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Sat 09/06/01 at 17:07
Posts: 787
Okay folks welcome back, we hope you’re enjoying Wrestlemania as much as we are! This place is packed to the rafters to witness what will now be one of the most gruelling, and physically demanding matches in Wrestlemania History.

3 Men. One title. It’s all about pride, it’s all about endurance and it’s all about just how damn brutal you can be! Kane (Venombyte), Angle (SSXPro) and The Big Show (Monkey With Attitude), it’s all about the Hardcore Title…

The lights go out… Kane’s (VenomByte’s) music hits… The crowd go wild… The Big Red Machine steps out to a massive ovation. He walks down the aisle amongst the Red-coloured smoke, fitting his glove as he goes. The camera pans round to see him greeted by some children sitting in aisle seats… Kane walks past, he has much more important things to think about. Over the top rope Kane get into the squared-circle… He stands in the centre of the ring, everyone knows what’s next… BOOM! All of a sudden, as if without warning the turnbuckles are engulfed in the flames from the fireworks… The crowd are ecstatic, Kane paces around the ring… the suddenly it hits… “Well it’s the Big Show…” The Big Show (Monkey With Attitude) walks down the aisle to a mixture of cheers and boos... annoyed by the constant ranting of a SRW fans he takes their sign and rips it in two! He continues down the ramp only to be attacked by the Big Red Machine. The two battle it out. Kane hits the Big Show with a couple of rights but the Big Show blocks. He returns the shots, Kane stumbles back and falls back onto the safety guard… Big Show enters the ring and lifts his hands in a victorious fashion.. Suddenly Kurt Angle’s (SSXPro) music hits… the crowd go wild with the atmosphere but then the cheers turn to a chorus of boos as Angle runs in to the ring only to be caught by a big size 24 from the Big Show.

The Big Show looks down at Angle and slaps him, but then is in turn attacked by Kane. The Big Show stumbles forward and knocks Angle and himself to the outside. The three battle outside the ring. Angle tries to hit Kane with a chair but Kane stops him with a kick to the abdomen… Kane turns round only to be caught with a monster clothesline by the Big Show. Angle and the Big Show stare each other out… Angle looks to the crowd he offers Big Show his hand. Show accepts. The crowd let out with a massive chorus of boos… Kane gets up but is met with a double-clothesline from his two opponents. Angle nods his head in approval. Show does the same. The two turn back on to Kane but they’re both caught with a right hand, another, another, Kane is cleaning house! Show stumbles backwards and falls over the ring steps and Angle is hit off balance and lands on the Spanish announce table… Kane signals to the crowd, they go wild. Kane and Angle are up on the announce table… the announcers scatter… Angle is lifted up for the Tombstone but Kane gets a chop-block from the Big Show. Angle rolls to safety… The battle rages on up the aisle to the entrance way… The Big Show and Angle are beating continuously on Kane.

Kane, after taking serious beating from Angle and the Big Show is teetering by the edge of the ramp, there is about a 16-foot drop… to the tables below… he gets hit with a right from the Big Show and a left from Angle… Big Show gives him one final right as Angle charges… Kane is dazed. Angle is charging at an alarming rate. Angle is about to connect but with strength seemingly from nowhere Kane ducks and catches Angle with a back body drop. Angle plummets to the tables below and the rafters bellow with an ‘aah’ from the crowd… Kane turns on the Big Show as Angle is down. They go out into the back as the cameraman follows… Kane hit the Big Show repeatedly until he backs off… Show finds a trashcan and hits Kane out of nowhere. Kane stumbles and falls in to a vending machine… Show goes for and extinguisher but is caught by Kane with a chair… Big Show is levelled and seemingly out cold. Kane goes for the pin… the ref counts… 1… 2… Big Show kicks out with a second to go! Kane pulls him to his feet only to ram him face first into a steel shutter… Kane goes for the cover again… this time only for a 1-count. The two continue to battle out the back whilst the camera shows Angle been taken away by a stretcher. Kane and the Big Show fight it out to the car park… Kane scoops the Big Show up just about holding him and slams him down onto the windscreen of a car… it The Rock’s (SHEEPY’S) Lincoln!

The camera shows The Rock in his dressing room with a look of disgust on his face as he watches Kane slam the Big Show on to the bonnet smashing the windscreen even more! The Rock runs out side, the camera focuses in on The Rock… he sprint over to Kane and levels him with a signature jumping-clothesline. Kane is down, floored by the magnificent Rock! Rock walks back only to be levelled by Undertaker (Ali)! Rock and ‘Taker battle elsewhere and Big Show capitalises on Kane’s misfortune… Kane and the Big Show battle more and return to the arena… they fight their way amongst the crowd… and Kane Irish-whips the Big Show into the guard and over the top… chairs and can are everywhere, both Kane and the Big Show are dumbfounded… then all of a sudden Kaientai run of, they’ve stolen Angle’s medals, they’re looking might please with themselves! Kane turns round and sees the Big Show looking for the ring bell, Big Show finds it but not before Kane finds a chair, Kane whacks the Big Show, you could almost hear his skull crack! They battle up the ramp again, with Kane hitting the bloody Big Show time and time again with the mangled chair… the Big Show stumbles off the ramp to the floor by the side… he tried to walk to the back to recover. He turns back but again he’s caught by the chair. Kane tries to hit the Big Show again but Show pulls a medic in the way, he gets clocked and it down and out… one by one the medics are eliminated as if part of a sick comedy show! Kane goes for the last shot the medics are all out… Show is a little worried… but just then Angle steps up and with the energy from nowhere he smacks Kane with a medic box… Kane is stunned and he drops the chair.

Angle turns to the Big Show and the allegiance that once was has been reformed, but not for long. And turns round and clocks the Big Show with the medic box… Show is out, so Kurt Angle goes for the cover… 1…2… Kane kicks out! The crowd are stunned; everyone thought it was all over! Angle battles Kane back to the ring where finally some wrestling is shown… but not for long as the Big Show comes back into play. He has a table from under the ring and as soon as he set it up it’s in pieces… Angle, out of nowhere hits an Olympic Slam on Kane… Kane is out… cold! Angle goes for the cover… 1…2… Big Show interrupts and lays the boots to Angle… Big Show starts some trash talking… he humiliates Angle by slapping him about. Kane is still out cold! Big Show beats on angle and send him to the ropes… Angle returns and ducks a big boot… again off the ropes this time he ducks a clothesline. Off the ropes again and Angle goes flying and catches Big Show with a flying elbow, Jericho style!

All three men are knackered, lying motionless on the mat. Angle stirs and just about rolls over to cover the Big Show… 1…2… Kane falls on top of Angle disrupting the count. He slowly picks Angle up and goes for the chokeslam… Angle goes high into the air… the camera lights flash. But Kane is low-blowed by the Big Show in a desperation attempt… out of nowhere Angle capitalises… he hits Kane with another Olympic Slam, Kane is out again, he turns and catches Big Show foot from an attempted big-boot. Angle hits a cradle suplex on the Big Show to the amazement of the crowd… 1…2…3! It’s all over Kurt Angle is the NEW SRW Hardcore Champion! He celebrates in the ring and receives the belt… he turns to the mic attendant and speaks… “I’m the champ, it’s true, it’s true!” “Hey, pass me my medals…” he added. No one knows where they are! Hey, Kaientai (Terry S and MJSwerve) have appeared on the big-screen! “Ha ha ha, we have you’re beautiful gold medals Kurt Angle” Shouts Taka (Terry S) “If you want them, you’ll have to come and find us… and Kurt… don’t forget that new title of yours!” “Indeed” adds Funaki (MJSwerve)!

The camera zooms in on Angle. His face is bright red with anger; and he’s out of here… fast as a bullet… he’s gone to reclaim his hard earned medals no doubt! I don’t think we’ve seen a match quite like that in ages, what a great Wrestlemania this is!

The winner of this match, and the new SRW Hardcore Champion,

Kurt Angle (SSXPro)

(© 2001 – The Game)

(Steve Blackman’s music hits) Here comes the Lethal Weapon, Steve Blackman (Golden Rhino)! After all the excitement we’ve seen so far tonight, we are now going to see a one-on-one single match, between 2 highly talented wrestlers; Steve Blackman (Golden Rhino) and Justin Credible (I Am The Tarrant)

(Credible’s music hits) Justin Credible now makes his way down to the ring.

The 2 step into the ring, and lock up. Blackman pushes Credible into the corner, and the referee has to break it up. The 2 lock up once again, and now Credible kicks Blackman twice in the gut. The right-hands from Credible, now he throws Blackman into the ropes. Blackman ducks the clothesline, bounces off the other ropes, and slides underneath Credible. Credible turns and is met by a huge karate kick to the face! Credible is down, and Blackman begins to take advantage, dropping his elbow straight into Credible’s stomach.

Blackman turns and celebrates to the crowd. Blackman slides to the outside of the ring, taking Credible with him. Blackman takes his head and ohhh!! Credible’s head slams against the steel steps. Blackman now slams his head onto my Announce Table! Blackman whips Credible into the steps, but it’s reversed, and Blackman smashes shoulder first into the steps!!

Credible throws Blackman into the ring, and stomps on him. Now he Irish Whips him into the turnbuckle, and slams into him shoulder-first, surely winding Blackman. Now Credible is standing on the turnbuckle, punching Blackman over and over!! But Blackman reverses, and powerbombs Credible onto the unforgiving canvas!! He pins him! Wait….who’s that?? It’s K-Kwik (Spider)!! What’s he doing here!! He’s in the ring!! Blackman sees him, and K-Kwik nails him with a beautiful spinning heel kick! K-Kwik does some dancin’, and runs backstage again! What was that about!?

Now Blackman and Credible are exchanging right hands, Blackman ducks one, and suplexes him from behind. And now Albert (khazar) is making his way to the ring!! Albert is a member of the X-Factor, a team in which Justin Credible is involved! Albert walks straight into the ring, grabs Blackman by the throat, and nails him with a huge Albert Bomb!! Albert slides out of the ring, and now both Blackman and Credible are down!

Credible is back up, and he whips Blackman into the ropes. Blackman leapfrogs over Credible, bounces off the opposite ropes and runs straight into a huge Brainbuster!! Credible pins Blackman, 1….2….3!! Credible wins this extremely tight match-up!

The winner of this match, Justin Credible (I Am The Tarrant)

(© 2001 – Ant)
Sat 09/06/01 at 17:36
Posts: 2,769
The Hardcore match was amazing!!!!
Sat 09/06/01 at 17:25
"I like cheese"
Posts: 16,918
I thought Game's match was brilliant (the Hardcore match)!

Also, my one (with Blackman and Credible) was quite short, as the others I wrote were pretty big, so we had to have one shortish one.

What did you think of my match as well?? {:)
Sat 09/06/01 at 17:17
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
What did you all think? It was my first role-play ever...!

Anyway, I do hope you all enjoyed it, and if Ant will let me i'll do one for the SRW King of the Ring!!!

Sat 09/06/01 at 17:14
"I am Bumf Ucked"
Posts: 3,669
That Hardcore match was brutal...

Angle VS Kaienti coming soon. Maybe.
Sat 09/06/01 at 17:11
"Hoo Har"
Posts: 1,281

K-Kwik came and Rueld

WHOOO HOOOOOO.. Did you like that dance and will i be playing again???

Sat 09/06/01 at 17:07
"Fishing For Reddies"
Posts: 4,986
Okay folks welcome back, we hope you’re enjoying Wrestlemania as much as we are! This place is packed to the rafters to witness what will now be one of the most gruelling, and physically demanding matches in Wrestlemania History.

3 Men. One title. It’s all about pride, it’s all about endurance and it’s all about just how damn brutal you can be! Kane (Venombyte), Angle (SSXPro) and The Big Show (Monkey With Attitude), it’s all about the Hardcore Title…

The lights go out… Kane’s (VenomByte’s) music hits… The crowd go wild… The Big Red Machine steps out to a massive ovation. He walks down the aisle amongst the Red-coloured smoke, fitting his glove as he goes. The camera pans round to see him greeted by some children sitting in aisle seats… Kane walks past, he has much more important things to think about. Over the top rope Kane get into the squared-circle… He stands in the centre of the ring, everyone knows what’s next… BOOM! All of a sudden, as if without warning the turnbuckles are engulfed in the flames from the fireworks… The crowd are ecstatic, Kane paces around the ring… the suddenly it hits… “Well it’s the Big Show…” The Big Show (Monkey With Attitude) walks down the aisle to a mixture of cheers and boos... annoyed by the constant ranting of a SRW fans he takes their sign and rips it in two! He continues down the ramp only to be attacked by the Big Red Machine. The two battle it out. Kane hits the Big Show with a couple of rights but the Big Show blocks. He returns the shots, Kane stumbles back and falls back onto the safety guard… Big Show enters the ring and lifts his hands in a victorious fashion.. Suddenly Kurt Angle’s (SSXPro) music hits… the crowd go wild with the atmosphere but then the cheers turn to a chorus of boos as Angle runs in to the ring only to be caught by a big size 24 from the Big Show.

The Big Show looks down at Angle and slaps him, but then is in turn attacked by Kane. The Big Show stumbles forward and knocks Angle and himself to the outside. The three battle outside the ring. Angle tries to hit Kane with a chair but Kane stops him with a kick to the abdomen… Kane turns round only to be caught with a monster clothesline by the Big Show. Angle and the Big Show stare each other out… Angle looks to the crowd he offers Big Show his hand. Show accepts. The crowd let out with a massive chorus of boos… Kane gets up but is met with a double-clothesline from his two opponents. Angle nods his head in approval. Show does the same. The two turn back on to Kane but they’re both caught with a right hand, another, another, Kane is cleaning house! Show stumbles backwards and falls over the ring steps and Angle is hit off balance and lands on the Spanish announce table… Kane signals to the crowd, they go wild. Kane and Angle are up on the announce table… the announcers scatter… Angle is lifted up for the Tombstone but Kane gets a chop-block from the Big Show. Angle rolls to safety… The battle rages on up the aisle to the entrance way… The Big Show and Angle are beating continuously on Kane.

Kane, after taking serious beating from Angle and the Big Show is teetering by the edge of the ramp, there is about a 16-foot drop… to the tables below… he gets hit with a right from the Big Show and a left from Angle… Big Show gives him one final right as Angle charges… Kane is dazed. Angle is charging at an alarming rate. Angle is about to connect but with strength seemingly from nowhere Kane ducks and catches Angle with a back body drop. Angle plummets to the tables below and the rafters bellow with an ‘aah’ from the crowd… Kane turns on the Big Show as Angle is down. They go out into the back as the cameraman follows… Kane hit the Big Show repeatedly until he backs off… Show finds a trashcan and hits Kane out of nowhere. Kane stumbles and falls in to a vending machine… Show goes for and extinguisher but is caught by Kane with a chair… Big Show is levelled and seemingly out cold. Kane goes for the pin… the ref counts… 1… 2… Big Show kicks out with a second to go! Kane pulls him to his feet only to ram him face first into a steel shutter… Kane goes for the cover again… this time only for a 1-count. The two continue to battle out the back whilst the camera shows Angle been taken away by a stretcher. Kane and the Big Show fight it out to the car park… Kane scoops the Big Show up just about holding him and slams him down onto the windscreen of a car… it The Rock’s (SHEEPY’S) Lincoln!

The camera shows The Rock in his dressing room with a look of disgust on his face as he watches Kane slam the Big Show on to the bonnet smashing the windscreen even more! The Rock runs out side, the camera focuses in on The Rock… he sprint over to Kane and levels him with a signature jumping-clothesline. Kane is down, floored by the magnificent Rock! Rock walks back only to be levelled by Undertaker (Ali)! Rock and ‘Taker battle elsewhere and Big Show capitalises on Kane’s misfortune… Kane and the Big Show battle more and return to the arena… they fight their way amongst the crowd… and Kane Irish-whips the Big Show into the guard and over the top… chairs and can are everywhere, both Kane and the Big Show are dumbfounded… then all of a sudden Kaientai run of, they’ve stolen Angle’s medals, they’re looking might please with themselves! Kane turns round and sees the Big Show looking for the ring bell, Big Show finds it but not before Kane finds a chair, Kane whacks the Big Show, you could almost hear his skull crack! They battle up the ramp again, with Kane hitting the bloody Big Show time and time again with the mangled chair… the Big Show stumbles off the ramp to the floor by the side… he tried to walk to the back to recover. He turns back but again he’s caught by the chair. Kane tries to hit the Big Show again but Show pulls a medic in the way, he gets clocked and it down and out… one by one the medics are eliminated as if part of a sick comedy show! Kane goes for the last shot the medics are all out… Show is a little worried… but just then Angle steps up and with the energy from nowhere he smacks Kane with a medic box… Kane is stunned and he drops the chair.

Angle turns to the Big Show and the allegiance that once was has been reformed, but not for long. And turns round and clocks the Big Show with the medic box… Show is out, so Kurt Angle goes for the cover… 1…2… Kane kicks out! The crowd are stunned; everyone thought it was all over! Angle battles Kane back to the ring where finally some wrestling is shown… but not for long as the Big Show comes back into play. He has a table from under the ring and as soon as he set it up it’s in pieces… Angle, out of nowhere hits an Olympic Slam on Kane… Kane is out… cold! Angle goes for the cover… 1…2… Big Show interrupts and lays the boots to Angle… Big Show starts some trash talking… he humiliates Angle by slapping him about. Kane is still out cold! Big Show beats on angle and send him to the ropes… Angle returns and ducks a big boot… again off the ropes this time he ducks a clothesline. Off the ropes again and Angle goes flying and catches Big Show with a flying elbow, Jericho style!

All three men are knackered, lying motionless on the mat. Angle stirs and just about rolls over to cover the Big Show… 1…2… Kane falls on top of Angle disrupting the count. He slowly picks Angle up and goes for the chokeslam… Angle goes high into the air… the camera lights flash. But Kane is low-blowed by the Big Show in a desperation attempt… out of nowhere Angle capitalises… he hits Kane with another Olympic Slam, Kane is out again, he turns and catches Big Show foot from an attempted big-boot. Angle hits a cradle suplex on the Big Show to the amazement of the crowd… 1…2…3! It’s all over Kurt Angle is the NEW SRW Hardcore Champion! He celebrates in the ring and receives the belt… he turns to the mic attendant and speaks… “I’m the champ, it’s true, it’s true!” “Hey, pass me my medals…” he added. No one knows where they are! Hey, Kaientai (Terry S and MJSwerve) have appeared on the big-screen! “Ha ha ha, we have you’re beautiful gold medals Kurt Angle” Shouts Taka (Terry S) “If you want them, you’ll have to come and find us… and Kurt… don’t forget that new title of yours!” “Indeed” adds Funaki (MJSwerve)!

The camera zooms in on Angle. His face is bright red with anger; and he’s out of here… fast as a bullet… he’s gone to reclaim his hard earned medals no doubt! I don’t think we’ve seen a match quite like that in ages, what a great Wrestlemania this is!

The winner of this match, and the new SRW Hardcore Champion,

Kurt Angle (SSXPro)

(© 2001 – The Game)

(Steve Blackman’s music hits) Here comes the Lethal Weapon, Steve Blackman (Golden Rhino)! After all the excitement we’ve seen so far tonight, we are now going to see a one-on-one single match, between 2 highly talented wrestlers; Steve Blackman (Golden Rhino) and Justin Credible (I Am The Tarrant)

(Credible’s music hits) Justin Credible now makes his way down to the ring.

The 2 step into the ring, and lock up. Blackman pushes Credible into the corner, and the referee has to break it up. The 2 lock up once again, and now Credible kicks Blackman twice in the gut. The right-hands from Credible, now he throws Blackman into the ropes. Blackman ducks the clothesline, bounces off the other ropes, and slides underneath Credible. Credible turns and is met by a huge karate kick to the face! Credible is down, and Blackman begins to take advantage, dropping his elbow straight into Credible’s stomach.

Blackman turns and celebrates to the crowd. Blackman slides to the outside of the ring, taking Credible with him. Blackman takes his head and ohhh!! Credible’s head slams against the steel steps. Blackman now slams his head onto my Announce Table! Blackman whips Credible into the steps, but it’s reversed, and Blackman smashes shoulder first into the steps!!

Credible throws Blackman into the ring, and stomps on him. Now he Irish Whips him into the turnbuckle, and slams into him shoulder-first, surely winding Blackman. Now Credible is standing on the turnbuckle, punching Blackman over and over!! But Blackman reverses, and powerbombs Credible onto the unforgiving canvas!! He pins him! Wait….who’s that?? It’s K-Kwik (Spider)!! What’s he doing here!! He’s in the ring!! Blackman sees him, and K-Kwik nails him with a beautiful spinning heel kick! K-Kwik does some dancin’, and runs backstage again! What was that about!?

Now Blackman and Credible are exchanging right hands, Blackman ducks one, and suplexes him from behind. And now Albert (khazar) is making his way to the ring!! Albert is a member of the X-Factor, a team in which Justin Credible is involved! Albert walks straight into the ring, grabs Blackman by the throat, and nails him with a huge Albert Bomb!! Albert slides out of the ring, and now both Blackman and Credible are down!

Credible is back up, and he whips Blackman into the ropes. Blackman leapfrogs over Credible, bounces off the opposite ropes and runs straight into a huge Brainbuster!! Credible pins Blackman, 1….2….3!! Credible wins this extremely tight match-up!

The winner of this match, Justin Credible (I Am The Tarrant)

(© 2001 – Ant)

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