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"Worth buying a second Gamecube?"

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Mon 27/10/03 at 23:53
Posts: 3,863
Right, I have had my pretty little Gamecube since May 1st of last year.

However, my sisters have been hogging it recently, so I was thinking, with the release of this new game pack, should i buy a new Gamecube.

I want Mario Kart as it is, so thats £30 going to go anyway, so is a gamecube, the Zelda 4 game pack and a 4mb Memory card worth £70?

What would you do?

(Obviously i would give the old cube to my sisters for their room.)
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:51
Posts: 9,848
The first one is on Animal Crossing too.
Still, this IS the most convinient way of playing them, and that HAS to be worth £70! :-D

I know, it's no big deal, but he's paying to play his Gamecube whenever he wants without his pesky sisters complaining.

Also, take £25 off because you're getting a free pad! :-)

So for £55 you get 2 Nes Zeldas, OOT (which you probably have for the N64 AND got with Windwaker) and Majora's Mask (which you should already have on your N64! :-P).

It think you'd do better to get more games.
Or just more pads.
You can play Mario Kart WITH your sisters.

Infact the best thing about Mario Kart is the multiplayer! :-P
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:38
Posts: 10,489
Yes I have seen which ones it is but whats the point in getting Nes Zelda games when you can get an emulator and run them on that?
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:34
Posts: 9,848
ÂLŠ†ÂÎR wrote:
> Buy two of the same console? Zelda was good but not that good and
> definitley not worth £70 in my opinion.

It's not Wind Waker by the way.
It's the 2 N64 Zelda's and the 2 Nes Zelda's...

Strange collection if you ask me. :-S
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:26
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
A series of punishments should do the trick.

Increasing in pain with every consecutive offence.
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:22
"An Evil Resident"
Posts: 933
But by the sounds of things he dosnt currently have a GC (in a fashion) :s
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:20
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
OR, now here's a crazy idea; spend it on something you DON'T ALREADY HAVE.

I know it's weird, but it just might work.
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:19
"An Evil Resident"
Posts: 933
Parr wrote:

so is a gamecube, the Zelda 4 game pack and a 4mb Memory card worth £70?

Yes it is, go do it, you know you want to :)
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:16
Posts: 10,489
Seeing as though people don't understand my points I just thought I would give myself the chance to explain why.
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:14
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
I'm arguing nothing.
You seem to take everything anyone says to heart and then turn it into a personal attack or some sort of challenge, of which it was neither.
Like notorious biggles said, I was just making light of your strange choices.
You then decided to turn it into some sort of LIVE vs PC debate.
Tue 28/10/03 at 00:12
Posts: 10,489
The fact you are trying to argue some point about PC online gaming which looks petty and has already been explained on my part.

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