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Wed 01/08/01 at 20:50
Posts: 787
Not many people get the thing about Xbox using PC architecture, but not being a PC (just like the PSone and Dreamcast)... so let's say:


So what? Who cares? At the end of the day any gamer- hardcore or casual- want to have fun with their games. I couldn't care whether the Xbox had a dual 100000MHz processor or a 5MHz one... all I care about is the games. If you disagree then ask yourslef why you play games? Not to say "I have a 64 bit console"... but to have fun.

So, the games. Well, MS are good at flightsimulatrs...
Actually, none of these PC "games" are coming to the Xbox. Instead MS have secured dozends of exclusive games contracts as well as having had developers say "We'll make this exclusive".

So far the Xbox has exclusives like Halo (Bugie have been bought by MS... and that really shows dedication), as well as Munche's Oddessy (which PS2 fans were going on and on about until it was announced to be for the xbox... at whic point "it's not that good".). Also, the sequal to MSR, Project Gotham and Sega's Jet Set Radio Future are all coming to the Xbox exclusively.

It also has the pic of PS2 games, with developers like Konami and Capcom making MGS and Res evil games on the console. Many Japanese developers have their kits ready, and American firms are very eager to work on an American console.

So why are people whining about "it;s a PC". Who care if it is or isn't. It has great games. I'm not saying that everyone will like them- I shall be getting a GC because of Zelda, and will probably miss the xbox... but that's not to say I hate the thing!

Use your common sense... gamers like games... not console specs

Thu 02/08/01 at 14:17
Posts: 0
Im excited about the PS2 because I want to play the Getaway, the Stuntman and Driver3.

Im excited about the GameCube because I love RareWare games, and want another Mario Platformer.

As for the Xbox well Im excited about a few games such as DinoCrisis 3, but Im more excited about the hardware and peripherals as it could take gaming in a whole new direction. I see the fact that the Xbox is a PC as a plus as it will have loads of emulators and I believe someone will release a small program to allow it to play normal PC games which I think would be cool :-) particularly as I only have a 200Mhz PC at present.

Populus the beginning is really cool on it!
Wed 01/08/01 at 21:23
Posts: 2,517
FantasyMeister wrote:
> Oh, I dunno about not getting excited, I've always been kinda
> itching to get a Playstation, then a Dreamcast, then a PS2, and I'll
> be kinda itching to get a Gamecube just to try it out, same goes for
> an X-box.

At the moment I'm like a kid in a candy shop, and I'm
> trying to walk out with everything, but my piggybank won't let me
> unfortunately.

In my perfect world I've have them all, but then
> in my perfect world I'd be busy doing a lot of other things as well
> and probably wouldn't have time to play games anymore.


Yea when the PSone came out I wasn't so sure as I had heard about the N64 the very next year, I got the N64 and I enjoyed it a lot one of my favourite consoles, then realising that NEARLY all of my friends had got a PSX seeing as it was the best one out on its time of release bought and they had all said that it was good! May be they all thought this because they didn't know much about specs, companies games developers etc, or had never played on an N64?

So I got a PSX as well, it was good, I found that I was right not to immediately go for it becuase I enjoyed playing my N64 considerably more than my PSX!

So the same is happening to me now! I have been excited about the GC for a while...ever since I heard about it! And I wasn't immediately excited about the PS2 on release but then realsing there was a whole year and a half before I got my GC I thought I would try it is the whole N64 - PSX thing all over again for me!

And now I am starting to see more of the PS2s good side and starting to get a little more excited about it than before! But still jumping head over heels for the GC!

Wed 01/08/01 at 21:16
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
Oh, I dunno about not getting excited, I've always been kinda itching to get a Playstation, then a Dreamcast, then a PS2, and I'll be kinda itching to get a Gamecube just to try it out, same goes for an X-box.

At the moment I'm like a kid in a candy shop, and I'm trying to walk out with everything, but my piggybank won't let me unfortunately.

In my perfect world I've have them all, but then in my perfect world I'd be busy doing a lot of other things as well and probably wouldn't have time to play games anymore.

Wed 01/08/01 at 21:11
Posts: 2,517
This is probably why the games and advertisements and specs, are trying as hard as they can to impress and excite everybody but everyone is finding it extremely hard to get ecited!!
Wed 01/08/01 at 21:09
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
alot of games don't appeal to me but does that make them bad, no it's public opinion that matters even if a game is complete trash if the people like it it's good and vice versa.

Capcom may be making games for the xbox like dino crises 3 but i hvae the first one and think it's flipping awful. where res evil goes I go nuff said.
Wed 01/08/01 at 21:00
Posts: 5,448
Ö~ Res€vilfan ~Ö wrote:
> er first off about NO pc games on the xbox what about microsoft
> train simulator, the xbox looks like it's capable of some sweet
> graphics but the games and the price do not appeal.

ummm... there are a total of 7 (or more now) train simulators on the PS2... Jap people love them... and over there they are considered console games.

And like I said the games may not appeal TO YOU, but you cannot deny the line up is brilliant... especially if you are a PS2 gamer.

Wed 01/08/01 at 20:53
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
er first off about NO pc games on the xbox what about microsoft train simulator, the xbox looks like it's capable of some sweet graphics but the games and the price do not appeal.
Wed 01/08/01 at 20:50
Posts: 5,448
Not many people get the thing about Xbox using PC architecture, but not being a PC (just like the PSone and Dreamcast)... so let's say:


So what? Who cares? At the end of the day any gamer- hardcore or casual- want to have fun with their games. I couldn't care whether the Xbox had a dual 100000MHz processor or a 5MHz one... all I care about is the games. If you disagree then ask yourslef why you play games? Not to say "I have a 64 bit console"... but to have fun.

So, the games. Well, MS are good at flightsimulatrs...
Actually, none of these PC "games" are coming to the Xbox. Instead MS have secured dozends of exclusive games contracts as well as having had developers say "We'll make this exclusive".

So far the Xbox has exclusives like Halo (Bugie have been bought by MS... and that really shows dedication), as well as Munche's Oddessy (which PS2 fans were going on and on about until it was announced to be for the xbox... at whic point "it's not that good".). Also, the sequal to MSR, Project Gotham and Sega's Jet Set Radio Future are all coming to the Xbox exclusively.

It also has the pic of PS2 games, with developers like Konami and Capcom making MGS and Res evil games on the console. Many Japanese developers have their kits ready, and American firms are very eager to work on an American console.

So why are people whining about "it;s a PC". Who care if it is or isn't. It has great games. I'm not saying that everyone will like them- I shall be getting a GC because of Zelda, and will probably miss the xbox... but that's not to say I hate the thing!

Use your common sense... gamers like games... not console specs


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