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"Zelda Ocrina of time: Master quest"

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Sun 21/12/03 at 18:57
Posts: 6,100
Ive got the double disk from the wind wakers game and ive chosen to do the 'new' game Ocrina of time: Master quest and im stuck, plain and simple im old now and ive done the forest temple and im in the fire temple and i don't know how to get past the first gate, can anyone help me?


Thu 15/01/04 at 20:34
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
Longy wrote:
> Ive got a new problem :)Also in the big room with about 4
> guilotens how do i open the door down the bottom near the eye? ive
> done everything i can think of. Any help would be much appreciated

Ah I think i can help, try looking with the lens to the left of the platform with the Stalfos skeleton on, you will see some invisible platforms which you need to jump on to get to a door around near the side of the entrance, going in there to get the key.
Thu 15/01/04 at 10:07
"Devotion 2The Ocean"
Posts: 6,658
Longy wrote:
> Ive got a new problem :) im in the shadow temple and im in a room with
> the invisible reapers and the silver diamond is in the air, how do i
> get it?

Shoot an arrow at the diamond thing. Normally does the trick. And if you don't have arrows and your within range, shoot the hook-shot at it.

> i need it to open a door. Also in the big room with about 4
> guilotens how do i open the door down the bottom near the eye? ive
> done everything i can think of. Any help would be much appreciated

Eye? Is that one of those eye switch things you activate by shooting arrows at.

I'm a bit vague on this bit, as haven't played this temple in years and it's not as clear as the others in my memory. I should start playing the Master Quest again myself. I got up to the temple below Lake Hyrule, but haven't bothered to get any further yet. Shall do soon tho...

Thu 15/01/04 at 08:05
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
Longy wrote:
> Ive got a new problem :) im in the shadow temple and im in a room with
> the invisible reapers and the silver diamond is in the air, how do i
> get it? i need it to open a door. Also in the big room with about 4
> guilotens how do i open the door down the bottom near the eye? ive
> done everything i can think of. Any help would be much appreciated

The Lens of truth (or whatever it's called), just use a combo of Lens of truth and the long shot, look at the ceiling and walla.
Wed 14/01/04 at 21:26
Posts: 6,100
Ive got a new problem :) im in the shadow temple and im in a room with the invisible reapers and the silver diamond is in the air, how do i get it? i need it to open a door. Also in the big room with about 4 guilotens how do i open the door down the bottom near the eye? ive done everything i can think of. Any help would be much appreciated
Wed 31/12/03 at 19:16
"period drama"
Posts: 19,792
(fairy) = Navi.
She goes mental and turns green and flies to and from the spot where the scarecrow will appear.

You can use this to get across to the fire arrows before you fill the lake back up. Although you actually can't because:

1) You need the Longshot to reach the scarecrow and
2) You get the Longshot from the Water Temple, and when you've done that the lake fills back up anyway.

So the scarecrow there is actually pointless.
Wed 31/12/03 at 09:53
"Devotion 2The Ocean"
Posts: 6,658
Longy wrote:
> what is the scarecrow for? i got the song and i dont know what i use
> him for

Once you teach the scarecrow your song as young link, when as adult link, if erm.... what's her name (fairy), flys off and hovers green over some ground and you can't figure out what for, try playing your scarecrow song and a scarecrow might pop up. The use of this being that you can hook-shot onto him, to take you to places you couldn't get to before (or to just get there a lot quicker).

Fri 26/12/03 at 15:07
"bing bang bong"
Posts: 3,040
Cooky wrote:
> Either, light a stick with another lit fire, and run around with it
> lighting things before it dies out.
> or (which is probably the most useful tactic), position yourself
> behind a fire, wip out the good ol' bow, and fire arrows through the
> fire to whatever to want to hit with fire!
> :)

Neither of these work when there is no (discernable) fire source in the room, and you can't use Deku sticks as an adult unless I'm very much mistaken.
Wed 24/12/03 at 18:46
Posts: 6,100
what is the scarecrow for? i got the song and i dont know what i use him for
Mon 22/12/03 at 11:06
"Devotion 2The Ocean"
Posts: 6,658
Miserableman wrote:
> This is a design issue that I was considering as I was playing
> through the dungeon - how do you generate fire without the Dins Fire
> spell (what you were talking about). Dins Fire is not mandatory by
> that point of the game, and by Nintendo design ethics there must be
> another way of doing it. Only I couldn't work out what it was, so I
> gave up and used Dins Fire :O)

Either, light a stick with another lit fire, and run around with it lighting things before it dies out.

or (which is probably the most useful tactic), position yourself behind a fire, wip out the good ol' bow, and fire arrows through the fire to whatever to want to hit with fire!

Mon 22/12/03 at 10:05
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
For the Fire temple i think that nintendo didn't replan the dungeon so well, because I found a serious flaw to their design, i could (once i got the boss key and knocked the block down to the room outside the boss room, and of course got the hammer) go straight back to the begging and face the boss without saving the rest of the Gorons.

Also longy, to refill the lake you have to complete the Ice cave behind jabu Jabu in Zora's domain, then go to the Water temple and beat the boss there. Simple.

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