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"Battalion Wars"

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Sun 04/09/05 at 23:35
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
IGN have put up a "Detailed Preview" of the final build of Battalion Wars and they're calling it "the sleeper Gamecube hit of the season". Apparently it's a lot of fun to play and surprisingly tactical. Shockingly, though, there's no multiplayer. Seeing as squad based war games like CDS and Op Flash and the like are at their best in co-op this is a mighty shame. Here's the full preview:

So my expectations for this have suddenly jumped from forgetting that it existed to "must buy". Things are looking up for us GC owners - at least we'll have one game to play this christmas.
Mon 05/09/05 at 03:04
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
Mario 64, Ocarina Of Time, Turok 1, Goldeneye, Mario Kart.

There was one other good game but i can't remember it's name as it wasn'tt released anywhere but asia.
Mon 05/09/05 at 02:37
Posts: 8,220
Heh, that looks good actually.

I hadn't been paying any attention to it until now either.

It always makes you wonder though, when you find something unexpectedly good - how many other gems you miss.

Road Rash 64 was another one. And the Burnout cube version - I still play that more than BO2. Great stuff.
Mon 05/09/05 at 01:11
"Divine Davine"
Posts: 799
Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Ocarina Of Time/ Majora's Mask, Paper Mario, 1080, Turok series, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Diddy Kong, Pilotwings, Jet Force Gemini, Conker, WWF No Mercy/Wrestlemania 2000, Excitebike, Super Smash Bros, Mario Golf/Tennis/Party, Ridge Racer 64, Snowboard Kids, Lylat Wars, Blast Corps, Wave Race...

Five my ass, matey.
Mon 05/09/05 at 00:34
Posts: 5,953
Only 5 good games on the N64? Wash your mouth out with soap.
Mon 05/09/05 at 00:30
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
i have a feeling a gamecube will be much like the n64 for me, there will be about 5 games that i will love and the rest i'll never bother with.
Mon 05/09/05 at 00:19
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
Well Hunters isn't out until next year and the only other FPS is Rogue Agent :/

But yeah there are literally dozens of fantastic Gamecube games, a handful of great RPGs and whatnot.
Mon 05/09/05 at 00:18
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
I am considering a DS or gamecube, i just don't really like the look of the DS. but i do want one so will probably wait till xmas and get a good deal.
Mon 05/09/05 at 00:17
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
Get a DS and play Metroid Prime Hunters. Can't get more precise than that.
Mon 05/09/05 at 00:14
"Captain to you."
Posts: 4,609
It's more about the mouse though as buttons on the pad could be used like W,A,S,D. It's getting a quick and precise movement that i want, something that i personally have problem with when using pads.
Sun 04/09/05 at 23:53
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
You can get a Keyboard. You can also get a controller with a keyboard between the two handles. Crazy stuff.

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