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"The Mike Thread"

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This thread has been linked to the game 'Resident Evil 4'.
Tue 29/03/05 at 22:45
Posts: 2,207
Yes, Mike. In this thread we all show our eternal love and dedication to Mike the helicopter man.

I'm glad you were in my life Mike. :(
Thu 31/03/05 at 10:35
"the burning sky"
Posts: 4,984
Yeah some random guy with a rocket launcher, but we all knew it would happen.
Thu 31/03/05 at 10:32
Posts: 7,741
Who actually kills Mike? I think it's just some random dude which sucks.

They must pay!
Wed 30/03/05 at 22:52
Posts: 5,848
Thanks, I dunno what for, but thanks anyway ... Mike
Wed 30/03/05 at 15:14
"gsybe you!"
Posts: 18,825
Done on professional.

Own you all.


The bit where the pillar falls on the last Ganados is great.
Wed 30/03/05 at 12:37
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
yes if you don't mind dying a lot.
Wed 30/03/05 at 12:26
"the burning sky"
Posts: 4,984
On my second play thro' I shot the wolf, but he just ran over the fence as normal. Then I quit cus it was far too easy. Shall start on proffesional some time soon.
Wed 30/03/05 at 12:22
"bing bang bong"
Posts: 3,040
Jock was better.
Wed 30/03/05 at 12:12
"bit of a brain"
Posts: 18,933
I vowed that if El Gigante killed wolfy I'd restart. Luckily he didn't hooray!
Wed 30/03/05 at 12:06
Posts: 2,207
Me and my friend sat there cheering it on.

"Go Whitefang GO Whitefang!...NO Whitefang NO"
Wed 30/03/05 at 12:02
Posts: 1,204
ah, the only thing i liked in the game was the wolf i saved...such a hero in that battle :'(

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