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"Nintendo's future"

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Thu 01/06/00 at 11:08
Posts: 787
The reason that everyone in the world doesn't own a Playstation (what a horrible thought) is that Nintendo can always come up with fantastic gamess like Zelda and Pokemon. These gems were in development for ages like almost every other good Nintendo game but when they are released then they are great and you are thankful that Nintendo took the time to create a truly breathtaking game instead of just bringing out any old rubbish to make a quick profit. You compare this to the games that Sony are churning out, they make loads of games but how many of them do you ever hear about. Yes there are more games on the Playstation than on the N64 but, whereas most gamers can instantly name half a dozen Nintendo classics like Lylat Wars and Super Mario 64, if I asked anyone to name some classic games that was produced by Sony they would struggle to name just one. Sony relies almost entirly on third party support which is a dangerous game to play (no pun intendied) because when the next generation consoles come out, many developers will favour Nintendo's machine as it is easier to program and the hefty charges imposed by Nintendo to potential developers will be gone. If Sony can only support their Playstation 2 with a few sub standard games produced by them with only a few die hard developers to back them up they will be in serious trouble. All throughout the N64s life people blamed it's financial failure on it's lack of third party support and now it seems that Sony has become too complacent for it's own good and they look to be going down the same road as Nintendo did all those years ago. Because the Playstation was a success, Sony are naturally assuming that people will buy their console even if it has no good games to back it up.
Of course I may be wrong and, in 2 years time when people are reading this, Nintendo and Sega may have gone bankrupt and Sony will be unchallenged. However, I think that when the Playstation 2 is launched, first everyone will rush to buy the system, then after they've read a few things about it and seen some of the games, they may not be as willing to part with thier money. Sony have looked at the success of the Playstation and they believe that just because the brand name is the same, people will buy their console over the competition. That is a very costly mistake for any company, large or small, to make especially as they must take whatever the third party developers choose to give them and, recently the Playstaion has been criticized for having too many sequels, this is what the third party developers choose to make because it is a safe option. A company who make their own games can afford to be a little more origonal.
Also, I always think that Sony have no real identity. When I think of Nintendo I think of Mario, when I think of Sega I think of Sonic but, because Sony are a huge, multinational company who make all kinds of electrical equipment, I don't associate them with games and they have no real mascot with whom their customers can associate them with. Both the Final Fantasy series and the Tomb Raider series are produced by third party developers and versions of these games appear on different platforms so they cannot market them as their own games whereas Nintendo created many of today's top games characters and so they can use them to market their owm games and consoles. If Sony isn't careful, it will find itself being distrusted by the public simply because they are a large, faceless corporation and they rely too heavily on other companies to produce their games for them.

All this is good news for Nintendo who, I predict, will be in for a much easier time when the Playstation 2 is released and everyone slowly realises that it is not the ultimate games console that the Playstation mags say it is.
Until then we've still got some great games like Perfect Dark and Zelda, Majora's Mask to enjoy so I'm not too worried as long as Nintendo continue to make great games.
Thu 29/03/01 at 00:49
Posts: 15,579
okay, just saying did ting is old, really old. and too damn long. is really goos stuff thoough? i might read it later.
Thu 29/03/01 at 00:31
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
It's only a click away if you know the right link.

Wed 28/03/01 at 23:01
Posts: 15,579
how pucking board must u be, going back dat par.
Wed 28/03/01 at 20:52
Posts: 16,558
Ages ago what is your point.
Wed 28/03/01 at 20:49
"who da man???"
Posts: 85
How right are you??? That is such an accurate way of saying that Sony is a load of s***!!! I totally agree, but what about Sega. They make decent games, but are now out of the picture (for the moment, anyway). And don't say its because their console is rubbish because it isn't that bad. I just hope this happens to sony and to microsoft, and that microsoft don't venture beyond their boundaries.
Wed 28/03/01 at 15:30
Posts: 0
I dont know! I doubt it, but then maybe hes changed his name and is still lurking around somewhere!
Wed 28/03/01 at 15:01
Posts: 14,117
Is that bloke even around any more?

Did he win gameaday for that post?
Wed 28/03/01 at 14:58
Posts: 0
Sony Classics...hmmmm...

Spyro the Dragon
Chase the express

Your right Sony are doomed (runs of a cliff then realises that he didnt buy a PS2 and so there was no need!)


Good comment 007, your next mission is a dangerous will be sent to post truthful anti-Sony comments deep within the PS2 Forum!
Wed 28/03/01 at 14:35
Posts: 14,117
How accurate is that! Its almost freaky, quick, get him to predict the lottery numbers!
Wed 28/03/01 at 14:31
"Copyright: FM Inc."
Posts: 10,338
Now THIS post (written June last year) has to be the most accurate prediction of the future that has ever been written in the FOG. It deserves some kinda retro award (send him a SNES or something).

There's not one thing I can dispute with the post below (except maybe the 'Sony the 'faceless' corporation' idea, they may have been faceless then but today everyone can associate Sony with gaming).

All the same, it's kinda wierd how accurate this post was, even if it WAS written by a Nintendo fan. Read it, then get your tealeaves out and see if you can do any better.


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