isn't a long way away and think just how hard it would be to be able to progress no furthur in computer gaming. I think to say in 3 years time is being a bit optimisic, but saying that take a look at one of the first ever PS1 games say Ridge Racer then take a long look down the line and you see Ridge Racer Whatever we're up to that has been improved in so many ways including the graphics.

You can only push the console to it's limit but you can push games to their limit as well which most game designers don't seem to think about as either they can't be bothered or just don't seem to have the time that is need to create these 'life machines' for games.
Sat 22/09/01 at 14:56
Posts: 5,857
I think it will only be about two or three years from now when we reach the best possible graphics in games. Even now, if you use MS Paint and type in any numbers in the Red/Green/Blue boxes, and then dither the numbers so that they are one away from what they were the first time, you can't even see the difference, so I don't think we can exceed that portion of gaming graphics anymore.

But then, there is poligons. At the moment, characters have square heads and cars have octangular wheels, which means a really bumpy ride. A ball in a game looks more like a dodecohedron, and bends in the track on a racing course aren't really bends. It's visible that they are made up of lots of straight layers. But, when the next-next gen consoles are released, poligons won't be visible anymore. Things will appear in the shape that they are supposed to. Also, in games like the next-next gen version of Perfect Dark, characters will actually move their mouths when they talk, or move their fingers when pointing or getting a gun out.
Sat 22/09/01 at 14:55
"Wasting away"
Posts: 2,230
Dear Shock,
As by pressing the reply quoting this post button would have been a tad bit a SPAM situation I thought that I would just instead use the old letter scheme. Anyway as I was saying, there is only so far you can go before you start coming back.

A dog goes into the woods how far can it go? Half way.

Why because it will just go out the other end. How can you possibly get more realistic then playing a game that is more like watching television? Obviously movie viusal affects are getting better all the time but again with that there is only so far they can go.

You can't go overboard whilst making a film and add unwanted visul affects that just aren't needed to make the film more impressive. You can use them thought to make the film all that more realistic though and the same does apply to computer games.

I do agree with your views on Japan though as they seem to be lightyears ahead of us and quite possibly always will be, not bad going for a country that is made up of volcanoes making space difficult therefore less people. If they decided to share their ideas with the world then who really knows what it would be like now and I don't just mean the field of gaming.

Everything can basically get be improved but how far can it be improved? A hand held GameBox or something like that will no doubt be possible in years to come but until then we're just stuck with what we've got. Until that time enjoy gaming and try to enjoy life.
Sat 22/09/01 at 14:18
"[SE] Acetrooper"
Posts: 2,527
We can always advance further and further, I can't imagine us humans getting to a point of technology where we can't advance anymore. The thing is that WE are too advanced. We are always looking to improve things, or make things bigger and better - technology being a fine example of this.

Japan are so advanced in technology that half the new stuff that's out there won't come out here for another year or so, either that or we import stuff - but in some circumstances, that would be pointless.

If you take a look at the finest of fine graphics that GT3 portrays, you simply can't imagine anything being any better, can you? I can't, anyway. Yet, Sony have already begun work on the PS3. This next gob-smacking console is said to have film-quality graphics, graphics to blow your mind away. To be honest, graphics better than GT3's would be almost be film-quality, wouldn't they?

Then there's the Gamecube and X-box. Both are said to have certain qualities about them that will result in them having improved graphics on than the PS2. They both utilis the latest in computer hardware from popular, powerful and sucessful business like NEC and Intel. So if this lot of 'new hardware' is more advanced, then why is it so small?

That's the weird thing about technology. Whenever something gets better in Japan, it's nearly always a lot smaller than it's predecessor. This, in my opinion, is better. The hardware can now be inserted into console like the Gamecube easily and save a lot of space for other things that can help the console's power. Take the Gamecube's mother board for example, small, square-shaped piece of kit that leaves well over half of the Gamecubes dimention space left. Enough room to fit other accessories like the Gekko processor in (or is that so small that they inserted it into the actual controller?).

Yet this information begs the question, can technology get any smaller?

The answer, in my opinion, is yes. Take a look at mobile's, laptops - anything. They can all shrink a little further if the companies want them to, can't they?

There's another problem. This might sound a bit stupid, but technology could become ridiculously small. Imagine a console the size of, say, the size of your hand. Now, even if it was 800-odd Bits, you could lose it anywhere, it could get broken easily, etc etc. Could this actually be a possibility? Or would the developers or companies be smart enough to realise this problem?

Something else that springs to mind is the design of consoles when talking about technological advancement. Will Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft be able to be original enough to catch our attention with the designs of their new console? Microsoft won't do too well in this department the way they're going. Of all the money Microsoft have to use, they come up with a flashy breeze-block accompanied by a vile green ball of phlegm. That's just one small reason as to why the I will NOT purchase an X-box.

Moving on to the Gamecube then, I'd have to say with confidence, that the design of the GC is fantastic. It's eye catching and so original that it's sexy-ness will leave you drooling. You have to hand it to Nintendo, don't you? The N64 and Gamecube have to be the best designs on the market, and I have complete confidence in them to produce the goods again for their next-generation console. *hail Nintendo*

Technology is a rapidly growing money-maker, and it is hard to say what will be invented next.

Sat 22/09/01 at 13:22
"Wasting away"
Posts: 2,230
That is a good point that I never really thought about. It would almost be life like soon wouldn't it and that would add something new to gaming that would be almost an experience. Thanks for the good reply and taking the time to read it. As for you FFF every second that goes by is one second closer to your banning so that makes me all that more happy.

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