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"Zelda - please help!!"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time'.
Thu 11/11/04 at 14:14
Posts: 2
I have been playing zelda ocarina of time for a while and Link has now growm up but I never went to lon lon ranch as a kid and need to know if it's still possible to get Epona. I have been to the ranch as an adult and ridden the horse but I don't have Epona's song. Later in the game can you travel back to life a a kid or if not can you get the song another way? Please help cos I don't want to have to redo the whole thing!!!
Tue 01/09/15 at 15:20
Posts: 2
ideally,visit everywhere like I did as a kid and adult link,u need to have more than 60 rupees and epona song,if successful u and epona will jump over lonlon ranch's metal fence
Wed 04/01/12 at 11:15
Posts: 29
you can put the sword in the stand in the light temple and you will be a kid go to the ranch and talk to the little girl at night or day when she is in the field and she will teach you the song then get your sword andgo to the ranch beat the guy in the race with the other horse not the horse the guy offers!
Wed 05/01/05 at 23:06
"The Will of D."
Posts: 5,643
Just go to each submarine in turn again, you'll find it eventually.
Wed 05/01/05 at 23:04
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
1 more thing on wind waker i just need 1 bottle to compleat everything on the game i know for a fact that the bottle is on a submarine but i cant find the right 1 i got the submarine chart and everything
Wed 05/01/05 at 23:02
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
Has any one orders 4 swords i cant wait till it gets mailed to me :)))
Wed 05/01/05 at 23:01
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
because im just doing the side quests now the main game is quite simple the only bit i dont like is the bit inside the fishs belly thats so confuseing
Wed 05/01/05 at 22:59
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
Yeah there's a sequence of trading that you have to do. Go talk to the big goron on the top of the mountain.
Wed 05/01/05 at 22:55
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
Wind waker is the easiest zelda game in the series im still playing on orcarina of time masterquest does any one know how to get the goron sword??
Wed 05/01/05 at 21:29
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
yeah that's the wind waker.

You get the Mirror shield in the Desert Temple after you do Gerudo's Fortress.
Wed 05/01/05 at 21:25
"yo mah m8"
Posts: 25
i can help you you get the mirror shield in the last temple before you fight the great puppateer and gannondarf its in an invisible chest that you hjave to shine light on using the bird girls harp to uncover the chest with the mirror shield in it

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