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"grand theft auto vice city (help)"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'.
Tue 12/10/04 at 16:11
Posts: 1
i have entered a cheat that makes all the people riot and carry guns good fun for a bit but how do i take the cheat off i have tried putting in the cheat code again but it does not work any suggestions please thanks mick
Wed 13/10/04 at 16:08
Posts: 9,631
Cheats are perhaps the best thing for Vice City. They just make it more enjoyable once the initial "OMG THIS GAME FOOKING RULES" wears off.
Wed 13/10/04 at 16:05
Posts: 466
Reynolds wrote:
> You've just learnt a valuable lesson there, never use cheats they ruin
> the game!

Totally agree mainly because it takes the skill of playing the game out of the question and basically anyone even a blind man can enter these cheats so basically what is the point.
Wed 13/10/04 at 15:58
"The Expert"
Posts: 95
Yea try this dont plug the memory card in play with out the memory card or delete that cheat from the memo card.
Wed 13/10/04 at 14:49
"Cigar smoker"
Posts: 7,885
cweek2000 wrote:
> Oh no, it's too late! San Andreas is out now...

It is .... pray tell where can I pick it up instore ?
Wed 13/10/04 at 12:56
"Foxes 4 Ever!!!"
Posts: 2,090
You've just learnt a valuable lesson there, never use cheats they ruin the game!
Tue 12/10/04 at 22:58
"boom boom click"
Posts: 885
its not a bad cheat to be stuck with! i used make it state of emergency where i did all peds have guns cheat, peds hate me and peds riot! I used have wars across the streets freedom fughters style! so very very fun!
Tue 12/10/04 at 20:25
"forceful tendencies"
Posts: 450
that's a shame, I'm not gonna be able to get that too... :(
Tue 12/10/04 at 20:20
"In Soviet Russia..."
Posts: 3,934
Ah, I see your problem. You entered the riot cheat, and probably saved. If you did, it sets your game file so it's always like that. You're stuck with it. That also means you can't ever get 100%. It's harsh really. I reckon in the next game, you shouldn't be able to save with cheats in.

Oh no, it's too late! San Andreas is out now...
Tue 12/10/04 at 20:19
"forceful tendencies"
Posts: 450
it might not be able to turn off, it is like ped riot. Always read the cheat carefully
Tue 12/10/04 at 16:35
"Bow to me!"
Posts: 1,080
the cheat dosnt turn off after save

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