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"Gamecube Launch...."

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Fri 14/09/01 at 10:50
Posts: 787
Well, well, well. (3 holes in the ground... :D)

It's out in Japan, and what seemed like years 'til the European launch is nearing. The reaction from Japan is quite good with quite a few people queueing up. Of course the real test will be at christmas, when all 3 powerhouses go at it. But for now lets look at the Japanese launch.

That's right...

Keep looking...

There it is...


I wonder if the latest announcement from Capcom will sell any systems. Maybe to the Biohazard fanatics, but in general, I think it might signal to quite a few people that Nintendo are moving on from the 'kiddie' stage but taking the best bits from that era with them.

Anyone buying a Nintendo console should expect a Mario or Zelda game. The fact that so many good games are in production is a VERY big bonus for future 'Cubers.

I can't wait for EG3: Gamecube. Anyhoo...

Toys R Us said that about 80% of their stores have exhausted their first batch of Gamecubes through pre-oders and first day buyers alone!

I'm telling you, I'm not going to mail order mine from SR, I'm going down to the biggest SR store down south and ploughing through the competition, knocking Ali over at the door and getting my Gamecube! But there are so many good games... damn Nintendo!

Anyhow, we're straying from the subject: The Japanese Launch. I don't suppose we can make any major assesments until we receive the unit sales figures; but I think with a console like the Gamecube, with the support and future it has in store, and the overall greatnessness of Nintendo, it'll sell like tupenny (sp?) hot cakes in the school cantine!!

Go Nintendo Go -Ninten-Go! << Get it... :P

Anyway, This is a Prime topic thingy so I better not fun it up to much!

Thoughts? Sales Figures? Interesting Statements or Bits of Info?


Sat 15/09/01 at 20:26
"Look!!! Changed!!!1"
Posts: 2,072
Should point out that there will be more consoles in time for Smash Bros Melee. They will, of course, sell more than the innitial 500,000 consoles in the second wave of big console sales that SBM will cause.

Come to think of it, Nintendo could have planned this well. Remembering that they have to make all these consoles and don't really want to sell out, they could be timing the anticipitated demand levels to that it matches how fast they can produce consoles. Eg initial launch > Smash Bros > US Launch > European > Mario Sunshine, each being a demand peak with the space in between allowing for the consoles to be made.
Sat 15/09/01 at 20:21
"Look!!! Changed!!!1"
Posts: 2,072
300,000 out of the innitial shipment of 500,000 sold so far. Pretty poor launch if you look at those figures alone, but it was just estimates of Friday's sales so they could have actually been higher. Also, I don't think Nintendo were expecting anything huge - no Mario game, in fact no must-have game at all, and Japan entering a recession so people causious about big investments.

Smash Bros Melee will clear another big pile of consoles when it realeases in a few weeks - though I don't think they will sell out of consoles, which is a good thing. Shows they didn't rush the launch which could have reflected negatively on other aspects of the console too i.e. no rush Sony-style jobs ;)
Fri 14/09/01 at 19:07
Posts: 15,443
Only another half year to go. Boo -hoo.
Fri 14/09/01 at 18:58
Posts: 0
The Gamecube out in Japan eh? Well I dont think there was much build up for that over in this part of the world and yet we stil have no Europe release. I have so many good feelings about it... to hard to describe... (:)
Fri 14/09/01 at 16:35
Posts: 9,848
Your Honour wrote:
> Ok, Toys R Us said they sold 80% of 'Cube stock through pre-orders
> and people buying on the day.


Excpet we don't know how
> many thay had. It could have just been 100 consoles. Meaning they
> sold 80. That's why I don't like percentages.

However, if they
> had 100,000 consoles, then selling 80,000 first off is pretty
> good.

Or it might simply be four out of the five consoles they were given :-D
Fri 14/09/01 at 15:52
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
I really am looking forward to the gamecube, but its so far away. I feel the ever increasing urge to get out the cardboard and scissors and make a replica, just to occupy the space that it will fill.
Fri 14/09/01 at 13:32
Posts: 2,517
The Game wrote:
> Probably because there is no Sony or Microsoft or other alternative
> to the Gameboy Advance... at least not one on the same scale.

Yeah which is one of the reasons Nintendo will always pull through and beat other leading companies....well until other companies fight back with their own handhelds!

So Nintendo could loose with the GC against the xbox (which I hugely doubt) but still pull through with their GBA sales on top!!
Fri 14/09/01 at 13:26
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
me saw new res pics

me want new res game

me want gamecube to play new res game
Fri 14/09/01 at 11:07
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
Probably because there is no Sony or Microsoft or other alternative to the Gameboy Advance... at least not one on the same scale.
Fri 14/09/01 at 10:59
"Party like its 2005"
Posts: 452
I've put a link in the Gamecube forum to a review of the Japanese release.
Not amazing, but respectable was the verdict. Not as big as the Advance launch.

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