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"Zelda Ocarina of time or Majoras mask"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Sat 13/09/03 at 23:48
Posts: 5,848
Which is your favourite?
Sat 20/09/03 at 01:30
Posts: 18,185
Fri 19/09/03 at 23:30
"" "13cm"
Posts: 411
Yey for Powereslave - MAIDEN!

And, from what i've played of both, OoT looks the best.

Though i haven't played either in depth.
Fri 19/09/03 at 22:26
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
I also liked the ability to control living beings and animated objects.
Thu 18/09/03 at 09:35
Posts: 18,185
It's a big leap for Zelda... the ability to fly... sail... and brilliant graphical effects...

Plus a next generation control system to die for...

I can't believe that the next generation of systems can improve it... But i said that about Majora's Mask.
Wed 17/09/03 at 22:31
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
OOT, and WW certainly does rule.

Its obviously not as 'revolutionary' as OOT, but its just as good, if not better in many points, especially combat.
Wed 17/09/03 at 21:34
Posts: 143
OoT is the better of the two.
im still (from time to time) playing through wind Waker but OoT amazed me more. ill wait til i finish WW (if i ever get the time!) before i decide which one i prefer but so far its OoT all the way.

Wed 17/09/03 at 19:18
Posts: 18,185
Wind Waker is certainly not longer...

But the incredible combat system and the new animations and additonal humour... does... in my mind... make Wind Waker own all!
Wed 17/09/03 at 18:13
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
Well I would have to say my new favourite is now Wind Waker, it's longer and it has loads more sword techniques which are awsome, you have more chances at avoiding all hits when in a direct sword fight with armoured Knights because they are too slow for walking-upright-dog-creatures (if you remove the helmet you'll see what im on about.
Wed 17/09/03 at 14:50
Posts: 11,373
Pfft, I hated MM, the 3 day thing was just annoying.
Wed 17/09/03 at 13:06
Posts: 18,185
The thing that makes MM surpass OOT... isn't length or gameplay or anything like that but variety. These masks make you essentially control 4 different characters and the 3 day time period means that everyone is constantly moving making Majora's Mask the most interactive Zelda game ever concieved.

Wind Waker owns.

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