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Wed 11/07/01 at 22:37
Posts: 787
What the programme said

Lara is every teenage boy's wet dream and every girl's idol and role model.She's appeared on magazines,adverts and even has her own film.The film really lives up to the tomb raider games.

What i say

First off the games are nothing like what you see in the lucazade adverts and the film, it's lining up a jump,step back then jump,grab you get the idea it's slow paced except for a few swan dives and monster beatings here and there.

To me someone thought of a fairly good game and to market it further shoved something in that would grab people's attention, a porn star with brains aka Lara.
Lara wonders through many levels of very dangerous suroundings all without breaking a sweat,catching hypothermia and immunity to cuts and bruises.

The progamme went on about how obbsessed people got with her by playing the game too much. Like producing PC mods to have her completly in the nud,writing love letters and keeping on trying that fake nude cheat for the PSone.One of my old friends had as his desktop wallpaper a pic of lara that he edited to remove her clothes but it was awful.please nude cheat work i want to see the 2 square niples on lara's triangler breasts, oh please i'm dying here. These people are completly obsessed!! not with the game but with Lara just Lara.

This game had awful graphics which you couldn't see a single clear thing in any of the levels i mean the real challenge of the game is to find the path or hole to go through all amonst a doubled amount of squares that you have in your maths excercise book. Texture mapping does a alot to sharpen out the graphics and does a fine job, I've played through the first one twice and i think it's an interesting game in some extreme enviroments but some of the puzzles are a bit ambisious and yeah having complete 3D roaming is great but there is a limit.

I'm sure most of us prefer the style of the first level of Tomb raider 2 where you dodge spikes,go down a zip line,shoot loads of monsters,solve some short but effective puzzles, do an amazing dive and run from boulders Res evil style.Most of the other levels are like trying to find a needle in a haystack and when you go off track "wow" your gona be there for weeks untill you get bored and think it's not worth the bother.

The game was a revoution when it first appeared on the sega saturn but I still think the game tomb raider wouldn't be anywhere near as succesfull without it's main appeal
A double d with tight trousers and a bad attitude.

(( my opinion ))

Thu 12/07/01 at 12:37
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Armitage Shanks wrote:
> Why couldnt the fighting be real... like in WWF?!?!

LOL :-) Genius!
Thu 12/07/01 at 12:33
"Eric The Half A Bee"
Posts: 5,347
Why cant all games be as realisitic and as varied as the Pokemon series!

Why couldnt the fighting be real... like in WWF?!?!
Thu 12/07/01 at 12:31
Posts: 2,925
The dinosaurs, bears and Alligators probably hibanate attack!
Thu 12/07/01 at 12:24
"not dead"
Posts: 11,145
Edgy wrote:

> Anyway,
> how could Dinosaurs, bears, aligators and more survive inside sealed
> tombs for all that time! Surely they'd die of a Vitamin D
> defficiency!

I cannot believe this statement.

It's a game, it's not supposed to absolutely 100% realistic, and quite possible, is it!

Would you like to play a game in which all of the rules of the natural world DID have to be obeyed? Would you like to make sure that your character ate some well balanced meals, so they didn't get sick. Would you ensure that they had plenty of fibre in their diet, and play out the consequences if they didn't?

Would you like to have to clean up your in-game wounds with TCP so they didn't get infected, and visit the doctor for a few vaccinations before taking your character into the jungle?

Would you like to get stopped going through customs in a game, and have your character subjected to a body cavity search?

Pokemon is cruel, how can you make those lovely monsters fight each other? How come when they get knocked out they can get fixed up at a Pokecentre in just seconds, why don't they need proper medical attention....

See my point?
Thu 12/07/01 at 12:12
"Back from the dead!"
Posts: 4,615
I saw the film last night,Theres this completely unneccesary scene when she is in the shower, yet noone complained...
Wed 11/07/01 at 23:28
"+34 Intellect"
Posts: 21,334
Fish-e wrote:
I ended
> up only watchimg it to see Angelina Jolie.

Ha, what do you think i'm going to go and see it for? the plot?
Wed 11/07/01 at 23:24
Posts: 0
Yeah Edgy but isn't Angelina Jolie just hot, she is alot nicer than the game character.

Any way I was going to say, I went to see the film today and it sucked, big time, it was so bloody boring, I ended up only watchimg it to see Angelina Jolie.
Wed 11/07/01 at 23:15
Posts: 15,681
I am going to wait til the film is on analogue TV.

I can't be bothered to see a film based on the ugliest videogame star of all time! (Sorry to those Octobrains from Duke Nukem 3D who were my previous ugly-videogame-star winners....)

The original game (PC version) is rubbish! It's just like watching paint dry!

Anyway, how could Dinosaurs, bears, aligators and more survive inside sealed tombs for all that time! Surely they'd die of a Vitamin D defficiency!

The game is basically a 3D walking game where you shoot 6 bats, then it goes to classic doom mode where you pull a couple switches, then it goes back to the walking mode, shoot one bloke 30 times with a shotgun, then get bored and quit!

I don't like the way the camera moves when you're standing in corners either! The movement of the camera is enough to make anyone seasick!

The choice of weapons is very small, the levels are dull and boring and too similar to each other....

The game has got one good point though! It's funny when you dive off the cliff in a level where you can dive into water, but purposely miss the water and land headfirst onto the rocks! That is pure entertainment!

I bet a lot of people are wondering about her cosmetic surgeon! Her physical appearance has changed a few times through the games! Maybe it's just those tight tops she keeps wearing....

The Game Boy game wasn't any better! Although you could actually see things, the bullets were slow, the controls complicated, and most of the enemies were bats!!!

Aren't bats endangered and therefore protected species? Along with the bears and wolves as well as the aligators from the PC version? Wouldn't it be better if those dinosaurs were studied instead of killed just so Lara can find a small useless object.

She's just like a poacher! She kills endangered animals just to make a few pennies!

Anyway, I bet I get a few Lara fans telling me how I'm wrong about this, that and the other (even though I'm stating a mixture of opinion on games played, and fact on games played).

Happy gaming Tomb Raider fans! I just hope you've got more respect for the dead than Lara has!
Wed 11/07/01 at 23:14
Posts: 15,443
Lara's face is very flat.
Wed 11/07/01 at 23:11
"High polygon count"
Posts: 15,624

I forgot about that programme.

Don't suppose anyone recorded it and could send me the tape or a copy? I will return it.

If so, mail me at [email protected] for my postal address.

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