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"NTL are a joke...."

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Thu 30/06/05 at 11:19
"leaf it aaaaht"
Posts: 7,914

Finally after 2 weeks, I have our telephone/TV/Broadband all sorted. TWO WEEKS it took for them.

We finally got someone to come round and install it yesterday afternoon..'It'll be up an working in half hour' he told me. But was it? WAS IT HELL.

Anyhoo...I'm back...
Thu 30/06/05 at 13:55
"you've got a beard"
Posts: 7,442
they are indeed crap, but they've suckered in my household by having the internet, tv and phone through one place.

their constant rule changes on the broadband are a pain.
they also sent the broadband signal to the old (and therefore wrong) address before we called them. numbnuts.
Thu 30/06/05 at 13:53
Posts: 9,808
Read the terms and conditions, there must be a get-out clause somewhere.
Thu 30/06/05 at 13:48
"leaf it aaaaht"
Posts: 7,914
I didn't really have a other house was already NTL-ed up and now I got a 12 month contract.
Thu 30/06/05 at 13:45
Posts: 9,808
You must have read all the other NTL horror stories here? Yet you thought it would be different for you?

Seriously, I wouldn't touch NTL with Hedfix's barge-pole.
Thu 30/06/05 at 11:33
"leaf it aaaaht"
Posts: 7,914
No it couldn't have. Seriously.'s the full story.

So two weeks ago we moved into our lovely new flat, with the bed that dips in the middle.

NTL man came to install our stuff but then said 'I can't do nothing until you get permission from your landlord I'll send you a letter for him to sign, It'll be with you in 4 days'

A week passed and still no sign of the letter. So EB rang them up and they said they'd send us another. A week passed and still no letter. So I rang them on Tuesday and then got some rude pikey girl on the phone, 'do you want me to send you someone out or not?' HAVE YOU NOT LISTENED TO THE STORY?!?

So I spoke to a supervisor (I never wanted to be the sort of customer to speak to a supervisor but then I suppose it can't be helped when you get dealt with by incompetent fools). He said it would be alright to get a letter from the estate agents. So off I went into town, after spending the night before throwing up, I got the letter and the man came yesterday and it was all done.

BUT...they hadn't sent a signal to the box, or for the internet and they gave me an instalation disk with a bug on it. How rude!

4 times they told me yesterday the set top box would be working..:o(

So I've spent 2 hours on the phone this morning trying to sort it...and only to be told they hadn't put it on my account because I had moved.

Not only that..but they took £40 from my account which makes no sense because we've got the 3 for £30, and we hadn't used it at all. It turns out they are still charging me for internet at my old house when I told them to disconnect it 5 weeks ago.

and that is why NTL sucks...I'm sure there's more problems we've encounted but my head hurts and I can't think right now.
Thu 30/06/05 at 11:27
Posts: 1,296
Bullett wrote:
> Lawrence wrote:
> NTL are a joke....

still it could of been worse....yup
Thu 30/06/05 at 11:25
Posts: 14,437
Lawrence wrote:
> NTL are a joke....

I thought everyone knew that :P
Thu 30/06/05 at 11:21
Posts: 1,296
could of been worse
Thu 30/06/05 at 11:19
"leaf it aaaaht"
Posts: 7,914

Finally after 2 weeks, I have our telephone/TV/Broadband all sorted. TWO WEEKS it took for them.

We finally got someone to come round and install it yesterday afternoon..'It'll be up an working in half hour' he told me. But was it? WAS IT HELL.

Anyhoo...I'm back...

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