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Tue 31/07/01 at 11:26
Posts: 787
Can anybody who is using a S-Video lead please tell me if it produces a better quality picture for 1) games 2) DVD against the standard supplied cable. I guess I am asking is it worth buying? Are they any problems?


Fri 03/08/01 at 00:44
"Look!!! Changed!!!1"
Posts: 2,072
Tellah wrote:
> I'm running everything through the high quality rgb scart > lead and a
> region-x dvd key. It is excellent quality, but requires a > disk swap
> when using dvds. Bearable though.

Does that actually work? Just remembering the rummors around the PS2 launch that the RGB block was physical rather than software, and hence the Region X would have to go inside you PS2 and re-solder a cut connection (something it obviously didn't do). Just remember people saying it failed traditional Macro by-passes.

You can still get an output through the SCART lead without it being RBG, sure it isn't this? Not questioning your knowledge of the matter or anything, just wondering.

For what it is worth, if you want the best quality get a standalone player. You'll get a wealth of output options and superior quality with less hassle :) Thinking or reclining back very soon with a good DVD, a widescreen TV and crystal clear picture and 5.1 surround sound.
Wed 01/08/01 at 14:40
Posts: 0
That is strange ScoobyDog, cause when ive compared on my TV with all 3 leads ive noticed alot of difference
Standard - crap
S Video - much better
RGB Scart - Crytal clear.

Although, i have heard that the difference is less noticeable (sp?) on DVDs, it stands out alot more on games.
Maybe you should check again, cause i'd hate for you to regret buy it after i said how much better it was. When booting up a game, if theres any small print at the bottom (timesplitters is a good example) try reading it if your using the standard leads - its all blurry. Its clearer in Svideo, and crystal clear using scart.

Ö~ Res€vilfan ~Ö, you can also use the optical out as a means to connect your PS2 to your stereo, but it needs to have a optical INPUT on it, which not that many do. I have a new one that does this, and it is awesome when you've got the full 5.1 set up. Just friggin expensive. :)
Wed 01/08/01 at 12:36
Posts: 0
Well, I bought the S-Video lead and tried it last night.

Tried 2 DVD's - perphaps a slightly sharper picture but very marginal and probably not worth it for this alone.

Tried GT3 (had noticed some hazyness in on track / crowd sufaces) - S-Video seemed to make this slightly worse.

My TV is a Sony 21".

So my feelings on the matter would be stick with standard lead over the S-Video one - can't comment on the RGB option but will wait to see someone elses before spending the money.

I guess there may be bigger differences with poorer quality TVs (if you accept that generally Sony TVs have an excellent picture through standard scart).

Wed 01/08/01 at 10:00
"Party like its 2005"
Posts: 452
I'm running everything through the high quality rgb scart lead and a region-x dvd key. It is excellent quality, but requires a disk swap when using dvds. Bearable though.
Wed 01/08/01 at 08:22
Posts: 0
To get the best possible picture for games AND dvd, without resorting to a multi-region plug in, do the following:

1. Buy an s-video to s-video cable from any good hifi shop.

2. Buy a Sony ps2 AV adaptor with s-video out. This has a ps/ps2 av passthrough, an s-video out, composite out and left & right audio out.

3. Buy a 2phono to 2phono audio lead

4. Buy a ps/ps2 RGB scart lead.

5. Buy a TV with seperate RGB and s-video scart inputs (or an s-video camcorder input).

6. Buy an s-video to scart adaptor.

7. connect the Sony av adaptor to your ps2.

8. connect the RGB scart to the sony a/v passthrough on the adaptor.

9. connect the s-video and phono leads to both the Sony adaptor AND the s-video scart adaptor.

10. ignore the composite connection 'cos it's cack

11. plug the rgb scart into your rgb scart socket on your tv.

12. plug the s-video scart into your s-video scart socket on your tv (or, alternatively, into the s-video camcorder input on your tv; this means you won't need the s-video scart adaptor)

13. now when you want to change between dvd and games, simply change channel on your remote from one input to the other; rgb for games and s-video for dvd.

This is the system I'm using and it works very well.

s-video is ok for dvd but is naff for games compared to rgb; the colour is less well controlled with s-video and you get very harsh contrast.

rgb is much smoother and the colours more natural.

Once you have both connected and can flick between them, you'll see the difference (IF YOU HAVE A BIG TV).

Tue 31/07/01 at 19:33
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
I don't know much about the cables availible for the PS2 but i do know for a fact that gold plated and oxygen free cables provide the clearest picture and sound so if one is availible for the PS2 i'd get that one.
Tue 31/07/01 at 19:02
"You Bum!!"
Posts: 3,740
I am personally very happy with the lead supplied with my PS2 but thats just me. I am not too fussy.
Tue 31/07/01 at 13:01
Posts: 0
It seems I need to buy a lead then. What I am planning on doing is using the S-Video lead into an adapter you can buy from maplins (product VA12N - plug in S-Video lead + audio to scart) that (providing your TV supports S-Video through a scart - most do - I know my Sony TV does) allows you to keep all the leads round the back of the TV.
Also somebody was asking about scart leads and phono plugs - I believe you can buy a scart lead that also has trailing phono plugs for audio - that may be your answer.

Thanks fot your help,

Tue 31/07/01 at 11:54
"Back For Good"
Posts: 3,673
i suppose if you want the picture quality the best it can be then thats the thing for it, but I'm happy because i need the 2 audio output leads to use my speakers otherwise i just get the tv speaker.

Is there anyway of using the scart lead with the tv and getting audio output at the same time as 2 phono type sockets?
Tue 31/07/01 at 11:51
Posts: 0
The S video lead is MUCH better than the lead supplied. It makes the picture ALOT sharper.
RGB Scart is EVEN better still, the best quality infact, BUT, it does make DVD films come out in green picture.
This can be got around by getting the DVD Region X which not only allows you to watch a DVD from any Region, but lets use use a RGB Scart lead and have the picture in colour. This is what im now using. But before this, i had the Sony SVideo cable and that was very good too.
I'd seriously say DONT stick with the leads that come supplied, your watching a picture that could be SO much better. :)

DVD Region x - £20
S video cable - £15
RGB lead - (£5 for a grey PSX one)

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